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myOtaku.com: kakashi s

Monday, June 18, 2007

compitition with capricorn-rocker
lets see how long my post takes....start tiiime 1:38
ok so I was up at like 3 am last night and I was like heeeey! I'm gunna put a post up! and I got on the computer and got really distracted (my mom had went out to pick my brother up from being dropped off at a parkinglot from a LAX tournament in new Jersey) and so by the time she got home I hadn't even started my post...RAWR. is it just me or is it always more fun when you're on the computer at like 3 am than like 1:40 pm.

IT'S SO HOT!! so all week except friday and saturday I have LAX practice from 10:30 am to 12:30 in 95 degree weather and with all my flippin goalie stuff on....meh. Well tomorrow is my brother's b-day buuut he's in Ireland probably drinking in pubs...I dont want to know what he's going to do once he gets drunk...*shudder*

end time 1:43 it took me 5 minutes!!! woooo!!

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these are really random lol
Kakashi s

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