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Smurf Land
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You're not a cop are you? Just call me Grandma Smurf
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To not die laughing from Mike, Jenny, Joey, T.J., Alannah, and Chris B.
drawing, making pervertive jokes...
drawing, impressions, writing stories, my knowledge of pop culture, and my ability to memorize song lyrics and instrumental jams after hearing it a couple times
| kagomeinuyashasit
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Part 4
Chapter IV
I went to bed thinking of what they had said, not much really but enough to leave me frightened. Chilled to the bone, and on this summer night I snuggled deeper into the warmth of my quilt. I closed my eyes first I saw the red of my eyelids, then a woman. A glimpse of her face so familiar yet where had I seen her? She had vanished before I could take another look. Then a hill is what I saw with gallows at the top, I knew this place for it was where Belinda and so many others had come to their demise. I saw horrible visions that night, but what scared me most was that same woman, she was putting me under water, drowning me, I couldn’t breath suffocated under darkness, unaware of life, just the cold abyss that was my grave. I woke up in a cold sweat my lungs regaining strength and forcing oxygen into my lungs. I got up for an unknown reason I felt a draft. I looked down to find my nightgown soaked with water from the well. My eyes widened. The well? What about it? Was there something that man wasn’t supposed to know, secrets of ancient times hidden in the tiny well, that we thought only held water. I closed my eyes to try and regain my own thoughts, to keep sane at least. Then I saw felt it again. Hands around my throat, holding tightly, cutting off my air. I reopened them I quickly glanced around the room, nothing there.
I didn’t sleep a wink that night, I stayed awake staring at the faded lettering of the bloody message, which didn’t help the aura of something that had gone terribly gone wrong from enveloping me in true fear.
You never know true fear until you have met it. True fear is not thinking monsters are in the dark, it’s much more. Fear is the sense of knowing something truly wicked and evil is there about to do something random and deadly. Fear is much more than pain and being afraid, it’s a sense. Much like sight, smell, taste, and touch. You know it’s there, not just a suspicion.
I was afraid that if I closed my eyes that mysterious woman would kill me. A shadowed face had brought me to know fear. A woman I didn’t know, or did but unknowingly didn’t know it. I had a deep feeling that those witches had done this.
I walked to Andrew Miller’s house to give her mother some fresh milk In return for the eggs she had given us. I rapped on the door, no answer. I went to reach for the knob and I had a vision. Andrew hanging by a noose, swinging slowly back and forth, his eyes bulging, his foot hitting the wall next to him. His eyes seemed to follow me no matter which way his body swung. Even if his back was to me I felt like they were still there. Cold and lifeless. I started to cry, I was afraid, but this was not fear.
Andrew opened the door, he found me crying, my face tear-stained. I fell in his arms, not caring what others would think.
“Wh- what are you doing here Nora?” he seemed shocked, yet the kindness that was always there lingered.
“I- I- I’ve just come to give you this milk.” I looked down, the pail was a few feet away, I must have had flung it behind me when the door opened. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to really it’s just... “ I didn’t want him to think I was insane, I couldn’t tell him about my visions or the witches. Then while I was looking at the ground disappointed in myself when he said, “Nora, would you like to take a walk with me?” I didn’t know what to say, I just smiled slightly. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He smiled warmly at me.
We walked through the woods, we stopped at a clearing. The light filtering through the trees, giving it a mystic look. We sat there by the stream, the soft trickle of water flowing over pebbles. He put his arm around me, he said to me in a gentle voice, “You seem scared what’s wrong.”
I just bowed my head, he picked it up with two fingers lightly under my chin. He then leaned closer and kissed me. Then we heard a rustle from in the brush.

I thought these pictures were appropriate.
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