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I'm Bob. That's it. No, really!
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INUYASHA!!!! Plus I love FMA, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop
To not kill anyone during labor
Reading, writing, running, volleyball, pool, and watching Adult Swim
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Friday, August 26, 2005
howdy folks!
Greeting from the redneck end of the woods! I'm thinking of doing of doing a contest, (since everyone else is doing it) But I don't know what to do it on, and I don't know how to make banners or ne thing else that would make a good reward for the winners. If ne one has ne ideas for me, just let me know via pm or comment, whatever floats ur boat. In other news I'm gonna go and visit my mommy today for the weekend, as if ne one really needs to know that but I have a pretty boring life. Sorry 'bout that people. *looks appologetically at ne one who actually reads this* Well..... I guess that's it for now, so ttfn and see ya'll on Monday! Peace
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Well, it's been a couple days since i posted, so I figured I'd better do. I won't be able to again until tuesday, which will be the 22nd. The baby's party was great, and I would like to thank LORDSESSHOMARU for being the only person to wish my little niece a happy birthday. To anyone who visits my site who has a contest going on, I would like to vote for him for nicest, kindest, whateverest MyO member. Thanks. NE way, I'm going to my cousins house this weekend to help her plan for her wedding, and we're gonna go crash someone else's to get ideas for hers (teeheeheeheehee) oops, sorry, i get a little carried away at times ^_^ Well, as always, God bless and keep you all. Vuntannu Raa (not sure i spelled that right, but oh well)
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Happy Birthday to you.....
okay everyone, on the count of 3, start singing happy birthday (to Alana). Alana is my youngest neice, and tomorrow is her first birthday, but we're having her party today, so everyone sing to the baby!!! lol, ok, you don't have to sing, but I just had to do that ne way ^_^
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Friends list
Okay, I have decided that I'm going to have a rather short friends list. I don't wanna be rude to ne one, but I'm gonna only add friends who are willing to help others, (like i would do if I knew how to do ne thing ^_^) and if u seem to be kind. Maybe there will be alot of u who are like that, so possibly I will have a long one after all. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Peace to all and God Bless
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Sorry guys, nothing new today, tired and back pain is about it. I'll try and have something better to post tomorrow. Peace
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Been busy....
Hey, I've been kinda busy lately, and haven't really had time to do all the kewl stuff to my site like everyone else's. Guess mines kinda boring huh? Oh well, one of these days i'll get a chance to figure all of this out. In the mean time and in between time, if any one has any advice for me on this, I would gladly welcome it. Just pm me. God bless and have a great day!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
I'm back
Hey guys, I know i haven't been around much to do ne thing to my site, but now i have a little bit of access to the net in order to do a little. I know it's still not great, but it's a tad bit better. I'll post more when i have the chance, till then, aloha and God bless.
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Friday, April 8, 2005

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