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AVeryBoringPlace, Ohio
Member Since
none. which is why I'm broke, unfortunately
Real Name
Samantha, Sami, Sam, or Asuka, take your pick
stayed 2 days at church camp before getting homesick, student of the month at school
Anime Fan Since
good question. a while
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Bleach, Blood+, Trinity Blood, MAR, Prince of Tennis, Sailor Moon, Witch Hunter Robin
write a novel
reading, writing, drawing, listening to music
singing, writing, drawing kinda, annpying the crap out of people
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/14/07:
What color is your mind? (Anime Pictures)
 Dark Purple Well, well arent we the sarcastic type? You have a very witty mind thats filled with artistic, observant, and intelligent thoughts. You think a lot about nothing dont you? Its ok to think about nothing, because when you think about nothing, interesting thoughts occur. Youre deep too, which is surprising because, like I said. Youre witty and sarcastic. Go You (rate me) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/14/07:
What Color Are Your Tears
 Your tears are lavender. You are a dreamer. You dream of lands with lilac skies, glimmering stars, and rushing crystal waters. You long for love and companionship. You feel as if your young years are seeping away through your brittle fingers and that you are not living your youth to the fullest. Your beliefs are love, passion, togetherness, and the power of two. Although you are quite the passionate type, your true love has not yet entered your life, though you have before thought your school crush as your true love. You cry when you think yourself to be all alone in this emmense, mysterious world, but you never stop to take notice that you are surrounded by warm, loving people who would be willing to embrace you in their kindness and chase away your shadowy thoughts. Just keep on believing and your imagination land will someday become a reality. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/14/07:
Who is your inner Shapeshifter?
 Though they rarely caused mankind any serious harm, these Japanese fox spirits known as kitsune were well known for playing tricks on people and could be a real nuisance. They possessed the ability to transform into any creature, though they would often retain their fox tail. One could easily determine the age and level of maturity of a kitsune by counting it's tails; An immature, rambunctious kitsune would have very few tails, while a wise and powerful one would have as many as nine.As a kitsune, you are clever, sensual, beautiful, mysterious and effeminate (even if you are a guy). You are also somewhat sneaky and like to pull pranks on people, but otherwise you are very pleasurable to be around. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/14/07:
What Kind of Demon are you? Gurlz ONLY! Anime PICS!
 You are a Fox demon. You are sly and charming and can squeeze out of any situation. You are very beautiful and you use that to your advantage. You are a half demon so you don't fit in with anyone. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/14/07:
Result Posted on 12/14/07:
Result Posted on 12/14/07:
Which kind of dark magic should you use?

Palm Reading
Ability: This is the most famous way of telling someones life. Past, present and future are all in one hand. Although many say you can only read the future, finding out about the past and the present is also possible. It is only harder to tell when it is officially past and when it is officially present. Usually the left hand is read but there are some people who take the right hand instead. Keep in mind that both hands are not the same and usually the left hand is more exact. Each person then has a different way of reading the lines. Most of them coming from different cultures. Only one line is always the same: The life line. You, being natuarly talented in this, would probably find the right path of mastering palm reading.
Personality: You are really artistic. Your way of writing stories or poems and your technique in drawing could even make you famous. You're really talented just don't be too shy to show it. You're good and you know it. You surely have that talent line on your palm.
Best copable with: Orb Reading Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/14/07:
What Demon Follows you? ..:Interesting Pics:..
 You are followed by the Demon of Confusion. This demon will make you confused about what you want to do next. You can be quiet often and a little on the dark side, but not depressed. You can sometimes make poor decisions because the Demon won't let you find which one is right, but you remain calm which is good in many situations. This is probably the hardest Demon to get rid of. Hopefully you will grow out of it or you can try accepting more things they way they are. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/14/07:
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED
 ~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~ Your love is wierd. You suddenly fell inlove or have a cruch on an enemy or someone you though you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer to that person. tip,so you like an enemy,oppisite always attrake. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/14/07:
What kind of guardian are you? (For girls and guys. Lovely pics as well)
 You are the guardian of the night. You love the darkness and the only light you prefer is the moon. There is nothing more comforting than the dark sky and little to no light. You promote sleep, quiet and relaxation for the hardworkers of the day and love the mystery the night can bring. People who love the night sometimes prefer to be alone and love serenity and have a tendency to have something mysterious and intriguiging about them. Sometimes you can be an enigma or simply a strange person who maybe a bit violent, but that's how you are. Take this quiz!
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