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I'm Bob. That's it. No, really!
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INUYASHA!!!! Plus I love FMA, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop
To not kill anyone during labor
Reading, writing, running, volleyball, pool, and watching Adult Swim
Writing, cheering people up
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Aloha, and Welcome to my site. Feel free to comment, sign my GB, add me as a friend, whatever.
Thursday, January 5, 2006
Everything remains the same. But I'm gonna try to guilt the doc into inducing me. Although, even if he doesn't today or tomorrow, he will on Sunday (the 8th) as that's my due date. So either way, we'll have a baby soon. Gonna start putting together that new site after I do this, so maybe I'll get to visit everyone's site later on ^_^ Hopefully anyway. It could just be my computer. NE way, Love and Peace, TTFN my duckies!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
I'm working on it, I promise!! I guess if any one visited me yesterday, they may have told me what they did on the comments. So thnx to anyone who did, and if your new year sucked, I'm sorry, and if you did something great, Awsome!! Love and Peace, TTFN my duckies!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
still no go
Well folks, sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I wasn't feeling up to doing anything. And I still don't feel well enough to do the new site today. I swear though, I will do it this week sometime, given Nathaneill doesn't decide to make his debut. I really do apologize for not getting to visit and comment to everyone. It's really getting on my nerves!! Oh, as I'm sure you already guessed, still no baby. Still having contractions and all, but nope. Well, I guess that's it, except for how was everyone's weekend? Good, I hope. What did everyone do for New Year's? I got to sit at home by myself and watch South Park (there was NO WAY I was watching 12 Oz. Mouse, I can't stand that show!) In my room at my aunt's house. Yippee. But I did get to see fireworks from my window...Well, anyway, Love and Peace, TTFN my duckies.
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Friday, December 30, 2005
Still no baby, still not letting me see any thing. Too frustrated to really write any thing today. My apologies. Love and Peace, TTFN my duckies
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
okay, I'm tired of this now....
This is really starting to suck. I still can't get to any one's sites, or check my own, so I can't figure out what I did wrong on it! I think that later on today (provided I don't have the baby), I may just make a new site here at MyO, and see if that works better. Though I don't think it has anything to do with my site alone, since I can't see anyone else's either...Oh well. This is really bugging me. BTW, I've been having contractions since the day before yesterday, around 3:30. They've been steady at 5 minutes apart since yesterday morning around 10:00. I'm dilated, but only to about 1 1/2 as of 10 yesterday morning. I guess he just doesn't want to come out or something! But oh well. Sorry no update yesterday. My sis and bro and bro-in-law took me to the park to walk around, trying to speed up the labor process. It worked to make the contractions stronger, but still no baby! AARRGGHH!!! Oh well, he'll be here soon one way or another. I guess that's about it for today. I'll remember to write everyone's names down so that I can add them to the new site when I do it, and I'll re do the guestbook thing, as I've stated before. Love and Peace, TTFN my duckies!
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