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Sunday, January 18, 2004
Check THIS out. It's really funny, but so is THIS
Then again, there is this one that scares me: Click HERE
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
Since my picks don't show up... CLICK HERE To see the pic I just attempted to post.
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I thought this pic was cool!
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Sunday, January 4, 2004
Okay now I'm starting to feel a bit neglected. No one is commenting on my site, and that is starting to bug me.
On a lighter note, If I see one more piece of food I'm going to puke. I had two pizza parties at school before Xmas. Then I had 5 parties over the course of the break! I'm suprised that I can still eat at all!
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Friday, December 26, 2003
I think it may be just me but...
Is it just me or are all my friends vanishing? DES hasn't posted in a while, babypetsarekool hasn't posted in a while. See what I mean?
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Friday, December 19, 2003
I Found this poem and typed it up on my computer, seeing as how my pictures never show up. Well, here it is!
“The Edge of Sanity”
Author Unknown
The story will unfold
Within my eyes
When I let go
Of all my lies
But for now
I’ll blame humanity
For I am balancing
On the edge of sanity
As the night battles day
For control
I’m afraid the pain
Will take its toll
But I’ll be silent
Until I stand
At the gates
Of the Promised Land
So I sit here all alone
In the darkness of
My home
I wish there were a better
Way, and I cry
The tears of yesterday
Death is night
In all the ways
For although it comes
It never stays
And all life known
Shall cease to be
As death shall come
For you and for me
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
I am really ticked right now. This girl has found the ULTIMATE way to make me mad. My friend and I were playing Dungeon Dice Monsters, when she comes over and takes one of the pieces. I tell her to give it back, and she hands me a gum wrapper. I toss it across the room and tell her to give it back. I'm telling you right now, if looks could kill, she would be dead and then some with the look I was giving her. When I was talking to my sister, I was telling her about it and said, "I'm suprised that someone hasn't hauled off and popped that child in the mouth." (For those of you who don't know, "popped" means "smacked") My sister agreed. I think that girl has problems. She sits there, giggling, when she knows I am dead serious and am on the verge of letting go of all self restraint and smacking that girl dead in the mouth. I hate people who pick on other people just because they don't dress/act like they do. I have better things to do with my time than put up with these preps and posers who just show up at school to socialize and show off their new clothes. I come to learn, not to put up with these people who are most likely to end up working at a McDonald's drive through 'cause they are too lazy to do their work, while I am a CEO with my own office and a huge mansion full of money and whatever else i feel like putting in it. I just hate people who pick with people just because they are different(Like me for example). So I'm the only girl who wears Anime and Monster Garage T-shirts, at least I get my work done, at least I pass my tests. You want to know something? Most of those children picking with me are in regular classes, while all the kids they pick on(My friends and I) are taking advanced classes. So all those popular kids aren't what they're all cracked up to be, are they? When we're grown up and out of school, I'll be a CEO and they will be asking ME for a job and the first thing I'm going to say is, "You should of thought about that when you were picking on me in school." I might give them a job. Probably not.
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Sunday, December 7, 2003
 Strawberry Pocky! You're energetic and you probably bounce around a lot. You're also a bit naive, and you probably fall in love easily.
What Kind of Pocky are You? brought to you by Quizilla
You're Anime Sweet.Utsukushii! ^^ You probably speak almost as much Japanese as English and refer to people with Oriental nicknames.
How Sweet are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Can you guys help me?
 -Motherly- You're the motherly type. You love to take care of the one you love, and generally you can be a bit overprotective and possessive, but you know, that isn't always such a bad thing. At least you'll be a good mom in the future.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Okay, so I have a HUGE crush on this guy at school and he seems to have no clue as to my existance! He says hi to me and stuff but thats about it. Well, except when he scared this kid sitting next to me. My friends and I laughed forever about that. WHY AM I RANTING ABOUT THAT!? Two of my friends think it's sweet and one of them thinks I'm crazy(she no like him). How do I get him to like me? There is one other problem, he is a goth with no religeon and I'm a regular person who is a christian(I CAN'T spell at all) I don't think he'll like me. We are both in NJHS(Not tellin' ya what that stands for 'cause my mom won't let me) But other than that I don't really see him much(He sits on the OPPOSITE side of the caffateria at lunch) How do I find out if he likes me or not? HELP ME OUT! How do I get him to go out with me! Any advice is appreciated!
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Thursday, December 4, 2003
Sorry I haven't been on in a while(My life has not allowed it). Why do you guys not come by anymore? Are you mad at me? (I'm mad at SomeGuy but I'm not getting into that now) Will you guys please post something? I'm lonesome! And...and...and...*bursts into tears* YOU GUYS HATE ME!!! *cries hysterically* WHY DO YOU HATE ME!? *calms down and starts to hicup* You guys- hic- hate me- hic- and-hic-you don't-hic- want to be my friends-hic-anymore... *sits and sobs* I'm-hic-lonely *sniff*
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