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myOtaku.com: kaguraROXZ

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Guestbook Entries:

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adventaddict (02/26/06)

Green is Clean!! I like it! Anyway, I myself am an avid fan of Fullmetal Alchemist! I added u as a firend! Hope you'll do the same! I know we'll be good pals! Bye


winry 92 (02/25/06)

hi! nice site u have here! the background rocks! i like the pictures too! stop by my site sometime.
take care and have a nice day!

Sigizi (02/17/06)

Hi! Your site is pretty cool! I hope you could pass by my site and tell me how it looks! Well see you around! Take care!

InuSesshLover125 (02/16/06)

Awesome site way cool hope you can visit mine and sign my gb.....(your sit is way better than mine!!!)Well i guess i'll be seeing you!!!

PinkChii009 (02/16/06)

Thanks for signing my gb...... cool site

Divinity Pixie (02/13/06)

hoi allemal!
haha you seem to be confussed :) but sure that you like anime! well its always good to be sue about something! the crzier the better! haha Your sight has awsomley cool color co-ordidnation the green mixes with the green and orange to form a nice erthy-like semblance. I dont know if that is what you are going for but it works!

super kanti (02/13/06)

kool site and nice BG and nice pics of FMA. Cya later.

Twists Of Rain (02/12/06)

hey... i see that orange is a good standout color....wow a lot of ppl used grey.... i don't like grey... it's such a boring color.... i lik eur site! i wish i wouldn't have to highlight the words just so i could see ur fave anime and stuff... but other wise.... it rokz! what i think u should use... instead of grey... is lime green..... but that is just my opinion... and on ur uhhh.... what-ever it is called it said u wanted ppl to tell u what they thought! thats what i think...... i'm gonna add u as a friend..... k? plz stop by my site any time u'd like.... and comment on my posts!
until forever.....
Twists Of Rain

oturan ikamuzu (02/12/06)

FMA!! Very nice. i like that anime. It's so sad. Well, not that sad, but i like it though. Anyways, i'm adding you on as my freind if you don't mind. Sorry, if i spelled anything wrong. i don't have my glasses on right now. bYe! :O

sasuke-kun6464 (02/04/06)

hi there! cool site.come to mine sometime.addin you as a friend.love the background and avatar! gotta go bye

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