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myOtaku.com: kakashi s

Monday, November 20, 2006

once again I had something really important to post about and I forget
well until i think of it
we have to make this Protists comic strip in science with the Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, and......um Volvox!!!
mine is kinda weird all tht other protists can't find the Volvox because it's circular and is pretending to be a wheel on a car even though they're microorganisims. ^_^ the Volvox's name is Carl. His name is Carl and he shall be mine. still cant remember what I was going to say but whatever I'll remember and write it down so I can post about it.
Well you guys know I'm grounded so they took away all my stuff and I have to work and hour to get one CD back
I worked an hour baking cookies and brownies with my mother and earned a CD I have to work 15 minutes today to get another one. I AM DETERMINED!!! I want to get at least my favorite CDs by the time we head off to FL. Amelia Island to be exact. But my brother Tyler has been down in Key West for a class trip and so he has to drive back up on the bus get in the car with his "loving" family and rive right back down to the good old Florida state. We're spending Thanksgiving in FL like I think I said earlier.....and my two little cousins will be there
and My cousin Jordan who I seriously can't figure out if he's Gay or not but that's his buisness
he thinks he's too cool to hang out with me....that little mamma's boy...I'll prove him wrong....oh I'll prove him so horribly wrong.....anyways! ummm and I lost my train of thought once again.....ummm
until I remember
in advance of course because I wont have any access to a computer during the break.
I'll miss you guys
and I'm sorry I can't remember what I was going to say
My B
kakashi s

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