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OrcWhl *but I may not talk to you or ever be on*
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The Dark Abyss
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Soul Stealer
Real Name
Kamenki, mysterious black cat, Black Kat,
I can't think of many...okay...i did finish painting a wall in my room...does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Ever since a particular anime came out...
Favorite Anime
/manga...#1 Black Cat, *in no order* Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruba, Rurouni Kenshin, Pet shop, DNAngel, InuYasha, YYH, Naruto, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Kindachi, Samuri Deeper, Hunter X, Witch Hunter, Wolf's rain, Ranma, That's all I can think of now
to BECOME.....*suspence* Animal Behaviorist
I love CATS!!!!
What are those?...maybe...sketching...?...wait...I can talk to cats!...not really...
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
New Theme
Hey I'm just posting quick to say...this is my new theme for a while...I don't have much time so I probably won't change it for a while...The BG is my other cat Phantom named after my all time favorite character the Phantom of the Opera! the song you are listening to *if you can listen to it* is the last wolf suite from Rurouni Kenshin...I apologize that the beginning is annoying, boring, and repetitive...very repetitive but it get better I promise...or at least I like if it keeps playing the same chord over and over don't worry nothing's wrong with your computer it's just the song! with that said...Sayonara!
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
School Schedule
I"ve been busy lately...or maybe lazy...I can't tell...but that's why I haven't gone to everyone's sites and commented and stuff...I'm really sorry! I"ve Wanted To and...and...*calms to collect self...* well that's in the past...unfortunately, school starts for me really soon so I won't be on much/at all...I'll be lucky if I can finish the Kyo Clones on I"m really sorry about that...they're just not turning out the way they should...*sigh*...I'm working hard and hopfully they'll be done by the end of next week...well if anyone's interested I"m posting my school schedule...sure we may not go to the same school but maybe it'd be cool to see the subjects i like etc. find out what I"m like at school...ish...or what a senior year is like for it is:
Term 1
Advanced Physics
Hon/AP Engligh 12
Prayer and Spirituality
Wind Ensemble *band*
Living a Christian LIfestyle
Term 2
Spanish 5
Hon Calc/AP Calc
Prayer and Spirituality
Wind Ensemble
Hon/AP English 12
Term 3
Advanced Physics
Hon Calc/AP calc
Vet Science
Wind Ensemble
? AP Economics?
Jazz 2
Term 4
Hon/AP English 12
Spanish 5
Vet Science
Wind Ensemble
Jazz 2
and an Independent Study on the computer: AP Psychology
as you can see it's a busy year for me...leaving me little to no free time...not to mention a new job as a lifeguard...they think I can save lives...hahaha...but seriously it's a lot of stress for me so be patient if I don't come on at all when school starts...I"M SORRY! and they say Senior year is easy......-_-;;;
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Monday, August 15, 2005
I know how much you're all dying to see the picture of my "painting" wall...*cough*...*act like you want to*...I'm sorry if it's a huge picture...I have a main one and a close up on the wave for you...I hope you enjoy! *but I"m seriously thinking not painting the third'll be too much of a pain...sorry...*

Cia painted this botton part...........................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I think it was around there...sorry if I'm wrong Cia!

I hope you liked them!
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
My room
recap: some of you may remember that my family bought a fixer uper house on a lake to become our "cottage"...well, I mentioned that the only room that needed to be painted was mine...I have three walls to paint and I wanted to be all creative and have some form or mural...1st wall was to be an ocean scene...2nd a pond...3rd an oriental garden...I've had all summer to paint but only started in July...but FINALLY wall number 1 is finished! it took forever and was supposed to be easiest but it still took forever...I'll post a pic when I get on to #2...
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
sorry i haven't been on or finished the clones yet...-_-;;; I'm trying...yesterday was rocky but todays better...i think...if you haven't noticed I changed my background to my cat GEORGE!!!! OH I LOVE YOU GEORGE!!!! NOW THE WORLD WILL KNOW OF YOUR GUAPO_NESS! and my avi is different...i kindof got sick of the old it's not one of my cats but i really like that picture...
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Monday, August 8, 2005
FINALLY! The monthly + a day has been created and completed...although much more murderous than our initial intent...-_-;;;...Those with a weak's a warning...It's posted on Cia-chan's site *link above* read it...check it out...sign her guestbook...whatever...if you still haven't read the first one read my intro...i know it's long but i think it's funny...okay I like random...So we just got finished writting it for the masses a second's updated and "uncencered..." -_-;;; I LOVE IT THOUGH! Okay I'm weird and like oddities but I deserve a place to vent my hyper insane mind...right? maybe i'm wrong...I better shut up before I make a fool of myself...too late...*sigh*...oh of the many sides of KAMENKI! YAY HYPER!!! I BURN!!!! *to think I have to sleep that possible...what is sleep...*
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Hey! Good computer works! So...I've been working hard core on the Kyo clone machine and have made decent progress...they should come out within the week...i hope thats okay...concerning the Monthy + a Day fanfic...i'm afraid that it won't be out tomorrow...i'm sure you're all disappointed...*doubt anyone even noticed there was a montly + a day fanfic...* I'm sorry but Cia and I just couldn't get together long enough to write it but we'll/she'll post it when we do...sorry for the inconvinience...if you didn't know about the fanfic read the one that's posted now in my intro...Cia will post the new one and so on and so forth...okay I g2g Sayonara!
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Hey Everybody!...I'm sure I wasn't missed...but I'm here to make an update...I've got NEWS...but it's probably bad...ALRIGHT! all the spots for the specialized kyo clones have been that's it...*if you really want one pm me but I may not do it, depends on how busy/lazy I am...* haven't been able to work much on the existing kyo clones for two reasons...1. I'm not allowed to use the computer because my bro claims it as his own...this post is due to hacking in...2. my's the word I'm looking that's not it...terrifying...too threatening...that's details here though...not even to you Cia you have enough on your mind...*one of Kamenki's deep dark secrets...HA!*
on another note...okay there isn't one...SAYONARA! Oh and thank you all of you to help get the Kyo Clones a great start!
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
More Exuses
Alright...i'm sorry for not posting earlier...i was tired...and for not visiting anyone's site recently, I'm busy getting the kyo clones started...actually i probably won't come on until all the clones are finished...i hope to get all of them done in two weeks so please be patient...Update...there is only one opening for a specialized kyo clone...wonder who it'll the moment #6,9,and 10 are left...i think...if I'm wrong and you already chose one of these numbers let me know and I'll fix it...just too much to remember...I think that's all I have to say for now...see you in two weeks with the grand opening of the kyo clones!
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Friday, July 29, 2005
i pressed the add post button...continuing... if anyone knows how to make the images larger please let me know...photobucket shrinks the images...the images of the clones will be kept by me and the owners of the clones...that way other people interested have a variety of clones to choose from...I'll make sure that each are unique so they will atleast have different colors and a different number!...i'll release the clones to their owners once they are colored/sketched depending...before i go I'll leave with one more example..Kyo #1:
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