Birthday 1989-01-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-06 Real Name Colleen,Uri
Achievements helped with anime con at my library, watched naruto episodes 4,5 and 9 over 300 times Anime Fan Since 1997 since i was 8 Favorite Anime Naruto, Fruits Basket,Pretear,Full Metal Panic,Saiyuki,Inuyasha, YuYu Hakusho,FMA and many more Goals torture Itachi slowly for hurting Kakashi Hobbies watching anime, reading manga and other books, drawing,videogames,poetry Talents my exteme knowledge of Kakashi, drawing kakashi-18
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
how is your tuesday
*whispers*kakashi is still in bed*looks at kakashi*he looks so cute when he's sleeping ^_^
me and kakashi won't be on today
we are going out with my family
for a ride to look at leaves.
sorry if i didn't get to your sites yesterday my internet is being a pain.
koma got most of my question right the 3 titles of kakashi's fave books are Make-out paradise,make-out violence and make-out here is your cookie koma.
i'll answer your questions now
Magnus:yes i did go with him and we had a lot of fun heheheh
Kure:right now he's sleeping but he's great ^^
question time
1.kakashi looks so cute when he's asleep(i know its not a question but still*SILENT SQUEAL*
2.did you like 98 degrees(yes
3.fav song(I Do(cherish you))
4.any questions for me or my adorable hubby
the kakashi question of the day: what was the first jutsu kakashi copied from zabuza?
the kakashi pic of the day(all credit goes to the artist)
how is your monday
mine is good so far another early day^^
(kakashi:*yawn*good morning sweetheart*deep kiss*)mmmmmmmmmm
*kakashi chuckles and heads for the shower*
*still dazed from kiss and then recovers*
*giggles*oh sorry i guess i should keep typing
i'll answer your questions
Chiyo:we like winter ^^
furubafan:YES T_T
question time
1.have you taken xoxoKakashioxox's kakashi pop quiz(yep) about nsync
3.fav song from them(god must have spent a little more time on you)
4.any questions for me or kakashi
the kakashi question with be the same one as yesterday:what are the titles of kakashi's 3 fav books?
the kakashi pic of the day(all credit goes to the artist)
how is your sunday
mine is good
yesterday i had fun with kakashi and kure at ddr
made a fool of my self but it was fun ^^(kakashi:you didn't make a fool of yourself)
Koma got my kakashi question right so here is your cookie.his previous team was Rin Ranga and Obito Uchiha with the yondaime.
i'll answer your questions now
Chiyo:mountain forest body wash(only in konoha)
question time you like to play ddr
2.did you like the backstreet boys in the early days or is everyone here to young to remember the boy band era ^^(yes i still listen to their early songs)
3.if you liked them what was your favorite song(as long as you love me)
4.any questions for me or kakashi
the kakashi question for the day:what are the three titles of kakashi's favorite books?
the kakashi pic of the day(all credit goes to the artist)
Hi guys how is you saturday so far
mine is good i got up early
(kakashi:*yawns*good morning guys*kisses uri and then goes to take a shower*)
sorry if i didn't get to your site yesterday
i'll try to make it to all you guy's sites^^(and if i don't sorry my internet won't let me see certain comment boxes T_T)
i won't be on here for a little while in the afternoon me and kakashi are going to ddr at my library ^^9but i'll be on when i get back
Kakashi16 got my kakashi question right here is your cookie.kakashi's father Sakumo chose his friends instead of completing a mission he was shunned by the villagers and killed himself.
i'll answer your questions now
kakashi16:(kakashi:it was fun)yes i did ^^
Kure:he likes it very much
Kon Lover:(makes sure kakashi doesn't see*his father killed himself and his mother died)
Sasuke fan4 life:nothing really
question time you have a fav halloween movie(not really)
2.want a cookie ^^ you listen to anime soundtracks(yep^^)
*kakashi gets out of shower and kisses uri on neck*(me:*giggles*you smell good)i'll make breakfast(ok)
4.any questions for me or kakashi ^^
the kakashi question of the day:who was on kakashi's previous team(easy i know)
the kakashi pic of the day(credit goes to the artist)
*CRIES and GLOMPS everyone*(kakashi:it's alright sweetheart)
i wasn't on thursday beacause my dsl modem broke
so here i am on dial-up(THANK YOU GOD)
i'm also on my new computer^^
did you guys miss me
mysterioushanyou,badkarmagopher87 and Koma got my question right his full name means field scarecrow.his last name hatake can also be guys get cookies.
i'll answer your questions now
ElvesAteMyRamen:i think naruto would have an H2
Koma: mysterioushanyou has gotten the most cookies and my favorite part was when kakashi came out saying:what the *BLEEP* did i just say
question time you know of the band called 5ive?yes they are one of my favs)
2.did you miss me cause i missed you has meeting me changed your life
4.any questions for me or kakashi
the kakashi question for the day:what happened to his father Sakumo Hatake?
I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*SNIFFLE*(kakashi:it's okay sweetheart)
i wasn't on yesterday because i had library and anime club
we watched pumpkin scissors and xenosaga.
i had a lot of fun but i missed you guys so much
how is your tuesday
i have to go to the orthodontist today
but i 'll be on later ^^
Koma,mysterioushanyou,asahi dream and Kyofanatic13 got my kakashi question right they all get cookies.the first jutsu kakashi used was a thousand years of death.^^
i'll answer your questions now
Shiroganegirl9021:do you mean finding Gaara himself?^^
our wedding song is I Do(cherish you)by Mark Wills
question time
1.did you miss me yesturday
2.have you ever seen pumpkin scissors
3.what car do you think your favorite character would have(i think kakashi would have a Lamborghini or a kawasaki motercycle)
4.any questions for me or kakashi
the kakashi question of the day:what does kakashi's full name mean?(bonus:what is the other meaning for his last name? if you get this you will get an extra cookie)
the kakashi pics of the day(all credit goes to the artists who drew them)
(kakashi you hug everyone don't you*chuckles*)yep*hugs kakashi*
how is your monday i hope its good.
mine is good so far(i fogot to say:P thanks magnus)
how was school?
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that hatake kakashi and Uri_Hatake were married on October 15, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Koma and KungPowChicken got my question right his sensei was the 4th Hokage or are your cookies.
i'll answer questions now
Koma:tempura is like the coating on chicken nuggets.(if anyone can discribe it better be my guest^^)
Kure:(kakashi:too many times to count)
question time
1.if i came to your house how would you react you like oldies music(yes)
3.can you guess kakashi and my wedding song(kure you cant answer because you already know)
4.would you give me a cookie if i asked*puppy dog eyes*
5.any questions for me or kakashi*huggles*
the kakashi question of the day:what was the first jutsu kakashi used in the series?
the kakashi pics of the day(all credits go to the artists who drew them)
HI Guys
how is your sunday
me and kakashi went out for our 1 month anniversary yesterday
we went out to dinner and dancing ^^
it was at this fancy restaurant
he even requested our song to the dj
*SQUEAL*(kakashi:we even had more fun when we got home*grins*)*BLUSH*
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Hatake Kakashi and Uri_Hatake were married on October 14, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
no one answered my kakashi question:his least fav food is tempura.
i'll answer you questions now
Koma:I have gone to every kakashi fansite there is,also,video games and various naruto fansites.
Yumi:(kakashi:she died when i was little)kakashi*hugs and kisses*
kyofanatic13:T_T not yet i'm still on naruto
blackcatneko:well i don't know every line he says in every episode ^^.
question time
1.if your favorite character asked you on a date how would you react?
2.what was your first reaction when you saw kakashi for the first time(mine was he is so hot and his voice is sexy and then when the series progressed i saw that he is a good friend and person and i fell in love)
3.if you met orochimaru what would you do(beat the living @$%^$%& out of him sorry for the language)
4.any questions for me or kakashi
the kakashi question of the day is:who was kakashi's sensei?
the kakashi pics of the day:(i found these on all credit goes to the artists who drew them)
HI GUYS!^^(kakashi:yo)
how is your saturday
Also guess what it's our 1 month anniversary *smiles*
me and kakashi get to be here all day
WOOT WOOT!!!(kakashi:*kiss*your cute)*BLUSH*
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Kakashi Hatake and Uri_Hatake were married on October 13, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
mysterioushanyou got my kakashi question right so here is your cookie. his favorite food is grilled fish and miso soup(kakashi:uri makes the best^^)*blush*
i'll answer your questions now^^
mysterioushanyou:(kakashi:this is natural)
Kure:mostly on here then we are going to play docter*grins*(kakashi:can't wait for that)
Kyofanatic:i was kinda a fan of sasuke then once kakashi showed up in episode 3 i forgot about sasuke(kakashi:take that sasuke)
question time^^
1.if i went away would you miss me you think i'm over obsessed with kakashi
3.what are you going to do for halloween
4.any questions for me or my hubby kakashi
the kakashi question of the day:what is his least favorite food?