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• asch_mello_dei
• 0100-04-10
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• 2007-07-05
• I've played at Carnegie Hall, and I'm a blackbelt
Anime Fan Since
• I was brought into this world..o.o
Favorite Anime
• Angel Sanctuary, Tactics, Yami no Matsuei
• I'm not really sure. >_>
• Reading about ancient mysteries (such as the moai on Easter Island), reading about angels, watching Anime, reading Manga, listening to japanese music, playing video games, writing fanfics, etc
• drawing, harp
| kakashi lover 1
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Watari is love.
Watari from Yami no Matsuei, that is. :3

I'm starting to feel a bit better, so that's good. But lately, a lot of things have just been piling up, and sometimes it's hard to just keep it all bottled up. ._.;
And my mood is changing really freqently. One minute I'll be fangirling over Kantarou or Watari, and the next minute I'll be outside crying. Weird, right?
On a lighter note, I'm getting a tablet on the 22nd. *dances*
That means I'll finally be able to put other stuff on my new account on Deviant Art! ^_^
It's very new, and I only have four things on there. The name for it, if you're too lazy to look at the post below this one, is saru-saru. :3
Lately, I've been reading about angels, chakras (not from Naruto), UFO's, and stuff like that. Now, I believe in UFO's. A lot of people have been saying stuff like, "On May 11th, Aliens are going to invade!". They also say stuff like that about 2012. So, don't you think, that if the Aliens had the power to send UFO's down, that (if they were hostile) they could've come here already? I mean, come on. Obviously we're not the only forms of life in this universe. I'd actually be more surprised if there weren't other forms of life out there. ._.
That's pretty much all I have to babble about..see you! ^_^
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