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Sunday, May 23, 2004
post filler as you all know...
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yeah this is the usual thing I have to do you know... yeah... seems you guys really like my chatter box lol. Hey do any of you know where I can get those Inuyasha movies, not the episodes but the actual movies they made. Thanks.

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Part 4
Chapter IV
I went to bed thinking of what they had said, not much really but enough to leave me frightened. Chilled to the bone, and on this summer night I snuggled deeper into the warmth of my quilt. I closed my eyes first I saw the red of my eyelids, then a woman. A glimpse of her face so familiar yet where had I seen her? She had vanished before I could take another look. Then a hill is what I saw with gallows at the top, I knew this place for it was where Belinda and so many others had come to their demise. I saw horrible visions that night, but what scared me most was that same woman, she was putting me under water, drowning me, I couldn’t breath suffocated under darkness, unaware of life, just the cold abyss that was my grave. I woke up in a cold sweat my lungs regaining strength and forcing oxygen into my lungs. I got up for an unknown reason I felt a draft. I looked down to find my nightgown soaked with water from the well. My eyes widened. The well? What about it? Was there something that man wasn’t supposed to know, secrets of ancient times hidden in the tiny well, that we thought only held water. I closed my eyes to try and regain my own thoughts, to keep sane at least. Then I saw felt it again. Hands around my throat, holding tightly, cutting off my air. I reopened them I quickly glanced around the room, nothing there.
I didn’t sleep a wink that night, I stayed awake staring at the faded lettering of the bloody message, which didn’t help the aura of something that had gone terribly gone wrong from enveloping me in true fear.
You never know true fear until you have met it. True fear is not thinking monsters are in the dark, it’s much more. Fear is the sense of knowing something truly wicked and evil is there about to do something random and deadly. Fear is much more than pain and being afraid, it’s a sense. Much like sight, smell, taste, and touch. You know it’s there, not just a suspicion.
I was afraid that if I closed my eyes that mysterious woman would kill me. A shadowed face had brought me to know fear. A woman I didn’t know, or did but unknowingly didn’t know it. I had a deep feeling that those witches had done this.
I walked to Andrew Miller’s house to give her mother some fresh milk In return for the eggs she had given us. I rapped on the door, no answer. I went to reach for the knob and I had a vision. Andrew hanging by a noose, swinging slowly back and forth, his eyes bulging, his foot hitting the wall next to him. His eyes seemed to follow me no matter which way his body swung. Even if his back was to me I felt like they were still there. Cold and lifeless. I started to cry, I was afraid, but this was not fear.
Andrew opened the door, he found me crying, my face tear-stained. I fell in his arms, not caring what others would think.
“Wh- what are you doing here Nora?” he seemed shocked, yet the kindness that was always there lingered.
“I- I- I’ve just come to give you this milk.” I looked down, the pail was a few feet away, I must have had flung it behind me when the door opened. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to really it’s just... “ I didn’t want him to think I was insane, I couldn’t tell him about my visions or the witches. Then while I was looking at the ground disappointed in myself when he said, “Nora, would you like to take a walk with me?” I didn’t know what to say, I just smiled slightly. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He smiled warmly at me.
We walked through the woods, we stopped at a clearing. The light filtering through the trees, giving it a mystic look. We sat there by the stream, the soft trickle of water flowing over pebbles. He put his arm around me, he said to me in a gentle voice, “You seem scared what’s wrong.”
I just bowed my head, he picked it up with two fingers lightly under my chin. He then leaned closer and kissed me. Then we heard a rustle from in the brush.

I thought these pictures were appropriate.
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Saturday, May 22, 2004
you all know what this is, damn internet....
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Blah blah blah...
Chapter III Questions
I walked down to Tara Smith’s House, her younger sister had had convulsions too. Had she gotten a threatening message too? I walked in and asked her mother if Tara was home. It turned out she had taken a walk by the stream. I walked down there and saw her gathering water in a wooden bucket.
“ Hello Tara...” My voice faded. “I Was wondering... Do you remember when your sister was shaking” I said slowly, “ and We didn’t know what was wrong?”
“ Yes” She said darkly, her curly, black hair falling over her face.
“ Well...” I continued on, did you see anything, or anyone strange that night or even before that?”
She looked back her green eyes serious. She started to look around like someone was after her... Like I looked last night... “ No,” she said a little to quickly, and in a voice that wasn’t her own. “ I’m sorry but I have to bring this water home... My mother will be needing it.”
She walked off before I could say anything more, and left me behind in dismay.
I also visited Anna Thompson, we walked through the forest, I felt more comfortable in daylight, and with another person with me. We came to the brush, and I led her to the clearing where the witches had been. She looked slightly nervous, her light-brown hair tied in a knot on the back of her head. Strands kept falling in her face. We sat on the log where the piping witch had sat.
“All this, this it’s just too much....” she said. She was only fifteen, like me, but she looked so young, so afraid. Her eyes were wide and she was slightly shaking.
“What’s too much?” I asked, I knew what she had meant, but I wanted to see if she had any answers.
“ This.... all this, there’s been so many.... murders....” her voice shook and she started to sob. “ I’m just so scared, I mean all of those girls, we knew them and... you did too....they never did anything they were accused of.... I know it.” she said all this slowly through hot tears, that ran down her face. “... and I’m just afraid that we’ll be next.”
“ But how do you know?” I asked. was she going to tell?
“ I.... I.... can’t tell you.” she buried her face in my arm. “ I want to go home.” she said in a muffled voice.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I walked her home, but as we were walking she started, to mumble.
“ They’re watching us.” she said. Staring at the air. Like no one else was there.
“What? What are you talking about?” I asked, she was acting very strange.
“They’re watching us! You know who I’m talking about! They’re watching us! Always!” luckily no one was around. She was shouting very loud and then she suddenly got quiet. Without looking back, she ran home.
What had been wrong? ‘They’re watching us’? What did she mean, suddenly it dawned on me. The Witches.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It all started when two girls, had had convulsions, not Tara and Anna’s sisters, two other girls. They had came and said that witches had caused it, and said that witches worked for the devil. Their African American nanny had been letting them play with, her magical things, cards, boards with letters on them. She had no intention of hurting them, she never knew what trouble it would bring.
That's part 3 of it. Jenny had a kick ass dream so we're making a story of it! I'm gonna illustrate it -_-v she's making me. Anyways that's about it I guess. Anything ya'll wanna talk about go ahead.
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Yet again...
yet again a post to put a post, by the way don't you just hate it when girls get all emotional over stupid crap? (no offense)
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Man I am actually tired, but we all know that I'll be up in 3 hours again... I'll probably go out and talk to some coyotes or something... anywho here's the next part of my story.
Chapter II
I had to stifle my scream, it wasn’t fairies or Leprechauns. It was people four women in fact. They were dancing around a fire, one playing the piccolo, the fire light flickering on her face. She looked so young, yet she seemed to have the wisdom of a thousand years. She stopped piping and the others stopped dancing. They were Witches! All the terrible thing have been happening because of them! They are responsible for all these abnormal events! Those wicked Demons! I thought they are the reason Belinda is dead. I started crying to myself, silently in Anger and sadness. Suddenly fear swept over me and I listened intently. One of the women, stood up with a raven in a wooden cage.
“I summon the power of Wind!” she shouted. Another stood up with a dead small-mouth bass.
“I summon the power of water!” she shouted. Is this some kind of ritual? It went on with the last two.
“I summon the power of Fire!”
“I summon the power of Earth!” those were the last shouts. They went on chanting strange rhymes. I thought oh, my goodness it must be late! I must get home fast! I stood up and hoped the witches wouldn’t notice me. I stood up the flame, bright orange against my skin.
Then suddenly one of the witches who was dancing, said,” Someone intrudes, we must find them.” She stood still for a moment. I was frozen like a deer who detects it’s prey. “There behind the brush!”
Oh no! I thought what is to become of me if I am caught! I didn’t care if they saw me running, heading for my home, they already knew I was there. They were close behind. I could see the clearing that led to my house, bathed in moonlight, the shadows to guide me. It was a blur I paid no attention to my surroundings. I finally reached my house. as I grabbed the door handle, I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I turned to see how close they were, but to my amazement they were nowhere to be found. An owl hooted at me as I walked in.
“Child, where have you been? Why are you all sweaty?” my mother said sternly, yet I detected a sense of fear In it.
“ I saw...” I was trying to catch my breath, I was about to utter the truth, and then something happened to Marianne.
She started to shake, her eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue lolled out. I had no idea what was wrong. The same things had happened to other girls, and that was why the witch trials started. My mother ran over to Marianne and started to cry.
“God, why Marianne? Don’t you have any mercy on a mere child?” Her voice broke. Then she looked up, fire in her eyes. “ It isn’t god’s fault,” She said in almost a whisper staring off into space. Then her tone became more fierce and she was yelling. “ It’s those damn witches’ fault! I hope they burn in hell!” My mother then leaned on my father and started to bawl.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I woke up the next morning, thinking the worst of all the possible things in the world. I was deeply engrossed in my thoughts, and it seemed like I had no surroundings. No Dresser, No Mirror, and No bed. I absentmindedly walked over to my dresser and took out a dress. I suddenly could see everything again, and I was aware of the world. I screamed. A dead squirrel was on top of my dresser and on my mirror, was a message... in it’s blood. ‘ DO not dare tell our secret or the worst will come’. I didn’t know what to do. I was scared out of my whits. Wait.... is this why the other girls shook? Did someone in their family see the witches too?
Well there you go.
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
do do do
Pay no mind I just can't post unless I have one before it and then this one won't show up until I post tommorow >< I hate it.
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I wrote this for.... entertainment? Long time ago I want to see how it'd go here.
Chapter I
The Execution
I watched as they walked her up to the gallows, that were set upon a hill. It was a grieving period, even though not all of our loved ones were gone. The councilmen have accused many young girls of witchery in the past months. Belinda Roberts was accused because, just last week she wore a red ribbon in her hair, they accused her of being in the league with Satan. I am horrified that they make us watch as our friends and families are killed. What madmen run this town? our little town of Salem? I believe they are possessed that the Devil lives in them, and that they should be hanged for such cruelty and, to make us watch, but I must not say my thoughts or I shall sentenced also.
The night even seemed to be Mourning as an unusual fog rolled at our heels. I looked up at the cloudy, starless sky. They took belinda up to the platform, her face emotionless, she was staring at the ground.
They put her head through the loop of rope. she stood on a box, and then without warning, the executioner kicked out the box from under her. Such pain, no one deserves a death like this, I knew Belinda and her family, and they were good Christian people. they would never have anything to do with the devil. Her face started to turn blue and her feet twitched and then she was still. Her eyes were bulging, her tongue hanging out.
She was dead. I don’t think I could ever believe that this was cruel reality. I buried my head in my mother’s arm and began to cry. Belinda had been my best friend in the whole world. I hadn’t noticed but my mother had tears running down her face also, Belinda had been as much as a Daughter to her as a sister to me. My father lay one hand on my shoulder and the other on my mother’s. We turned around and headed for our house.
I went to my room and changed into my flannel nightgown, and then brushed my hair. I went into deep thought while I was brushing. My Auburn hair was curly, and I realized that I looked just as my mother did when she was younger, Dark auburn hair, and sparkling blue eyes. My mother’s hair was faded with gray developing at the sides, but her face was still young and lively as it had always been. My thoughts suddenly changed to Andrew Miller,
his hair, a sand color and his big, deep brown eyes. I would occasionally see him when I went to borrow something from his mother. He would be sitting in the corner whittling or tending to the fire. Every once and a while I would catch him staring at me as I waited for his mother. Oh how I wish he was thinking what I hope he was thinking..... but those are not proper thoughts for a lady. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my mother coming into the room.
“Have you seen my mixing spoon, Nora dear?”she asked.
“No mother, I have not. Is Maryann all right?”
“I’m afraid not my dear, her fever is still high, but with a little rest she should be up in no time.”
My Mother had always been a cheery Irish Woman who looked at the bright side of things. Maryann is my younger sister and at the moment was unwell.
“Do you need my help mother?” I didn’t wait for an answer, I got up and went into the cooking area. My father was carrying in logs from outside. His hair was astray and his face pink from the cool wind outside. While my mother was bustling about in the other room looking for her spoon, I grabbed my robe and headed for the back door.
“What do you think your doing child?” my mother asked, a look of fear on her face. “ Your not descent enough to go outside, and if your caught outside by yourself, you are sure to be burned!”
“Don’t worry mother, it’s dark out so it doesn’t matter if I’m descent, and I am going to walk on the path behind the stables.”
My mother let out a heavy sigh and told me that I could go. I started to walk down the dirt path and headed towards the forest. My mother had told me stories from Ireland, about fairies and leprechauns who lived in the forest, and played music and Danced around attracting people with their lively tune. if you were not careful they would make you one of the Dancing Undead, and you would be forced to dance to their music forever. I had always wanted to see them, just a peek and not be caught. I was scared to even think about that memory because of all the superstitious thoughts running around. All the accusations of witchcraft. I started into the forest I knew it by heart, Belinda and I used to play in the forest all the time.... Belinda... she wasn’t here anymore. I walked keeping mt thought to myself when I heard the sound of a person playing a piccolo, or was it a person? I knew there was a clearing just over that brush. Could it be Leprechauns and fairies? I walked slowly, to avoid being heard and pulled the brush back. I was truly shocked at what I saw.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
NOOOOO and YES!!!!
The NOOOOOO part is that tonight I have a band (snore) concert, (luckily my parents are letting me quit after next year, THANK GOD!) and I have to play the Solo! NOOOO I'M GONNA BLOW IT BIG TIME. Well the yes part is that Carl is actually Inuyasha! Muhahaha I have been getting him Ramen a lot, that seems to be his favorite thing in the world. Well I guess I should get ready for the concert now -_-v.

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