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Thursday, November 11, 2004

Well i really dunno what i'm but anway today is not school cuz of Vetrans day!! whoot whoot! and i've done so much....no lil brats cuz my sis doesnt babysit and i'm at my dads! ^-^ but the dad part is bad i dun like my dad very much. but i wanted to give out this message to ppl who consider suicide: Guys if you are gonna commit suicide dont. Because that can be the wrost decision in your life. Trust me i tried it once but i did not prevail. What got me out of it was all the ppl who love me and care for me sooo much. like Sinny, if i had killed myself then she would have been in the world of hurt. And Mike...i'm not sure but he would be sad to. so ppl before you decide to kill youself think about you loved one or you loved ones to be. I know your lives may seem shitty and horrible. but look think of other ppl who have lives like you. Kinda like me, comeing home to a scremaing family. going to school with red hand prints on you face. going to the counciling office asking what the hell happend to you. After all the trama hurting emtionaly and physically! Resulting wanting to go crazy and kill youself. But as i said before you even consider suicide think about this ok then!

Question of the day: Have you ever thought about sucied? if you did what made you stop?

Me, yes i have but i stopped cuz i thoguht about my loved ones! ok then see ya!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

   Whats up
Well today i'm just bored bored bored. Nothing to do really. Tommrow i have no school becuz of vetrans day hich will be aswome i might have a sleep over tonight! ^-^ and i hope my sister doenst babysit those horrible gruling kids!!! i hate Briona! i hate JD! there so annyoing! thewy need Nanny 911. For you ppl who dont know about Nanny 911. Its this really cool reality show and stuff like that its where a nanny comes and puts your kids butts in line! its on channel three on wensday nights. But anway i really hope for that sleep over tonight becuz that briona is sooo horrible she marked on my favorite linkin park shirt!!! (friend gave it to me) then she almost stached my LP Cd she was messin with my gamboy adavce sp and she ripped a paged out of my book! and i'm so glad that my hamster was out of her hands! who know what shwe could of done to my poor Oreo! ok now time for the question of the day!

Have you ever had to babysite or be with the kids being babysitted by a sibling and they were just horrible and got into everything of yours!

Well of corse me that stupid ass briona! she knows better! i swear if she marks on my Linkin Park poster tongight and if i catch her...she wil DIE!!!!!!!!

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Saturday, November 6, 2004

Hi everyone how are you doing today i'm just fine and dandy but i havebnt herd from 50 in a while and i kinda upsets me a lil but i know Sinny has updated and i shall leave a comment to her on that but anyway sinny if u want my phone number its 719-383-7345 so call me whenever i'm waiting! ^-~ ok yesterday i saw the grudge and it had a big RIP OFF ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god it was the worst ending i have ever seen in my life! for you ppl who have seen it you should know what i am talking about. The Grudge wasnt scary but it was CREEPY! i mean this girl Yoko she lost her jaw and i cant explan it it was soooooo grose though! well i have my question for the day!

Ok here it is, in a movie have you ever seen a big rip off ending and you where REALLY upset about it?

well duh of corse me! i just told you about the grudge! but yeah gotta go help a frined make a site! ^-^

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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Well as you can see in my title its going to be about the moon. But anway last night if some of you live here in the U.S there was an eclpis of the moon. As i was out side witht eh phoen in my hand my friend Aretha called me on my phoen and i answerd it. this is how it went

Me: hello?

Aretha: Ayla guess what!

Me: what?

Aretha: there is going to be an ecplisp of the moon!

Me: 0.0 your kidding me right Aretha!

Aretha: no not at all but yeah and eclips of the moon!!!

Me: me wow! oh got to go retha! ok my mom is naging on me ok bye! ^-^

Aretha: ph ok but to tell you everyone in the school was talkng about it in school! but yeah bye!

then i hung up on the phoen and the moon was full and boy did it look pretty and then my mom called me in and i was suppose to do laundry. When i was going to go get the load and my frined Jace he came outside and he told me about the eclips of the moon. I told him i knew about it and he said oh and i was done putting in the luandry by 7 i looked at the moon and it was already staring to go away. "Aswome" i said so i go inside and my other fiend elizebeth calls me to tell me about but of corse i told her i knew. And by the time i went to go put the laundry in the dryer it was almost gone! so i did tghay then i saw Jace, Same and Andera out there and we played w hile we saw the moon disapear then before it went away it the moon was apearing again like an eye slowly opening! so we where playing round when a light turned off and all of us where screaming "CHUCKIE!!!" but then i said "what if they and chuckie are teaming up!" jace said "Watch that light sudennly turn on...-_-" then it did thats when we deffently where scared. But yeah later on that bight the moon turne like a dark blood red when i was peering ouyt the balconing! later on that night it was gone fgor good. I cant wait until the next luner eclips!

ok question of the day! what is the most amazing moon you have ever seen?

Me of corse last night duh!!!! i shoudlt have to explain! ok then see ya!

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Saturday, October 23, 2004

so sleepy thne yet not...i read the three comments i got yesterday...youwch that is painful...besides for someone who hasnt had anything painful done to them...heheh and they know who they are....^-^ but anway last night i watched to movies one Home On The Range and i also watched this other movie thats was based on a true story forgot what it was called but yeah it had to do something with this evil lamp that was possed by the devil and bunch of wierd tings happen like when this on boy named Ryan he was messin with the chain saw it started by itself and he couldnt control it! nother part is when this boy came tothe hgouse too take that chain saw and the tea kettle because it burned some old womans hand. He had put his hand dwon the grabage disposal and guess what the switch went down and cut of his hand! blood went everywhere! ok this other part that was freaky this guy came to do some plumping but the pip bursted and he was geteing drowned in blood and that on guys hand caem from the pipe too!!! but anway in the end the deevil lamp was destroyed but the messed up part of it is the cat turned evil!!!! NO EVIL KITTY!!!!! but anway i havew got to go now! oh wait! the question of the day!

Ok what is your most favorite movie ever??? (no anime)

Um i have to say Gothica thats movie was aswome!!!! but i want to see the grudge sounds scary...i wonder how scary it would be for me....well now i saw good-bye! ^-^

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Friday, October 22, 2004

i'm noy sure what to talk about or what to do...bleh,,,then other stuff school and today i just got my eye brows waxd...ouch...thAt hurt and painful its so true pain is buety...thats so sad T-T my eyes litarly waterd when they ripped of the lil paper thing that sticks on when the wax is on...and man is that wax HOT!!!!!! ok i have no shout out today..cant hink of no one right now..T-T but i DO have the question of the day!

ok what is the most painful thing that was ever happend to you!?

Me well uh lets see when i was riding my bike i fell off and dislocated and fractureed my elbow i was screaming bloody murder and everyone hed me. i have another one two its when i was running ion P.E and i tripped and bang my head on the medal door and it hurt SOOOOO badly god i was lauing instead of crying! serios! but yeah G2G and love you lots Mike!

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Sunday, October 17, 2004

i know i'm gonna get one or to comments on here but hey it worht telling SOME of u ppl that come to my site when u see i've updated but then ywet i understand alot of u ar eoff at night time which REALLY stinks! But anway i'm glad that you enjoyed the post everyone escpeacaly u Mike! but ok then time for the shout out of the day and it goes to PANDA! Panda is a nice person she is fun and soo kind and on the plu side she has the best questions to answer! i'm going to her site right after i'm done with this post!

Ok Question of the day. What is the scariest thing u have eer done in you entire life!

Me well lets see when i went up to this place that had a rock climbing wall and of corse with a harnest just in case! but man my elbow started hurting becuz this was like Saturday and after the accident i had a year ago! but yeah i was afraid to let go and get injured BADLY but i also have this other one but i'm not gonna tell you! beside i have to go now! bye!

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Friday, October 15, 2004

Ok todays i finally friday the best day of the wek! and today is the boring ol prde asembly! Oh great go Tojans and today i'm gonna have to show school spirt! i think i'm not today...i will just wear black....who cares if i dont show school spirt anyway cuz i mean i am at my dad's house and i dont have all my cloths here so i will wear black today...i didnt expect for me t stay that long at my dads house but i will try to come everyday before mt dad leaves ti school so i can update and stuff like that i promise! ok before i do anoything with the shout out and the question i have to put this up...Mike this is for you! sense u werent able to see it yesterday which i was REALLY sad that u didnt come on but i hope u do today to see it! ok here it is!

hope u love it mike! it cam just from me!

For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla

see i'm all alone Mike! this was me when i didnt
have u in my life!

For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla


For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla

Go Mike!

For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla


For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla

Dont mind the hash thing i put somethin there but then i didnt want it thier so i decided to just leave it...but there it is!

Ok did u like it Mike i hope so. Ok the Shout out of the day goes to MAMMA VASH! i like for this shout out to her becuase she is a really wonderful person and she has the best imaginenation i know. Like the picture of the world she drew and stuff like that. Also she is just a REALLY nice person to be with.

Question of the day: What was the most retarted thing you HAD to do or go to?

Well for me the most retarted thing i HAD to do was this wierd exserise yesterday. When ppl started to do it....lets say it did not look right and i didnt want to do that at ALL. then i have two for my question also the most retarted thing i had to go to was last year we had a "CSAP (Colorado Student Assement Program)Dance" isnt that stupid there were no food or a a D.J there to play cool music..*sigh* and in the "Csap" dance they cut out all the profanity...-_- i mean the music is just fine the way it is...well guys i have to go ok then see all of u later!

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Thursday, October 14, 2004

For Mike
hope u love it mike! it cam just from me!

For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla

see i'm all alone Mike! this was me when i didnt
have u in my life!

For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla


For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla

Go Mike!

For You Mike
brought to you by Quizilla

and u have to wait for that other on i had...i seem to accidently use another pcture! Oops!! but i hoped u enjoyed this Mike!

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   Really happy!
Ok well its still night over here and its not even day time! So it�s still the 13th...*shivers* such an unlucky number! But anyway! I will give the shout outs and I will ask the question and later on the actual 14th I will tell bout my day and stuffs like that so stay tuned for that! Ok the shout out of the day I like to give 2 out anyway. On is to Sindalla or Sinny if you like to call her! I like to give a shout out to her because she is the most special thing that has happened to me! She is the best lil sister I ever had here! She makes me feel warm and happy inside! And she did the sweetest thing to me on her site! God she is the best she is like an angel sent from the heavens above! And to the count I�m her only sister!!! That�s how special I am to her! So that�s why I have this shout out to her!!! And the second shout out is to my beloved Mike! (50 Cent) he is the greatest guy in the world! I love him so much and he is the sweetest thing he makes me so happy! I just love him!!! Sometimes I think about him non-stop especially when the days are gloomy for me I just think of him and how he can always put a smile on my face!

Ok those where the shout out and my question is! What kind of music do you like best? And why? And from the category who is you favorite singer?

Well me I like all sorts of music I like everything BUT country u don�t know why I guess because it is so depressing I really don�t like depressing music at all> But I list my two favorite types of music and my least favorite form favorite to least favorite Dance, Rock, and rap. I know there is more but too much to type! Ok I like Dance because it has a lot of rhythm to it and lots of energetic music and makes me want to dance until my ass drops! Uh let�s see Rock because I like jamming to the music and I like the screaming a lot...and my fav band there would have to be of course LINKIN PARK!!!!!!! Everyone should know that. Uh Rap would be my least because I�m not too fond of it...I HATE the hardcore rap because all it talks about is women being bitches, sluts, and hores! And stuff like that so that�s why I don�t like it... ok o spent enough time chatting my brains out! I should go before my dad kicks my ass of the computer!

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