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myOtaku.com: KamiyaUsagi

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ok remember i told you about the two stories i want to post out or maybe all three well i depritly need to know i'll post this again tomrrow! ^_^

Centerpath: The New Encounter

Demon and Rabi are ready to start traviling to new places but they meet up in this one town and comes acroose old friens! Sachiko, Lee, Wolfy, Kira, Katan and Evangelion! their just meeting up when a new villan comes and gets the black orb! which was even more powerful then the Jewle that Sachiko watched over!!! Meanwhile on their trip to save the earth they meet up with some new friends? or are they fowes? well whatever they arw cane the team svae the Earth one last time!
This story needs: 5 good people and whjoever wants to be the evil person come and get ti! (please describe your characters their powers abilities weakness you know what i mean!)

Yu Yu Hakusho (Fan-Fic)

Aira (Me) just a loner who keeps herself bottled up until she metts Yusuke and some other people. She has 2 female frined and 2 male frineds and one evil super villan bent on dystroing Aira! can she do it!
This story needs: @ female Character (For heie and Kurama) and two male Character (For Kaiko and Botan)

Running Out Of Time

Erika Griffan is a 13 year old girl who wonders about these so called "Shadow Children" that her brother Chris told her about one day and she askes her mom why she hastn told her about. the reason her mom gives her isnt good enough so she wanders off into the forest and finds a new frined her name is Brianna but she liks to be called bri. She finds out that Bri is a Shadow Child so she must find out about more! one day the polic finda Bri and takes her away tp be killd! can Erika save her in time..and freee her but will it cost her life?

so tell me which ones i should do or should i doo all three and plaes while u comment about if u want to be in the story for the ones who need Chracters pelase leav the profile pof you Character...the firsts ones to make it they will be in my story! thakn u very much see ya!

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