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myOtaku.com: kakashi s

Friday, December 21, 2007

I will have vengeance!

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Sweeney Todd! it came out today but me and amy are going to go see it tomorrow! I'm so excited
the movie and play are based off a real dude (jack the ripper) in england i think that would take prostitutes and kill them and do other stuff (not rape) to their bodies (pm me if you REALLY want to know) but they made it into a musical and now a movie but they had to cut some of the singing out because of the quality of the voices of some of the actors XD
I am soooooo excited!!!!!
lol I'm going to get ski equpiment tomorrow too because we go up to WVA every new year so atually i'm going there for snowboarding stuff with my friend sarah!
tomorrow there's three complete days till christmas!!! isn't that exciting!? lol
how are you guys?
good i hope
getting into the holiday spirit ^_^
Laters! off to play me some KH2
Kakashi s

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