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Student(and Supreme Yaoi fangirl)
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Errm...drawing an anime guy I made up.He's actully cute!Oh, and I'm drawing chibi's for a video game...
Anime Fan Since
5 years old
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Yu hakisho,Inuyasha, Wolf's rain, Dragonball Z,eta,eta,eta
Become a video game programer
Drawing,Watching anime,writing,reading yaoi fanfictions
Drawing (Do I hear an echo?), I have execlent aim. Quote from friend:"Remind me never to come near you when you have a gun.." -(I made a high score on a deer hunting game)
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
I'm the main Kaiba everyone knows about.Go me.
 Congrats, you're Seto! The main Kaiba that everyone knows. At first you may seem cold, rude, and unemotional. An evil jerk. But if someone were to get close to you, they would realize that you were abused by your stepfather, and that is the reason you are so determined. And there isn't anything you wouldn't do for your little brother, Mokuba! On the inside, you are caring, determined, and proud! Plus you own a multi-billion dollar corperation, and you're only 16! Go you!
Which Kaiba are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
Cute wolfy!XDDDD
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
Wow,that's a shocker.I'd turn him down though,maybe...
 Hiei!!Your Hiei's soul mate!!This shocks him as much as it shocks me!!!He acts like he doesn't need you or like you.But deep in his heart he loves you and he'll protect you from any sort of danger!He'd never cheat on you and hopes you love him as much as he loves you!!
Who's Your Soul Mate?::Based on Anime::For Boys and Girls!! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
I prefer guns..
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
I am Chocolate Flavoured.
I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt. What Flavour Are You?
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Result Posted on 02/08/05:
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
*looks at results*I can explane...
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
Take the quiz: "Which Yugioh Character are you!?" KaibaYou dont care much about friends and stick to yourself mostly. The only other people you do care about is family, not wanting them to expieriance the evil in the world however, you tend to force those you care about to be by your side. |
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
He's hotter than hell!
Result Posted on 02/08/05:

Seto Kaiba is the champion of Duel Monsters in his country. He is also the only person in the world to poses the legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon. He is ruthless, loves to toy with his opponent, and also has his own company. Kaiba is the owner of a company that makes high tech devices, in particular Duel Monsters. (Kaiba Corp.) He has a younger brother named Mokuba, in which Kaiba loves even more then the sweet taste of victory. He seems rude and a jerk, but when you had a past like his, you'd
be a little angry at the world as well. He is obsessed with figuring out how
a kid out of no where (Yugi) could beat a champion like him. He challenged Yugi's
Grandpa to a duel, and wins. He also rips the only Blue Eyes White Dragon card that wasn't
in two. Then he challenges Yugi, and somehow Yugi was able to draw the one card that gave him the victory;
Exodia. Kaiba wants to defeat Yugi more then anything, but when he finally does it wasn't
for himself. He wanted to save his poor little brother, Mokuba from Pegasus. He is sort of a technical genius in away, being able to break into other computers with out breaking a sweat. Yugi does begin to grow on Seto later on, and it shows when Seto begins to believe in the Heart of the cards.
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