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Member Since
student/tennis player
Real Name
rumplestiltskin, but u can just call me kalypso. its a lot shorter.
uhhhh... define achievements.
Anime Fan Since
as long as i can remember
Favorite Anime
YuYu Hakusho, Trigun, Samurai Champloo, Hellsing, Inuyasha, and Fullmetal Alchemist
to go to Cal Poly SLO for college and not to go completely isane
tennis, surfing, drawing
Talents and grades? (maybe drawing depending on someone else's point of view, but not in mine)
Hey! Welcome to my total kick ass site of awesomeness. ya right. if at all possible, please refrain from making fun of my complete technological incompetence. its quite sad really. wait, i was supposed to be doing something...oh right! describing myself! i remember now. Damn ADHD or ADD or whatever it is. well lets see. there really isn't much thats real interesting about me. i'm a huge closet anime fan and i love to draw, even though i suck. seriously. go check out my fan art if you don't believe me. ok back to me. i'll stay on track from now on, promise. like i said, i'm pretty boring, i love tennis though, so to any fellow tennis players out there, YOU ROCK! ok got a tad excited there. well thats about all i feel like saying as of now, so i will leave you with those lovely thoughts.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
new background
hey everybody! check out my new background! its an austrailin shepherd! just like my dog! i was looking at google pics for a new one to put on my background and i then i saw this and became most excited. it was very satisfying and that made absolutely no sense what so ever. but hey! who gives a damn because its summer and summer means u can turn that thing that takes up o so much room in your head off. aka your brain. well thats it. ciao!
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
urg. i am having a weird day. i woke up at my usual saturday time of 11, which was nice, and then i went to costco, which is the most awesome place ever. that was fun. but now i'm at home. doing homework. again. eew. oh well. i'll get it done. eventually. anyways, yesterday was my friends birthday, so a bunch of us went to the movies and i saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith. very good movie. i highly recomend it. it was very violent. YAY VIOLENCE! ok well thats about it for today.
bye all!
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
erk. i dunno if thats even a word but w/e. i am really tired. i mean u think i wouldn't be considering i got uh.... whats 9 1/2 hours of sleep. ya i went to bed @ 12:30 which is pretty normal for a friday night and i woke up late, so one would think i would be totally awake, and i don't want to hear any of that "if u get too much sleep, it makes u more tired" crap. personally, i think its this God awful geography home work i'm trying to finish. to no avail, as usual. but hey! i only have... 19 more pages to take note on! yes! so excited. not. i hate homework. >P evil school. and wat really sux is that all my friends that go to other skools get out a week earlier than i do! NOT FAIR!!!! *mumble grumble mumble*
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Featured Quiz Result:
awesome! hiei rules!
 You're Hiei, the arrogent, speedy, and dangerous fire youkai!! You have your faults, but you always seem to cover them up. You value your close friends and companions deep inside, although you make a point of never telling them so ^.^ you will eventually... right?
Yu Yu Hakusho 'dun dun dun' The Quiz!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
PSYCHO-INSANE!-You are like me. You don't like reality, and people sometimes look down on you because you are so different. But you're unique and you like it that way. You're not a follower and are independant. Careful, you are also defensive of friends and family and would fight for them. . .don't take on more than you can handle! Please rate a 5!
Are you normal, crazy, psycho-insane, insane, weird, or evil? brought to you by Quizilla