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myOtaku.com: kakashi s

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Friday, June 2, 2006

ok you know what sucks ass? I had that totally awesome picture up for my bg and and it wont stick I load it up and I see it it's there but whenever I check my site later it's gone! can anyone help me with my pronblem? I would really appreciate it!
Here's the pic that WAS my bg

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Thursday, June 1, 2006

Look! It's the real live Aoshi! actually Aoshi's dead but this is what he really looked like!

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Hi everybody! Happy first day of June!! (to tell the truth I hate june...) anyways my friend Kira Yamato999 got Resident Evil 4 for game cube and the graphics are suposed to be really good so she's comin over hr so I can play...I cant wait!!! Leon here I come!!!

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Trendy...
You're a trendsetter.. well more of a trend follower. You have a few 'cool' friends who don't mind you hanging around for a laugh. It won't be long before you're climbing the ladder to cool status. Keep up the good work!!
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oh my gosh!! My cousin's wedding was beautiful! it was on this beautiful marsh and she was so pretty in her white dress and the flowers in her hair! It was so pretty! I laughed and danced and ate cake and got the same compliment more than once "You look so mature! you look so pretty! I love your dress! You look so pretty in that dress!!" It got kinda annoying saying thank you every other sentence (I'm over exaggerating a little bit). But other than getting an excruciatingly painful sunburn and missing a certian person a lot I had so much fun! How was everybody else's weekend?
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

so! it's a bummer because our advisee got 2nd place in the soccer world cup thing and My school lost by 1 point when there was 5 seconds left in the game in the championship! it sucks but we still got a trophy! anyways I have Exams this week and I have to leave right after my science exam on Friday to go to FL for my cousin's wedding I hope everyone's life is going good! and Kira if you dont e-mail me those pics soo I swear....have a good day everybody!!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

thanks for the good luck guys I'll tell my bro but I'm sorry to say it's a dude's LAX team and I'm not allowed to be in it...btu we are still going to kick some Country day booty!!! ^_^
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hey guess what??? I get to leave school at 10 tomorrow!!! for the Lacrosse state championships! my mom gave me the choice to totally skip school and sleep in and I'm still making up my mind because my favorite class is first period anywho! how was everybody's day?? Extremely good I hope!!! And everybody please feel free to ask me any question whatsoever being who I am I'll answer anything. So my day...there's a soccer world cup thing in my grade and it's split between boys and girls and my group won 4-2 against another team we are Greece and it's a complete waste of my lunch period but at least I'm doing something. Also I took the mile in PE today and I got 9 minutes and 42 seconds I suck at running and I just dont have the body type for that kind of thing. oh and we got little powdered donuts they were good while they lasted... : (
anyways if anything interesting happens I'll make sure to tell you guys but intill then this has been kakashi s reporting from somewhere in her school lol

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

hi everybody! the Varsity lacrosse team at my school is headed for the State Championship!!!! It's so exciting last year my oldest brother was on the team and they got to the semi-finals and our arch rivals beat us. BUT WE'RE GOIN ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!! GO CHARGERS!!!!! ok I'm cool anyways I may be getting a new IM screenname it's going to be sarcastic because my life is really boring it's going to be The-thrill-of-life45 so... how is everybody's life???
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Monday, May 15, 2006

I watched a really boring movie in Science and the guy creeped me out so bad, he was really freaky. and we watched a movie about Shakespere and the Renesiance theatre and the narrorator guy said the same thing about Shakespeare OVER AND OVER he said " and the greatest writer in the english language, no ANY language has been considered the greatest writer of all time seince the old ages, now the greatest writer is none other than the greatest writer of all time Shakespeare, let me tell you about this astounding writer's amazing works..." it was so annoying!!!! oh well!! so how is everybody's day? and if you have any sugestion for posts tell me as soon as you can! thanks!
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