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myOtaku.com: kagomemom

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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sango15kirara (10/13/05)

hey cool site i love the bg. ^o^ stop at my site sometime and sign my gb

AnimeFire03 (10/11/05)

Hey! Thanks for stopping by and signing my gb! Sorry it took a day or so to get here to sign. Love your site, and your avi is awesome too. ^_^ I'll add you as a friend too. Ttyl!

Kyo krazy (10/09/05)

Hey there!!! I like your site a lot so I'm adding you and I way want to know how to do that little pop up button thing...can you teach me!?!?
Well PM me and I'll cya laters!!

SesshomaruMistres (10/07/05)

Heya, always nice to see another Inuyasha fan :) I love your BG, i'll add you as a friend if you don't mind :) take care *hugs*

kagomehanyou (10/04/05)

Hi, um........can you tell me how did this backround?! IT'S SO COOL!

azehlei18 (09/29/05)

Wow, cool site! Ur wallpaper is really awesome & cool. Hpe u won't mind if i add u.

SangoKirara (09/09/05)

inuyasha is awesome! keep up the good work! ^_^ maybe you can come by my site sometime, it's mostly based around Sango, Kohaku, Kirara, and Miroku...


kikiooo (09/09/05)

thx 4 adding me and signing ma g.b
cooooool site..
u didn't c my fanart... u should!

c yaaaaaaa mom( u r older than me in 1 year)

JinhStrife (09/09/05)

hey there, nice site you got here, keep up the good work, well im just droping by to vist, hope you can vist me someday, well later then.

rafa (08/30/05)

hey i like the bart simpsons pics lol anyways see if you can go to my place and sign my gb.

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