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Konnichiwa everyone! Arigato Guzaimasu for coming to my site! I hope you enjoy yourself and have a great time!!!
Till next time! ;)
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I'm finally hosting my 2nd Contest!
Table of Contents
I. What Is This About?
II. Rules and Regulations
III. Prizes
I. What Is This About?
Do you like to make poems? How about short stories? Or maybe you're a picture it person? Well this is the contest for you! Here's the Info:
*You will either draw a picture of, write a short story about, or write a poem. I have a few things you need to include in your short story/picture/poem.
1). You need to include one of my characters in it. I have Dante, Hiraku, Sayumi, Susuke, and Linnaeus.
2). This only applies to stories: A Beginning, Middle, and End.
3). Poems: Putting characters in poems is hard, so you may just write a poem about them, or about their home area, or something funny that'll make me laugh^^
4). Art: The actual picture of the character^^ Make sure I can see it!
*All Entries will be sent in by December 16, and none will be taken later then that! So I think you should send in your entries^^
*All Entries will be e-mailed to me at
(Make sure you put the subject as "Kaki-Kusu's 2nd Competition!")
II. Rules
*Follow all guidelines listed above
*Do not copy poems, stories, or artwork from other users, or other parts of the internet.
*Don't harrass or put down any users/entries
*Have Fun^^
III. Prizes
(x1)Grand Prize:
A user profile designed and coded by me
(x1)Second Prize:
A customized banner by me
(x1)Third Prize:
Art Request
Customized Avatars for Myotaku
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
I'm back on and finally ready to get back into request mode! (sorry for the delay, I was so soaked up in art I kinda pummited and became lazy ^^;)
BTW: If anyone plays Gaia, my name is PantlessHippie; so look me up;) I'll be glad to befriend ya!
Ok, off to do some requests. Be back around 6:00pm EST
To Myotaku's Fanart!
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Of ALL The Rotten Luck!

GREAT! I live down here in Florida and a Category 5 Hurricane that is traveling completely through the water then the Gulf is pumbling towards us!
And we appear to be the only one it's gonna hit! How lucky am I? A hurricane striking almost all of the panhandle of Florida on the weekend before my birthday.
Thanks rotten luck /=(
This is the projection map (this is just for the eye and outter bands of the eye). I marked off where I live (Orange Park). So, ya, Mother Nature gave me the best gift in the world; A Hurricane.
To Myotaku's Fanart!
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Requests (Again)
Hopefully I won't delete this request sheet... This is everyone who requested and the requests they made! Mail me if I got it wrong.
PS: I'm doing requests in order from when I would like to do them, to least wanted to do, although I may go outside this order, so bear with me.
Request Page
*GrimmFox: A blond elf with bright emrald green eyes, and an awesome warrior outfit to be designed by me
Status: Waiting to Be Scanned
*TheDarkerSide: Draw her character - big sad brown puppy dog eyes, long dark brown hair, short, big lips (not to big), nice boobs (sry best feature lol), not skinny or fat, punk goth and wears lots of black eyeliner
*Yuske Moto: Videl and Bulma in Playboy Bunny suits.
*keito-chan: Kenshin and her oroginal character Fumeiyo, which looks like: He was about six feet tall and he was really strong looking too. He had black hair in a low ponytail. He had on practice clothes just like Kaoru- sensei, but his pants were black and he had a brown overcoat.
*Hunter Iria: Chibi Tidus so he can get some love ;)
*Heero Yuy: A gunslinger colored in color pencils
*Kokkoii Matoku: Her original character with Neji from Naruto (I have the piccie of oc)
*CCLUVGOKU: Goku and Inuyasha fighting (meaning major fighting stances)
*Stephane Dumas: Sango swimming in the water with bubbles coming out of her mouth
*Seryn: A picture of Inuyasha. My choice of bg and pose.
*BakurasGirlfwend: Rikku and Sasuke in chibi form playing together
*Hitomi Kayima: Her Character - Looks;
Hair: Bright red, has a large chunk of hair hanging down from each side, and is always held up in a ponytail, and even when up it reaches a bit past her waist.
Eyes: Emerald green, and sort of mysterious. They are thinner, and feminin but not too girly girly.
Skin: Darkly tanned, like all Gerudo's.
Jewelry: Two medium sized golden hoop earings, gold rings on all fingers but her thumbs, and a gold chain with a white diamond for the necklace.
Clothes: Japanese school uniform. Short skirt, which is dark green, the shirt white and long sleeved, and the style is like Kagome's (from Inuyasha), same colors too, dark green and red, and she doesn't wear it tucked in, so a lot of times her stomach shows because it's kind of short. Shoes are like Kagome's as well. (You know Kagome, correct? O_O)
Other: She has three scars, one on her stomach which is three large gashes, and two on her neck, one on the front which looks like a small slash, and one on HER left side, which looks like a bite mark on her neck
Background; My manga's School
*Kashi-mi: girl kitsune in like raggy clothing and in a park or on a street and she is a little girl
*CeleS`VictoriA: Kenshin and Kauru, background is my choice
To Myotaku's Fanart!
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
The .PNG Formatted

This is the Golden Girl, done on paint, all of it was done on paint, scuse me. This is the .PNG formatted one. .JPG ruined some of the coloration in this piccie, so I posted it as .PNG here.
Well, comment and tell me what'cha think;)
To Myotaku's Fanart!
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