metal-inuyasha (11/30/05)
Words of wisdom
*that might get you killed*
1#zombies are fun,,,so go play with one
2#comment on my post, so i don't need to hunt you down^_^
3# when in a car, do not eat a hat
4#if you stop by,,,ummm,,then,,hmm,,,,well, i don't know, but as i said in number 2,,COMMENT,,BUWAHAHA
5#being random is fun for all,,,,ok,,maybe thats just me^^
i will now be going
you can pm this one any time you want
see ya
~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies
EdwardElricThe2nd (10/17/05)
Hey there! Nice site! Love it! n_n you wanna be my friend? Yes? No?? Okayz, well either way i'm adding you & you'll never come off! n_n Yay! claps for you, you now me friend! *claps* lol n_n well I hope we can be great friends! well i gotz ta go, but hope to see u round myo! lol n_n ttfn, ta ta 4 now! CULATER!
Idiots do cool things.
That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lions strength..."- Edward Elric
Da Fullmetal Cheerio King knowz bestiestz. do watz rite & don't do da drugz! o.o thanxiez! n_n
-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2d♣♠ ☺ ♣♠