*He should know the truth, before its too late to
tell him.* 'Hiei?' you say nervously. never
moving your head. He says nothing but you can
tell he's listening. 'I-I...remember...' you
trail off. 'Remember what?' 'What happened...at
the cabin.' 'You have already told me what you
remember,' he says, and you can sense the
bitterness in his voice. 'I lied about that.'
you say quickly. 'I mean I remember what really
happened...between you and me. If you don't
believe me I'll describe it in detail.' 'Why
did you lie to me?' 'I was scared of everything
that could have gone wrong. But now...' you
bite your lip. Then without warning, you throw
your arms around him and kiss him quickly in
the lips. When you pull back, you hug him
tightly and say, 'I'm going to miss you so
much! I don't want to leave!' you realize
suddenly what you are doing and you release him
quickly, blushing furiously. 'I'm sorry, I-'
you're interrupted when Hiei gives you a quick
kiss of his own. You look at him in shock as he
gives you a smile: an actual, genuine smile.
You can't help but smile back. Then you stand
up and say, 'Come on, we should head back.'
your smile changes into a mischievious one as
you add, 'I'll race you there.' ~At the
Airport~ You're waiting in an almost anxious
silence. When you hear the announcement saying
that your plane is now boarding. 'This is it,'
you say quietly. You turn towards the boys and
say, 'I'm going to miss you all so much.' you
go up to Yusuke first and hug him tightly.
'Yusuke. you are the greatest friend I could
have ever hoped for.' you walk over to Kurama
next. 'You have no idea how muvh you've helped
me,' you say as you hug him as well. you
hesitate when you move in front of Kuwabara,
but you hug him all the same. And finally is
Hiei. He's averting his gaze from you like he
had done before at the cliffside. You smile and
lean in, kissing him on the cheek, not caring
what it might cause the others to think. 'i'll
see you around,' you say in his ear before
pulling back. 'Maybe we'll all see eachother
again sooner than we think,' you tell everyone
before disappearing through the gate.
Time to reveal the clues!! There are five! The
first one is in 40 at the dance club when
someine bumped into you, then you noticed the
scent. You hadn't noticed it from Yusuke at
anyother time that night, so it couldn't have
been him, so it had to be the person who bumped
into you, especially since the scent was
described as lingering, insinuatw=e that the
owner of it wasn't there anymore. We also
discover leter on that kurama and Hiei are also
at the club, meaning that the mystery man had
to be one of them. The next one is at the very
beginning of 41 and gave HIei completely away.
When you asked him to carry you up to bed, he
said, 'Not this time,' insinuating that he had
carried you to bed before. However, in all the
other quizzes, it was never mentioned that he
carried you to bed, meaning that the only time
he could have was when you were blind, meaning
that he was the mystery man. The next one in 43
is extremely subtle. It was the outburst Hiei
had when he read the final note from Akio. It
showed that he cared about you more than he let
people know. There are two clues in 44. The
first is when someone woke you up by squeezing
your hand. When you opened your eyes, the
person was gone, and only Hiei is fast enough
to accomplish that. Plus, Kurama had told you
that his watch ended at 2:00, so it couldn't
have been him, because it wasn't his turn to
watch you. The second was when you were being
held after being attacked, and you noticed the
scent. We have already established that it was
neither Yusuke or Kuwabara who was the mystery
man, and kurama was getting you medicine, so it
couldn't have been him. Leaving Hiei once again
as the mystery man. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Thats the end
of the series, thanx so much for reading! But
now its time for me to concentrate more on my
dream of becoming a proffesional writer. Don't
get me wrong, I will never say that spending
all this time on quizilla was a waste of time,
because it was far from it. Before this, I was
very unsure and unconfident about my writing. I
was taking a huge moral risk posting these
quizzes, because I would have been crushed if
people messaged me saying that I sucked, and I
may have given up on my dream. So, thanx to
you, my devoted readers, I now know that I'm at
least good and I can push on towards my goal
with confidence. Now if I get enough messages
from people saying they want me to this, I will
post ONE quiz(just one, not a series of
quizzes) that will track the steps I take
towards pursuing my writing career. I would
constantly change and update it and will have
things like contests I enter, contests I win,
contests I lose, things of mine that get
published, and how to get a hold of my writing
if anything of mine gets published(which is a
big if)and I would call it 'Path to becoming a
Writer' Now I'll only do this if you guys want
me to, so its up to you! Once again, thank you
so much for reading my series for this long.
You are all so wonderful. Don't forget to rate
and don't ever stop messaging!
A Yu Yu Hakusho Series(for girls)- Part Fourty-Five: FINALE brought to you by Quizilla