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myOtaku.com: kaitoutanuki41

Sunday, February 5, 2006

   The concept of death and stuff...
This all happened when I read a weird comic at the library today...anyone here know "The Sandman?" Kickarse gothic book...anyways, I dunno, I was in a stupor, kinda depressed actually, that I stumbled upon my fave chappy with some fave lines of which I read particularly TOO MANY TIMES.

This time, depression got me writing those particular lines here. Poem, old poem....

"Death is before me today: Like the recovery of a sick man, Like going forth into a garden after sickness."

"Death is before me today: Like the odor of myrrh, Like sitting under a sail in a good wind."

"Death is before me today: Like the home that a man longs to see, After years being spent as a captive."

Ok, I seemingly got TOO depressed...^^; Copyrights go to Neil Gaiman (thanks to him, I can sleep better O_O) This is not really a post conteplating 'bout suicide or anything..just tellin you what's going to be like when our time comes...

On a better note:
if you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out

hehe, sweet dreams, guys
K.T (ninja-ing quietly away)

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