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myOtaku.com: KamiyaUsagi

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Well as you can see in my title its going to be about the moon. But anway last night if some of you live here in the U.S there was an eclpis of the moon. As i was out side witht eh phoen in my hand my friend Aretha called me on my phoen and i answerd it. this is how it went

Me: hello?

Aretha: Ayla guess what!

Me: what?

Aretha: there is going to be an ecplisp of the moon!

Me: 0.0 your kidding me right Aretha!

Aretha: no not at all but yeah and eclips of the moon!!!

Me: me wow! oh got to go retha! ok my mom is naging on me ok bye! ^-^

Aretha: ph ok but to tell you everyone in the school was talkng about it in school! but yeah bye!

then i hung up on the phoen and the moon was full and boy did it look pretty and then my mom called me in and i was suppose to do laundry. When i was going to go get the load and my frined Jace he came outside and he told me about the eclips of the moon. I told him i knew about it and he said oh and i was done putting in the luandry by 7 i looked at the moon and it was already staring to go away. "Aswome" i said so i go inside and my other fiend elizebeth calls me to tell me about but of corse i told her i knew. And by the time i went to go put the laundry in the dryer it was almost gone! so i did tghay then i saw Jace, Same and Andera out there and we played w hile we saw the moon disapear then before it went away it the moon was apearing again like an eye slowly opening! so we where playing round when a light turned off and all of us where screaming "CHUCKIE!!!" but then i said "what if they and chuckie are teaming up!" jace said "Watch that light sudennly turn on...-_-" then it did thats when we deffently where scared. But yeah later on that bight the moon turne like a dark blood red when i was peering ouyt the balconing! later on that night it was gone fgor good. I cant wait until the next luner eclips!

ok question of the day! what is the most amazing moon you have ever seen?

Me of corse last night duh!!!! i shoudlt have to explain! ok then see ya!

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