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Friday, January 27, 2006

   New theme
I find it only proper to add a new theme after that previous one. Anyways, this one is inspired by the memory and since my GREAT friend Cia-chan also has a song based theme, I thought why not be a copy-cat...? I'm glad you all liked my ode...I had to do it for english class and thought it only proper to post it on that occasion....There are quite a few things new for me so I'll be brief...George (my cat) broke his old red collar so now he has a hansome new blue one. It's quite stunning....I have a lot of new classes since the term started...they are as follows:
Advanced Physics
AP Calculus
Veterninary Science
Wind Ensemble
but since Psych is an independent study, I can now take art!

It's going to be a great term...I'll comment further at a different time...Have a great weekend!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ode to Brave
Ode to Brave

Why hast thou curleth near me as I write
A tribute of my love for thee? Thy warm
Presence bringest to my heart urgent light.

Thy tender coat of pillowed fur with charm
Containest a rumble so fierce, yet soothe
Within the savage beast of tooth and arm.

Thy eyes (Oh, thy eyes!) that canst perceiveth
All dark obstacles lurking in thy path,
Shatter the burden I bear with thy truth.

Staring, shining in the darkness, they hath
The power to moveth me to my knee,
And proveth to thee love and no more wrath.

Yet nearest thee and thy great unrest, we
Grow compassionate as thou knowest me.

Wanting only for thy eye�s love, I be
Waiting for thy friendly acceptance lick
And the gentle brush of comfort from thee.

Thou stayeth in anticipation, quick
To dasheth to the doorway I enter
And in discipline of me, thou shalt nick.

Thy eyes look up at me full of anger.
�Why hast thee left me?� thou seemeth to ask.
Yet, I see longing in thy face stronger.

Picking thee up swiftly, I reveal thy mask
Of loneliness. �My heart shalt never leave
Thee,� I say. �Tis my life and �tis our task.

And in this comfort thou relax. This eve
Shalt be the end of lies, death and deceives.

So there with me, thou sleepeth peacefully.
While I, awake, ponder our relation.
We art but two souls crossing briefly.

Sleep! Sleep! For thou shalt never need motion.
Sleep! Sleep! Thy life of pain hath ended.
Sleep! Sleep! Peace hath cometh with my potion.

Do not fear the journey thou hath started.
Rejoice! �Tis a pilgrimage newly made.
Thou treadest the path of life so gloried.

Though, I knowest thee little before thy fade,
I loved thee tenderly. So now I grieve.
I beg that on my journey, me, thou bade.

Never shalt I forget thee, and the eve
That wasth the end of lies, death and deceives.

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Today was...well enough about today. Nothing to report. Just thought I'd annoy everyone with a random post. I really have no reason to except to say that Finals are over, welcome the most difficult term of my life! WHOOT! + Vet Sci.!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's midnight--basically--and I'm still up finishing papers! I still have three to go, kind of...not all due tomorrow thank goodnes...but once again I appologize for not being able to get to people's sites today. I'll try though. Wish me luck on my Calc final. It's 70 % of my grade! WHOOT! I'm so dead!
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Monday, January 16, 2006

YAY FOR FINALS *sarcastic*...so I won't be on...I'm just up really late trying to finish hw...
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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sorry but it's final week, so I won't be on at all...I hope you all have a great week though!
�Hasta Luego!

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Tuesday, January 3, 2006

OKAY I"M GOING TO SQUEEL LIKE A LITTLE FAN GIRL! *SQUEEEEEEEL!* Okay, calm down. That's probably the time you'll hear me squeel but I had to express my excitement. This will sound like nothing to the majority of you but a couple days ago, I opened Shonen Jump mag. and there it was! A SNEAK PEAK TO BLACK CAT! TRAIN-KUN!!!!! Shonen is finally publishing Black cat in english starting March! I can't wait! I've read the majority of the series online but it was discontinued. Okay, I better settle down now....TRAIN-KUN!!!!
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Sunday, January 1, 2006

New Years
I hope everyone had a happy yet safe New Years...Before I head off to work I just wanted to point out my video clip of George above and Give a HUGE thank you to Hard Luck Woman for the wonderful New Years Banner! I really appreciate it!

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Saturday, December 31, 2005

If you weren't aware, I went on "vacation" for the past couple of days with my dad's side of the family. We went to a hotel with many large waterparks...yes in the middle of winter...but it was like Soylent Green *if you don't know the movie it's with WAY too many people* But we got an old time photo done, which I've included. I will not tell you which person is me so this is probably the only time I'll post a picture of myself. I'm in there...some where...Everyone else is either my siblings, my cousins, my step cousins or my cousin's fianc�...Yes now my dad's side of the family is fairly large. Enjoy.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tribute to Cia-chan
I'm not good with words...and you've alread heard what I had to say so I'll leave this with you...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

PS. If anyone knows how to keep a picture it's original size for a bg let me know. As far as I know photobucket is shrinking all my images...it's a tad depressing...T_T;... I'd really appreciate the help!

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