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Sunday, June 6, 2004

Centeroath Chapter 16
I looked and i saw Gema flashing a bright light i looked up to the moon and said "Yes finally!"
The bright got brighter and brighter. It almost blinded us. Finlly we saw what Gema had become. Right what it had said in the book a Wolf! A big huge wolf. When standing up on hind legs 8 feet tall. His width 4 feet wide, Black on the top, White underside tallness when standing on all fours 6 feet tall. The Fangs came out from his upper lip. His claws cam out like 12 inches far. Sachiko said to me "You know what his name shouldt be Gem anymore...it should be demon."
Gema....or Denom know said "Yeah that sounds so fucking aswome! Gema sounds like a sissy name for sucha wolf as me! Demon sounds fuckin better!"
I said "Ok then Gema Demon is know your name!"
Demon was so happy with his knew name. Lee then pointed out "Hey guys you know we should be helping out that guy!!!"
Katan then said "Oh.................sorry Lee but Gema's new form is like..."
Demon cut in "HEY!!!! its DEMON!!!"
"Oh sorry but Demon's new form is fuckin aswome!!!"
Evangelion pointed out "Lets go we have to hurry!"
Wolfy was on Demon's back. "Demon should help us go faster to catch the demon and the man so we can help!"
I hoped on Demon's back and said "Yes Wolfy has a point know hop on eveyone!"
Everyone else got onto Demon's back and went to catch up eith the ones ahead of us. So Demon started to run. He got faster and faster by the minute. He was running so gracfully. It made it look like Demon was flying. It was aswome. Demon saw the man and the demon and Demon jumped in front of them and said "Let go of that poor inoccent man!"
"Why should i!!!!!" the demon snapped and ud.
Kira jumped down and said "I'll tell you why!"
She started to get out her claws. "So what is one demon gonna do to me!"
Then Katan came down and said "Ill back my loved on up!"
Kira turned around to Katan and blushed. "I got there back too!" Said Sachiko when she came down. The demon spotted Wolfy and said "You know our Master isnt pleased with you anymore!!"
Wolfy snapped back at the demon and said "I dont need her anymore! i have these guys with me! She is not my master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wolfy jumped down from Demon showng her fangs as a warning. Lee was getting angry and said "Im helping them too! so there!!!!!"
Evangelion just jumped down and showed that he was helping out too. I finally got down saying "Look your out numbered so why wont you just give the fuck up and hand over the boy."
The demon dropped him and the boy said "Hey my name is Satoshi!"
He had a sweet voice. I could tell, his skin was a tan. He had short brown hair kinda spiked up. He had gorgoes green eyes, I just fell in love with him. I sarted to blushing i could fell it. He had a gorgous smile. I saw a lil red from him from the distants i was at. "All right guys get ready to fight!" I said with courage as to save the hott guy.....

So tell me whats u think! ^^

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Hey im back sorry didnt post yesterday. Im glD 50 IS STILL ALIVE IM SO HAPPY U KNOW WHY. Im stayesd up half the night crying. In the morning i started to cry! but im back! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE well stroy will be on today or tommrrow! ^^
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Friday, June 4, 2004

nothing happend today which stinks...ever since i got off the phone with sindalla i have been silent....which is Usally not me...well i did not go outside today....lost my chance. Man im stupid....losy my only chance to go outside...So then i stay home on the computer..Talking to V2 and 50....So i guess tommorow will be more fun...i hope party sleep over ~___^ yeah...cant wait! hope its fun! and 50 i wish all the luck in the world for the crazy bull sht you about to do!
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well yesterday was fun. Im still sore from if. See i was skating and i wanted to go to see the parrie dogs i found the toher day. Me being as stupid as usal i forgot to go and take of my skates and ride my bike. So i started to go down the hill. Then thats when i relized it but it was to late it was about to rain. so idecidid to make sure next time i bring my bike. well anyway i started to go donw he hill. Then that when BAM! i fall on butt. but it wasnt hard enough...my butt had made am excellent cusion.....then when i fall again on my butt it was soooo hard i went bouncing back up! and so i didcied to drag my ass donw the hill. well when i came closer to the parir dogs th hill iw went down on my bike it was hilious...i kept on falling and i saw this hole....the SAME hole my bike made me go into mid air. wekk since i was skaiting i almost fell flat face on my face. I used my arms to stop me. And boy my arms and shoulder where hurting. Then when i had to cross the pond that i found the tadpoles and fish where i had to cross itr and guess what i go do..........if u guessed fall on my butt and get my pants wet u r right! So then i go up th hill it was ATTACK OF THE MOTHS!!! moths wher going crazy...it almost made me go bacyards and fall back into the pond. but i made it...well that was my fday yesterday...im not sue how its gonna go today! but ill telle u later ok then see ya! ^^
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Thursday, June 3, 2004


Current location:Colorado
Righty or Lefty:Righty
Zodiac Sign:Taurus
Your heritage:Mexican and Portaguess (sp)
Your weakness:uh...
Your shoes you wore today:sandles
Your fears:none
Your perfect pizza:cheessy! ^^
Goal you'd like to achieve:to beat up every single jerk out there
Your thoughts first waking up:NOOO just 5 more minutes
Your best physical feature:my Boobies! and my ass! ^^
Your bedtime:have none in summer go to bed when ever i want
Your most missed memory:not telling!
Pepsi or Coke:Both!
McDonald's or Burger King:Burger King!
Single or group dates:single
Adidas or Nike:none
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:none
Chocolate or vanilla:CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!
Cappuccino or coffee:both
Take showers daily:no duh!!!
Have a crush:yes
Think you've been in love:yes
Want to go college:yes
Want to get married:uh...maybe
Believe in yourself:yes
Get motion sickness:huh???
Think you're attractive:sometimes
Think you're a health freak:sometimes
Get along with your parents:sometimes
Like thunderstorms:HELL YEAH!
Play an instrument:yes
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall:yes...no duh i get dragged there....i have to go! *pouts*
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:yes
Eaten sushi:no i never have
Been on stage:to scared
Gone skating:yes
Made homemade cookies:thats to girly so no
Gone skinny dipping:HELL NO!
Dyed your hair:nope
Stolen anything:nope
Label.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:no..and hope never will
Been called a tease:yes but i beat them up
Got beaten up:nope it the other way around! ^^
Age you hoped to be married:uhhh i dont know!
Number and name of children:uh...i dont plan on haveing any children
Dream wedding:uhhhh
How do you want to die:in a anime convetion got squashed or fighting
Where do you want to attend college:uhh the best vollage there is
Dream job:Lawyor
Country you want to visit:JAPAN! ^^
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color:brown
Best hair color:uhh anything but blonde
Short or long hair:short
Height:taller than me....
Best weight:uhh donr care no unless thier huge
Best clothing:dont know
Best first date location:dont know
Best first kiss location:dont know
Number of drugs taken illegally:no
Number of people I could trust with my life:um to many to count but my family here on myO and my bf on here! and my three best frineds
Number of CDs that I own:uhhhhh i know over a thousand
Number of piercings:4
Number of tattoos:none
Number of times my name's been in the news:NEVER
Number of scars on my body:too many to count
Number of things in my past that I regret.:way to MUCH!!!

Layers brought to you by BZOINK!

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Centerpath Chapter 15
As Wolfy did warmly greet everyone. I was really happy that i didnt get killed. Becasue after all if i did fight i serioly could of got killed. As i herd the dark night crickets sing there i was lying on floor in piece. the clouds covering the moom. I wish i would of seen the moon before the clouds covered it. Kira called out "Hey Rabi come over here!"
"I looked and saw her using her finger to lead me toward her. I got up and Walked over to Kira "So what do you want?"
"Well Rabi......Its been a 3 months since we have been here and usally Gema goes through something at least every month. Do you have your book on Gema." Sachiko said
"Yes i have my book lets see what Gema is gonna go trough this month."
I looked at the book and my jaw dropped open and Lee said "what is the matter?"
Lee bent down to pick up the book and his haw dropped as well. "Come on tell me what is it!" Katan pleaded
So Katan snachted the book from Lee and read the part. "Oh......Ok...s..s....so thats is what irs gonna happen!" Katan said in astoishment.
Katan then fainted witht the book about to drop. "Let me see that!" Kira snathced it.
Evangelion and Sachiko hovered over her and said "let us see too!"
They looked yp and gave the big eyes as if they where shokced they gave me bak the book and Gema said "You sun of a bitch i wanna see!"
"No you will find out tonight!" i snapped at Gema
"Fine!!!" he yelled back at me.
Kira's ears started to twitch.....So did mine. Wolfy ha just come back from this place hse had to go and said "What is the matter."
Katan went to tell what was gonna happen to Gema tonihgt she was so shocked she couldt move. The she asked Katan "But why are Kira's and Rabi's ears twitching"
"i dont know" Said Katan
Kira and i said together "We here some one crying for help."
Lee stood up and said "Well then lets help that person!"
"Danm it! they are not going to spoil my plabe they better not!" Anderail Snapped
She stompped around in anger. One of the four beast she hired came in to her top lair and said "When do we get to fight."
"Be pationt! they will be here soon. They only got 5 more of my othere demons to go." She tried to sound calm.
"Well they need to hurry up because we disnt come here to stand around like idiots waiting for them to arrive."
Anderail's face went red and turned around and yelled at the top of her lungs at him sayinf "WELL YOU DONT HAVE AN ATTITUED WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM MORE POWERFUL THAN U SO JUST WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The demon left frightend and Anderail taking deep breaths in and out. "IO just hope they dont get in the way of this plan!"
"There, There is the person crying for help. "Sachiko said
I ran closer. It was a guy.... I yelled to him "Hold on we are her to help you!"
We then charged at the demon carring him away. Thats when the clouds disapered the full moon came out and Gema was behind. We loke dbehind at saw a brght light coming from Gema. "Its happening RABI!" they said to me....

Does it leave in haning there...what the hell is gema chaningin into now! well find out Chapter 16!

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Wednesday, June 2, 2004

   notjhing again...
tonight before 10 thats the time i have to get of the intenet ill put up chapter 15....soo bored just listing to music in my room waitong for some linkin park song to come on... LINKIN PARK IS SO COOL! yeah but i have some good news...well for me..ok a couple nights ago i i was talkin to 50...he said he i gonna come over here to Foutain Colorado where i liove!! yeppie im soooooooooooo happy bout this! ^^ i just cant wait! whoo hoo!! ^^ well im also watching T.V OO my K-9 advantix comercail is on...signing off for now! ^^
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004

man i bored outa my mind....do any of uu have MSN...and 50 how come u r not one?????? im so confused???? and bored......and wanting some help with my problem.....but hopefully.....it will work outas i planed it too...i hope its like 8:23 om right now while im typing....so see ya
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something amazing happend last nihgt when i was talking to (Insets perosn name) well i cant really tll anyone his name...so im gonna have Sindalla well i hope she can help me out with this...i need to let well...this......down easy.......im feeling really guilty about this.....thats y i need Sindalla's help...and i need to ask one more question to the person who i talked to last nihgt!
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Monday, May 31, 2004

well well, it was really hot today...not even in my shorts i was still burning hot....so guess what i went into my bathing suit and my swimming ppol. After that me and my friend were goin down to the park. We see this kid have this bottle so i ask him. "Where did u get that tadpole?" See whats funnyu when i said Tadpole my friend came rushing over. and she said "Where Wher i wanna see a tadpole!" So thw kid showed us where they were. And we caught lots of them too! we went into the pond thing and boy i got wet and muddy but lucky i was in my bathing suit all day. and i also got a nice tan! but yeah that was my day pretty much. I have a tadpole rihg there at my desk....cant wait for it to be a frog!
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