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myOtaku.com: KamiyaUsagi

Saturday, October 23, 2004

so sleepy thne yet not...i read the three comments i got yesterday...youwch that is painful...besides for someone who hasnt had anything painful done to them...heheh and they know who they are....^-^ but anway last night i watched to movies one Home On The Range and i also watched this other movie thats was based on a true story forgot what it was called but yeah it had to do something with this evil lamp that was possed by the devil and bunch of wierd tings happen like when this on boy named Ryan he was messin with the chain saw it started by itself and he couldnt control it! nother part is when this boy came tothe hgouse too take that chain saw and the tea kettle because it burned some old womans hand. He had put his hand dwon the grabage disposal and guess what the switch went down and cut of his hand! blood went everywhere! ok this other part that was freaky this guy came to do some plumping but the pip bursted and he was geteing drowned in blood and that on guys hand caem from the pipe too!!! but anway in the end the deevil lamp was destroyed but the messed up part of it is the cat turned evil!!!! NO EVIL KITTY!!!!! but anway i havew got to go now! oh wait! the question of the day!

Ok what is your most favorite movie ever??? (no anime)

Um i have to say Gothica thats movie was aswome!!!! but i want to see the grudge sounds scary...i wonder how scary it would be for me....well now i saw good-bye! ^-^

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