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Smurf Land
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I am currently doing 'business' in Columbia...
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You're not a cop are you? Just call me Grandma Smurf
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To not die laughing from Mike, Jenny, Joey, T.J., Alannah, and Chris B.
drawing, making pervertive jokes...
drawing, impressions, writing stories, my knowledge of pop culture, and my ability to memorize song lyrics and instrumental jams after hearing it a couple times
| kagomeinuyashasit
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Hot Tamales
Tamales is what I call Larissa because that's what her last name rhymes with and she's Mexican so it all works out. I walked home with Larissa after school today, it was pretty far I think like 2 miles... I'm not sure. I just know that those shoes Jennifer sold me were not broken in so that just added to it. Then we were really hungry when we got there, so we made sandwiches and we were almost out of mayonaise, now there is no more mayonaise. But I made a good sandwich I wanted another one but like I said, there was no more mayonaise. We noticed that on the fridge it said "Larissa, do the dishes before I get home or no mall!" but we put that off until the last minute cause we had 3 hours. So then Johnny came over, I swear they don't know it but those two are gonna get married. Larissa secretly loves him even though she doesn't want to (we were reading her journal) and he well we're not sure. Anyways he did this hilarious thing on her camera phone thingy it was like "For all you ladies out there that're watching this, *brushes fingers through hair* you can't handle this yet. *points camera down towards that 'area'* yeah that was funny, he has this awesome pimp bike! It's a lowrider and purple stripedy, it's his sisters but he rides it anyways. Then we did the dishes and I swear we barely finished when her mom got home. Then we went to the mall. We looked for Larissa's clothes for that assembly thing. Then we went to Hot Topic, I got red and black striped tights that go up to my thigh, a new Green Day shirt with the Jesus of Suburbia on it, some skull earrings, and a magazine. Yeah so then we went to Jack in the Box and got some food. Her mom ordered in Spanish because the lady was having a hard time understanding english. That was cool me and Larissa kept referring to George Lopez (you'd understand if you've seen it) yeah then they took me home. And I actually remembered the cross streets and everything! I'm so proud of myself. Then I came home and watched a HILARIOUS episode of Two Guys and a Girl. It was the Haloween special, it was awesome. Then my dad came home with $300 and that's a long story so now my dad is happy and so is my mom (except that there was just an earthquake and we had no idea) but my dad wanted fast food so ironically they are at Jack in the Box right now. Well that's all for now, Snugens.
This is from a later Haloween episode.

And this is the awesome Ryan Reynolds who plays the wonderful character that is Berg.
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