Kana no Hoshi
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I'm so happy!
I had really good day at school today^_^= We didn't have to do much today since it's today is the second to last day of school before winter break! And, for being a good class in choir out teacher gave us doughnuts! Yum X3
Also, Chirstmas and my birthday is in 4 days!
Ah, but I don't celabrate Chirstmas^^; Our family stopped celabrating most thing when I was born. But don't worry about it. When people at school give me things that are Christmas-y but I still like as much as anything else^^ I hope that made sence>_^;
Right now where listening to Nee-san's HagaRen opening and closeing CD. I wish we could stay up and kareoke!^^;
Ah, I'll have pictures of my calenders soon!
Take care^_^=
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Monday, December 19, 2005
Wah~ I'm done!!
I'm done with all my stuff we did our play and presentation today! I'm so happy I have no homework either^_^=
I would like to say a really really big Happy Birthday RK!! XD
Today's RK's birthday! I hope you have a good time RK!!
It's gotten really cold here^^; Around 0 a think. But still no snow....The news said there might be some frozen rain though. I wonder what that's like....:\
Ah, also I got my 2 HagaRen calenders that I ordered! There's really cool^^ I'll take pictures and put them on her when I have the time okay? Probably I'll do that on the weekend. One of the one's a got the so huge! It's was like half of me!! XD
Well, Take care^_^=
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
*hugs all of you* I've missed you so much! Soon I'll be able to come and visit all you! I'm almost done with all my project work! I'll just have to type up some papers^^ Nee-san even said that she'd help me type them up. Thank you Nee-san
Ah, My little sister's playing Tales of Symphonia! I haven't played that in a while! Maybe I'll join her when I'm done with my work^^
Ah~ The sun's out~ It's makes me so happy to have the sun out and to hear the sound of Symphonia playing^_^=
I better go now!
Thank you and Take care^_^=
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I just want a break....^^;
H-hello minna-san. I'm really sorry that I can't get to your sites or update lately....>_^;
My two projects, if you're wondering, are a play in English and we have to draw a map and right journal entries about a journy over the Arabian Peninsula in Social Studies. I think everything fine with those projects it's just that for my S.S. project we have to have partners...and the teacher has to pick themT_T My partner doesn't have a computer so I have to type up her part and she's not making the journal entries long enought.
*sigh* I hope it doesn't effect my grade....
I might be able to visit you guys on the weekend though! But the projects are due on Monday so maybe not^^;
Ah, sorry for that little rant>_^; It's just really tiring...
Well, I have to go now. Oh, I made a person on a online game called Maple Story.
I barly have gotten anytime to try it out because rigt when I tried it my projects started :\
Well, I better go get working! Take care^_^=
EDIT: And please visit my little sister's site Kazu. She's going to be on more an I think she needs more friends^^;
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Monday, December 12, 2005
I'm sorry minna-san but this is going to be a really quick update.
I probably won't be on for a while because I have two project I have to do. I'm really sorry>_<
I also hurt my ankel last night. It's a bit swolen and it hurts to walk on it.
Well, Take care>_^;
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
The sun!
It' been really sunny lately^.^
Ah, well, once again I did noting this weekend. I did right on 'Michi' but I'll try tonight.
I was up really late last night. Around 4:30^^; I did kareoke with my sisters though! It was really fun! After we sang a while my Nee-san and little sister played DDR.
And, right now my Nee-san has some friends over and I think they're doing a DDR party downstairs.
Ah, well, that's about it^^;
Take care^_^=
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Friday, December 9, 2005
I'm so sorry I was gone for a while. My internet connection was broken and we had to get it fixed. Sorry!
Ah, well, ever since the time I was gone it been sunny but really cold, like below zero^^;
And today I'm not feeling well at all. But I'll better by tomorrow...hopefully...
And about my story I'm writing....I started the second chapter so anyone who wants to read my story just PM me okay? Ah, also I though of a name. Michi is the name so now I won't have to say 'my story, my story' XD
Well, I hope everyone has a good day! I can't get to anyone's sites right now but I'll get to them later^^
Take care^_^=
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Friday, December 2, 2005
Sorry I'm late^^;
*yawn* Nn, I'm really tired even though it's only 7^^;
Ah, ummm.....I really don't have much to say>_^; I just wanted to thank everyone for all the comments^^ Arigato minna-san!
I really wanted to write tonight though. I think I might put on my HagaRen sweatshirt because it's always so cold in my room and write a bit. Sorry to everyone who read the first chapter of my story. I'll try to have the next chapter by the end of this week. I've been so busy though@_@;;
Ah! It's snowed so much the past coulpe of days! We have about 5 inches of snow! And it still is going to snow a bunch!^^=
Well, I'm going to go now.
Take care minna-san!^_^=
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
I hope you have a good day!~
Hello Minna-san!^^
I really don't have much to say but I do have a couple things^^;
I changed my layout as you can probably tell^^; I hope you like it. Shizuka-chan made the background and the welcome sign^^ Thank you Shizuka-chan^_^
And I'd like to say a special 'Happy Birthday' to my friend Shizuka-chan^_^=
I hope you have a wonderful birthday Shizuka-chan!^_^=
Well,Take care minna-san!^^
And Happy Winter!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Hello Minna-san!
I had the best day today^_^ It snowed! It snowed a lot today! It made me so happy^^
I also ate lunch with my new friends today and had recess with them! And at recess it snowed the most^_^=
And I'm sorry that I didn't update for a while. I was going to but Kanau and my little sister ended up using the computer most of the night. But I did get to your sites^^ and thank you for the comments.
Ah and one question^^;
What should I have my song for my winter layout be? It's going to be of HagaRen by then way^^
Well, Take care^_^=

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