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Student/Aspiring (yet failing) Writer
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I haven't died yet from my own obliviousness
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Learn Japanese (I need to get started on this one) and Chinese, and to publish a book.
Cooking, reading, writing
I don't really have any... I'm not that special
| Kaibasgirl14
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Sorry I haven't posted in forever... I've been super busy with stuff (like painting my furnichur, and I can't spell) Well, I'll try to post more often now! Really sorry bout that...
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Sorry I haven't posted in forever... I've been super busy with stuff (like painting my furnichur, and I can't spell) Well, I'll try to post more often now! Really sorry bout that...
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Help me...again...
BIG PROBLEM! Okay, so I have a boyfriend, but, he never really acts like he likes me. There is this guy I go to school with who is super hot! He's my friend and stuff, but I really like him! My boyfrind is mildly aware of this, but not enough to piss him off (Unlike when I liked this other guy, who haes me, that was a mess.) The problem is, I love them both, if I stay with my boyfriend, I'm semi-neglected *sob* But if I try to go out with my friend, I'll be in heaven (His last couple of girlfriends broke up with him because he was to clingy, but me like clingy people!) but then my boyfriend will be sad...
What do I do?
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Sorry I haven't been by in so long. (School, homework, boyfriend, annoying sister, lack of internet for two weeks.)
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Just to let you know...
If you want to read the menu on the side, you have to highlight it.
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Just to let you know...
If you want to read the menu on the side, you have to highlight it.
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Monday, March 22, 2004

MARRY YOUR FAVORITE CARTOON CARACTER!!! I found this through my search engine by mistake. You can marry 5 characters a week. Click HERE
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Okay, so there are the two guys at school who are SUPER CUTE! I mean, they are cuter than it is humanly possible to be! Guy #1 is tall, cute, sweet, a little weird, somewhat of a pervert, and seems to be friends with almost all of my friends. Guy #2 is cute, sweet, tall, smart, cheerful, different from the rest of the student body, he is a little... okay VERY perverted, he looks at everything from a different angle than everyone else, and thinks outside the box. I know his last girlfriend, and she has got him whipped. Now he does what everyone (well, almost everyone) tells him to do. But he still has a mind of his own!
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
A Weird Day...
Yesterday was a little bizar. Okay, so in science class, I was sucking on my pen, when my friend tells me to stop. I asked him why and he sssaid it didn't look right. I know what he means, but I'll leave that to your own imagineation.
I also have a HUGE problem. There are two SUPER cool boys at school. I like them both, but one of them already has a girlfriend, and thinks I'm a pest. The other one hugged me twice in one day. He also calls me by weird, but cute, little nick names sometimes. Do you think guy number two likes me? I hope he does! He is cute, sweet, intelligent, and he's unbeleivealbly silly (Like ME). He is really adorable. Well, guy number one is a doofus. He's cute and smart, but he's also, rude, obnoxious, and he's mean to me. He kinda rejected me, so now I torture him as revenge. He can't get rid of me! Now he's REALLY paranoid. I don't stalk him or anything, I just annoy him to death. He hates me, and there are ony a few ways for him to get rid of me: Kiss me, say he's sorry, beg me to stop, or be my best friend (I'll still be a pain, but not as much of one.)
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Monday, January 26, 2004
Since nobody replied the first time I putting this post AGAIN!!!
I Found this poem and typed it up on my computer, seeing as how my pictures never show up. Well, here it is!
“The Edge of Sanity”
Author Unknown
The story will unfold
Within my eyes
When I let go
Of all my lies
But for now
I’ll blame humanity
For I am balancing
On the edge of sanity
As the night battles day
For control
I’m afraid the pain
Will take its toll
But I’ll be silent
Until I stand
At the gates
Of the Promised Land
So I sit here all alone
In the darkness of
My home
I wish there were a better
Way, and I cry
The tears of yesterday
Death is night
In all the ways
For although it comes
It never stays
And all life known
Shall cease to be
As death shall come
For you and for me
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