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myOtaku.com: kakashi s

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ok I'm really confused.....again....my friend Brent said something about having the best girl that's a friend ever and he told me he meant me but another girl, Caitlin, thought he was talking about her and I'm not sure if he was talking about me or her but whatever. well I have a history test tomorrow....but I have an A in history and history os really easy for me because I enjoy it....I went to the doctor today after fighting with my brother tyler about why I was late by 9 minutes. My back is really bad so we went and it turns out that with the genetic disfunction that my dad gave me I also have mild Scoliosis, so my spine's kinda curvy....lol yet another thing to add to my multiple injuries/imperfections. we got the Subaru back and it's all good now but I now have to wait till 4:30 to go home....and that really pisses me off. Oh and here I'll post a pic of me a couple years ago
it was like 9AM and that's EARLY for me
hey look!!!!

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A fish ^_^
wow um I regret putting this up
I look really bad, even though I dont look like that now, now I'm a GODDAMN HOTTIE!!! lol jk
I look a TON better now that I did in that pic

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