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myOtaku.com: KamiyaUsagi

Sunday, June 6, 2004

Centeroath Chapter 16
I looked and i saw Gema flashing a bright light i looked up to the moon and said "Yes finally!"
The bright got brighter and brighter. It almost blinded us. Finlly we saw what Gema had become. Right what it had said in the book a Wolf! A big huge wolf. When standing up on hind legs 8 feet tall. His width 4 feet wide, Black on the top, White underside tallness when standing on all fours 6 feet tall. The Fangs came out from his upper lip. His claws cam out like 12 inches far. Sachiko said to me "You know what his name shouldt be Gem anymore...it should be demon."
Gema....or Denom know said "Yeah that sounds so fucking aswome! Gema sounds like a sissy name for sucha wolf as me! Demon sounds fuckin better!"
I said "Ok then Gema Demon is know your name!"
Demon was so happy with his knew name. Lee then pointed out "Hey guys you know we should be helping out that guy!!!"
Katan then said "Oh.................sorry Lee but Gema's new form is like..."
Demon cut in "HEY!!!! its DEMON!!!"
"Oh sorry but Demon's new form is fuckin aswome!!!"
Evangelion pointed out "Lets go we have to hurry!"
Wolfy was on Demon's back. "Demon should help us go faster to catch the demon and the man so we can help!"
I hoped on Demon's back and said "Yes Wolfy has a point know hop on eveyone!"
Everyone else got onto Demon's back and went to catch up eith the ones ahead of us. So Demon started to run. He got faster and faster by the minute. He was running so gracfully. It made it look like Demon was flying. It was aswome. Demon saw the man and the demon and Demon jumped in front of them and said "Let go of that poor inoccent man!"
"Why should i!!!!!" the demon snapped and ud.
Kira jumped down and said "I'll tell you why!"
She started to get out her claws. "So what is one demon gonna do to me!"
Then Katan came down and said "Ill back my loved on up!"
Kira turned around to Katan and blushed. "I got there back too!" Said Sachiko when she came down. The demon spotted Wolfy and said "You know our Master isnt pleased with you anymore!!"
Wolfy snapped back at the demon and said "I dont need her anymore! i have these guys with me! She is not my master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wolfy jumped down from Demon showng her fangs as a warning. Lee was getting angry and said "Im helping them too! so there!!!!!"
Evangelion just jumped down and showed that he was helping out too. I finally got down saying "Look your out numbered so why wont you just give the fuck up and hand over the boy."
The demon dropped him and the boy said "Hey my name is Satoshi!"
He had a sweet voice. I could tell, his skin was a tan. He had short brown hair kinda spiked up. He had gorgoes green eyes, I just fell in love with him. I sarted to blushing i could fell it. He had a gorgous smile. I saw a lil red from him from the distants i was at. "All right guys get ready to fight!" I said with courage as to save the hott guy.....

So tell me whats u think! ^^

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