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myOtaku.com: kakashi s

Friday, June 15, 2007

   cookie cookie
cookie cookie cookie cookie *Andy takes cookie*
*tears up*
Patrick: here have my cupcake
KS: thanks patrick *sniffle* where's all the icing?
Patrick: oh I licked it off
KS: ......*stares at cupcake* OOOOOHH PEEETE!!
Pete: what?
KS: you want a cupcake that someone licked?
Pete: *stuffs cupcake into mouth*
KS: o.O I'm hoping you ate that because you like cupcakes
oh yeah! ok so I've been designing a jacket and I have the jacket and the design just not all the materials but
patrick: AHH!!! *crumbs fall out of his mouth*
KS: what is it patrick?
*patrick points to window*
KS: PETE! did you invite your fan girls again
*pete stops posing in front of the window*
pete: NO....*closes blinds*
ANY WAYS! so this week I've been trying to get my mom to get the material for it and shes going to go with me today to get the stuffs I need. but then we have to go to the lake house...bleck...
oh well!!!
...idk lol

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PATRICK!!! is adorable

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so how is everybody?
sorry my post was...abnormal
Kakashi s

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