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myOtaku.com: kaguraROXZ

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Guestbook Entries:

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Kawaii Seth (03/16/06)

*Drops in from the skies and lands face first upon the floors this wonderfully built website.* My, my this is such an awesome site!

*Stands up and dusts her self off, looking around.* I fancy this otaku so much! The layout was very well put together. Kudoz to you!

I love your site so much I'ma sign it. *Takes out grey marker and signs your forehead.* Kawaii Seth was here, yo! :D

-Kawaii Seth

Mastahbetahs (03/13/06)

yo sweet site chue got....hope you can stop by mine....pm me if you need time to chat with somebody!

KasurinSama (03/13/06)

I love your site!! me add you! If you don't like that... TO BAD GO CRY TO SOMEONE ELSE 'CAUSE I DON'T CARE!!!

Shinomara (03/11/06)

Wow! Awsome Bg u've got here! ^_^ I'm a uber fan of Naruto and FMA!! =] Adding ya as a friend!


yashi katasan93 (03/11/06)

Awesome site! I love the background. ^__^ Have a nice day. ^__^

akira614 (03/10/06)

Hi.Cool otaku!!i like you r bg and avvie. Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto Rock!!Adding you as a friend.Laterz.

Suki1401 (03/06/06)

Hey nice otaku!! FMA and Naruto ROCK!!! Adding you as a friend. ttyl.

Neji-Kun (03/05/06)

HIYA !!!!! AWESOME site !!!! FULL METAL ALCHEMEST ROCKS !!!! well hope u don't mind if I add u as a friend !!!!! LATER !!!!

FMA NeWs (03/04/06)

Hello fellow Fullmetal Alchemist fan!
I really like your site and have added you as a friend. I am pleased to invite you to my site FMA NeWs. Here you will get free Banners, Midi's, Movies, and Pictures all about FMA. There is also an episode guide and chracter profile page in construction. Come take a look and take our surveys and quizes, vote for your favorite character and more.
Hope to see you there.

darkalchemist77 (03/03/06)

i love fma and ed!i love ed!ed!ed!ed!i'll stop now..lol..i added ya as a friend..k?

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