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kicking YOUR ASS..jk jk XD
| Kakashi Lover7573
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/30/07:
What is your true anime self? (for girls)
 You have a goth anime self. A little mean, tough, but nice at times anyway you love to be goth. Your anime self maybe didn't use to be goth but turned goth for personal reasons. You are also tough and always stand up for yourself. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
Which Is Your Worst Deadly Sin? - Beautiful Pictures
Your worst sin is Anger.Inappropriate feelings of hatred and anger. Denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial. Impatience with the law, or seeking revenge outside of justice, such as with unnecessary vigilantism. Wishing to do evil or harm to others. A modern definition would also include anger towards others for no good reason, such as their race or religion, leading to discrimination. 'Minor' sins born of wrath are some of the most serious, including murder,assault, discrimination, and genocide. (See Crimes against humanity.) Dante described wrath as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite". Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
Which element are you? ~♥~ Beautiful Anime Pictures and 12 different results ~♥~ No Obvious Questions! ~♥~ Ad
 Your element is Sorcery!Your the biggest wierdo who can do the strangest of things. You are sometimes called "Wierd" or other names. This is who you are and you can use your power for amazing things. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
Result Posted on 01/30/07:
div style="width:300px;_height:250px; min-height:250px; background-color:rgb(216,233,237); text-align:center;">
What Does Your Guardian Angel Look Like? (with beautiful anime pics!)
Your guardian angel looks like this...

Her name is Adelle, and she lived during the 1600's. She was a descendant of one of the most notorious witches of the time. She barely ever used her powers, but when she did, she used them in secrecy. Eventually, word got out of her ancestory, and she was drowned at a young age. The reason why she came back to earth as a guardian angel was to get revenge on humankind, but she has grown to find a friend in you. Never before has she had anyone who she can relate to, like she does with you. And so you are her first step in finding out that not all humans are bad. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
What Is Your Halo Made Out Of? (with beautiful pics)
 Your halo is made of stars. Angels with halos made of stars are often darker than most angels. They are laid-back and sensitive. Though it may seem like they never want to let anyone in, a lot of them are just afraid of being hurt since they have been hurt too much in the past. And they seem a little complex at first, but it's only because this kind of angel is very deep. They are open-minded and care for those they love. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
What are you feeling inside? ~With Anime Pics and 8 Results~ --For Girls Only--
 Your feeling is anger...You get ticked off at pretty much everything. You have a short temper which makes you a bit anit-social. Some believe that you are a good person deep down, but since most people judge someone quickly, you are considered heartless and mean. You aren't always cold, really, it's just that everything is just so stupid or frustrating in your point of view that you take it out on everyone around you instead of dealing it with a posisitve attitude. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
What angel shall you become when you die? ~Anime Pictures~
 ~Weeping Angel~The angel that you shall become when you die is a weeping angel. That does not necessary mean you always cry on the outside, but you might be crying on the inside. You've had many hardships to deal with in your life, such as betrayals and misunderstandings most likely. You are always afraid to speak you mind and make new people, maybe because you are afraid of rejection. You might have gotten picked on; every time you opened your mouth to say something someone would make fun of you. That's why you don't speak much. You can keep a positive attitude on the outside, but you're broken up on the inside.People see you as...quiet and alone.Your element is: WaterColors: Dark blue, indigoWings: misty, light blue and white Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
Result Posted on 01/30/07:
 | You scored as Angel of Guidance. You were the Angel of Guidance! Before you were sent down to Earth to be tested and be a human, you used to guide people in the right direction when they faced a problem or a seemingly hopeless situation. You looked out for humans using the stars as your eyes during the night when it was dark. Even today as a human, your friends and family often ask you for advice and always trust you because you know what is right and lead everyone in the right direction.
Angel of Death | | 100% | Guardian Angel | | 100% | Angel of Hope | | 100% | Angel of Guidance | | 100% | Angel of Good Fortune | | 100% | Angel of Prayer | | 100% |
What kind of an Angel were you before your life on Earth? (kool anime pics) created with | |
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