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myOtaku.com: kagomeinuyashasit

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Well actually yesterday. My cousins came over, they come in. Ok one is a pretty big 15 year old (big as in tall) and the other is 14 and really small. They both come in and hug me. My reaction: flailing my arms and yelling GET OFF!!! ME NO LIKEY HUGS!!!! Well I haven't spent much time with my cousins but today we had fun. I hung out mostly with Alex (15 year old one) He has a very perverted sense of humor, but I do too sometimes. So it worked out. Well later we were watching Kung-Pow, very funny movie, and I was drawing .hack//infection characters, and Steve (14 year old) came over and goes, hey that's pretty good! Then hugs me and runs off saying I hugged an artist! It was all just a blur, I didn't have time to react. And then I was on the couch, Steve comes up behind me hugs me and doesn't let go. He goes "hug me" I said "no" "hug me" " no" Hug me" "NO" "why not?" "I don't like hugs" "hug me" "NO" so then I went to pat him on the back so he would leave me alone. I accidentally patted his butt, we bursted out laughing, and he said that that was close enough. So then when they were leaving Alex gave me a handshake and Steve comes up and hugs me again and would get off. I was practically carrying him around the yard going "GET OFF ME!!!!" He said he was in a very huggy mood today. Yes.... well I figured out Alex is into Anime and I think Steve is... I think he likes Gundam, yes Katy I bet that got your attention. Well that's about all I have to say right now.

Shinichi Kudo a.k.a. Jimmy Kudo

Hey my brother is lonely at his site. Come on people go over there and let him feel welcomed, and thank you sailor firestar for signing his guestbook.

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