Kana no Hoshi
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
It's was a good day~
Hello minna-san^_^=
Yesterday I got to go to Barnes & Nobles!^^ It was fun. I had some coffee and read a bit of manga and I bought Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne(which is done by the same author as FullMoon). It really good so far^_^= Accept one of the characters name suprized me@_@ Heh heh, I guess you'd have to read it to see, or if you wanted to you could Pm me^^
Ah, I also read up to Ch, 53 of HagaRen on the computer late night. I think I like the manga better than the anime but they're good in their different ways^_^
Well, not much to say as usual>_^; I'l be going to visit who updated now!
Take care^_^=

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Thursday, November 24, 2005
I hope that you all have a wonderful time~
Hello Minna-san^_^=
It looks like it going to snow! I hope it does! And I hope it snows for everyone else.

I hope everyone's holiday is filled with happiness, smiles and warmth. Happy Thanksgiving!
Take care everyone, have a happy Thanksgiving! ^_^=
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Heh heh^_^=
Ohayo minna-san!
Ah, last night I read HagaRen manga with Nee-san! It's was so fun! She has up 12 in Japanese but she's only read up to book 7's hard to translate.
I would have like to just wait for them to come out and buy them but it's taking way to long! I don't get why it takes so long to translate some manga!
Aa, and the people who translate it on the internet do a way better job. I just think they should keep the words sensei, chibi and Nii-san in japanese. XP
Eh, sorry for the rant there. Everything would be solved if I could understand Japanese! XD
Ah, we have to clean the house today! Nee-san's friend, Youko-san is coming over for Thanksgiving! Eh, but she's still sleeping. We were uptil 2:00 I think. But for some reason I always wake up at 8:30! XD
Aa, I think today's going to be a good day^^ Ah, And I'm slowly gettting more pictures and avatars.I guess I actually had over 600 avatars before because it looks like I have 100 but I Actaully have 300! What a nice suprise^_^
Well, I should go now, and hopefully I can go to Barnes & Nobles today! If not I want to help cook!^^
Kawaii Presea
Heh, it's Edo and Winrii in my avatar. Ah, I used to want to be a seiyuu(voice actor in japanese) but once I started writing more I wanted to be an author!
My favorite book? Hmm...Ah! The HagaRen novels! I would have liked to read it in japanese because I think it would have been better. I don't think they did a very good job translating. There I go ranting again! XD
Eheheh, when I was younger all I would do would take pictures. Kanau hated having her picture taken though^^; Ah, If I could go anywhere in the world I would go visit you guys!^^ Or go to Japan^_^
Ah, my favotrite episode on HagaRen? @_@ Hmm...that's a hard one...I really like it when it gets near the end because then everything just gets more intresting and interesting^^
Ah, Kana is my name I like to use but it was taken when I made my MyO. So I picked Kana no Hoshi because I like the sound of it and the mean^^; Hoshi means star and 'no' is a particle in Japanes that kind of mean like you own it(I think.) Like if I was to say 'Kana's picture' it would be 'Kana no picture'. Heh, this turned into a Japanese lesson^_^
Ah, for a part time job or something I've always wanted to work at a bookstore or a Bakery^_^=
I think this is getting kinda long so I should go^^ Ah, but one more thing, I wrote the beingging to my story! Anyone who wants to read just PM me okay? But I might not update that fast. I have to wrtie the chapter and then type it^^
Take care!^_^=

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I know it's late but...
I wanted to update anyway^^
Ah, I just changed my layout^_^ It probably won't be here long before I change to my winter layout but I still wanted to use it^^;
Ahm....I was going to go to Barnes & Nobles tonight but we decided to go out to dinner instead^^ I think it'll be fun.
I finshed my homework so I get this whole week off! Yay! XD
Ah, I might be working on a story or a picture this week! X3 I can't pick which on but It most likely a story^_^=
Question: What ocuppation do you want to have?
I'm going to be an a author!^^
Ah, and for my next post, everyone ask me a question, something you want to know about me or something, okay?
Heh, Take care^_^=

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Monday, November 21, 2005
You make me so happy~
Hello Minna-san!
Today was good^^ I have no homework except for a easy bookreport^^ I also get the rest of the week off! So I'm going to be drawing and writing this weekend^_^=
I might change my layout once before I change my layout to my winter one but...I don't think I will.
Heh, I guess that's all I have to say.....I guess I'll post one of my's kinda sad though^^;
I had a dream...
I though it was true...
When I wondered into the forest...
My hopes dissapeared,
Where are you?
I had prayed last night, hoping~
That you wouldn't be going in the morning....
Why can't you~ stay here with me~
I miss you...I miss you...I miss you...
It hurts~
I miss you...I miss you...I miss you...
It hurts~
Please come back to me~~~
Heh, Take care^^=

Edit: I just found a good wallpaper, so it looks like I might be changing my layout after all^_^
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
When ever I turn around...
You're right there for me~
Hello Minna-san^_^
I'm getting a lot of stuff back but it's taking a while. I decided to get avatars first which I'm getting a lot already^^ But not as big as my last colletion, I think I have over 200^^;
I might start getting picture either today or tommorow^_^ Thank again to every who's helped me!
I think I might change my layout today I but don't know if I can find the right wallpaper. If I can't I'll start working on my winter layout^_^
Ah, well that's about it. I guess I should go now. Sorry for always have such short boring post^^;
Take care^_^=

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Friday, November 18, 2005
Hello Minna-san^_^~
Today's a really good day^^=
Well, first, I wanted to thank everyone who commented and helped me get some sites! Thank you so much^_^=
Ah, but something realy good happened today! I met some people that might turn out to be good friends! They all know a bit about anime and this one boy know about HagaRen^_^ So that just made my day.
Card Captor Sakura background music is really relaxing...heh heh^_^ Well, I have to go visit your sites an then.....
Take care^_^=

Edit: Ah, yes and also, Thank you=^_^=

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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Ohayo minna-san!
I deicided to update this morning!^_^
Well, no one updated this morning let so I have know one to visit but thank you for all the comments last night! I'm really thankful for everyone's help^_^ It would take so long to get all those picture by myself! *hugs* Thank you everyone!
Well, I have to go now! Take care^_^

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I've missed you so much!
We finally got our computer back! I'm really happy that the computers back but when we took it in to get fixed everything like my pictures and stuff disapeared! ;_; I don't have anything I used to now! So I would be much apreected if everyone who know about Tales of Symphonia or HagaRen(FullMetal Alchemist) could PM me any sites you know! Thank you!
So when I was gone I did not much^^; But it did snow! Acutally a coulpe of times! But it not sticking to the ground^^;
Ah, I've missed everyone so much! I'll visit everyone's site tomorrow, I don't have time right now^_^;
Well, I've missed everyone alot! I'll talk to you tommorow!
Take Care^_^

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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Hello Minna-san!
Right now I'm in the University with my Nee-san^^ I'm rreally sorry that I have to be gone for so long...I hope our computer comes back soon!
Ah, I haven't done much lately^^; I might write some today but I most likely will read. I Really want to draw too though!@_@ I'll probably only get to the reading part>_^;
It snowed really lightly this moring!^_^ I can't wait till is snows a bunch! I always can't wait for winter because that when it snows and I do my best drawing and writing then^_^
That's about all minna-san! Take care^_^=

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