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Student(and Supreme Yaoi fangirl)
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Errm...drawing an anime guy I made up.He's actully cute!Oh, and I'm drawing chibi's for a video game...
Anime Fan Since
5 years old
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Yu hakisho,Inuyasha, Wolf's rain, Dragonball Z,eta,eta,eta
Become a video game programer
Drawing,Watching anime,writing,reading yaoi fanfictions
Drawing (Do I hear an echo?), I have execlent aim. Quote from friend:"Remind me never to come near you when you have a gun.." -(I made a high score on a deer hunting game)
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Not my fav. yaoi pairing but oh well.
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
woah,that's a weird mix
 You are most like Anjiru (Angel)the half angel, half wolf demon. Your kind, caring and playful. you love to fly and have a lot of fun with your pack. but most demons see you as an outcast cause of your wings but you as specail as can be.
What kind of demon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
OOOhhh....pretty wolfy.
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Yay..I'm Bulma.
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Yeah,I'm real speedy after drinking 6 cups of coffee...
 Your an electric Dragon! Well, Well, Well, Speedy! Electic dragons are just do darn quick, which means you must be quick at something. Whether its running, swimming, or answering questions, you are super speed. But of course, you have a craze for video games or computers. You can play amazingly at any game or at least try to. Go you!
What elemental dragon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Isen't that nice...I prefer Cloud.
img src="" border="0" alt="You're Tifa!"> Your Tifa! Sexy and Deadly. You seem to get the guys. They might get intimidated by you but you don't really care. Only problem is that you might get too attached when you find that special guy.
Which Female Character from Final Fantasy Vii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Yup,thats me.:)...O_O He's HOT!!!!
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Hey,not bad(concitering no one from Yu-Gi-Oh was on it.)
Result Posted on 01/13/05:
Cool!I'm like Cloud and Tidus!
 You're a swordfighter! You are strong, brave, and probably the leader. You carry a huge sword and have powerful physical attacks. You can take on almost any enemy, any time, and usually have great limit breaks. Everyone likes you! Swordfighters: Cyan Garamonde, Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart, Tidus, and Auron.
A cool Final Fantasy quiz: What type of FF fighter would you be? brought to you by Quizilla
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