Kana no Hoshi
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
I just wish....
that everything could be as peaceful when we were little...
Hello minna-san^_^;
Today seem really...full. Don't don't's like were just spending our time waiting. Which we are going to go some where soon>_^;
As you can see I actually did end up changing my layout...I just need to upload a new avatar and then I'm done^_^
The song is the 3rd beginning of HagaRen, Undo. I might cange it to one of Edo-kun's though.
Well, I need to clean again...Nee-san Why must you always eat bread in the living room and leave crumbs?@_@
Eheheheh, Take care^_^=

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Saturday, October 8, 2005
It's amazing~
~How strong emotions are...
Hello minna-san!
I'm very sorry! I was able to do a quick comment on your post yesterday but the day before that I didn't get on the computer at all I was so busy! I'm sorry>_^;
Ah~ Right now I'm listening to Asu eno basho A song sung by Edo-kun=^_^= Makes me happy^^
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew where to get HagaRen(FMA) pictures, other than fanart ones that look like this. Not exactlly meaning all the pictures have to look like that one. I hope you understand...
I'm collecting pictures if you can't tell...and I'm not to good and finding picture sites>_^;
Well, I have to go now! I got to clean a bit but have no homework this weekend! I think I'll play around with my layout a bit but most likely it wont change^^;
Sorry for the short post and take care^_^=
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Nya~ I'm in a strangly happy mood^_^=
I love the remix(or what ever you call them) of Edo-kun's and Roi-san songs from the raido dramas, I belive. There just so cool~ And put me in a good mood^^= I would give you guys the site but I don't know where my Nee-san got them...
Aww...Thank you Shizuka-chan! You visited my site even though it was so late! (And I'm not mad that you guys didn't comment it's just I was amazed that someone commeted!) *hugs* So thank you Shizuka-chan~
Roi, Roi, Roi....drives me insane. Heh, I only say that because Kanau is sometimes like Roi-san. (and yet a still call him 'san' XD)
Ah I guess I'll get going now I have homework and am a little to hyper! XD I think it was the icecream after school...
Well, Take care^_^=
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
It might be late for everyone but...
I'm updating anyway^_^ Hello Minna-san.
Well, today was okay I have a rough draft of a story for school due Fri and spelling due tomorrow but I finsished that stuff. Just got to look over my spelling one more time...
So how was everyone else's day?
Ah, just to tell everyone thank you for all who commented yesterday^_^ Even when I said bearly anything^^;; Ah. The song that was playing and the song lyrics are in Russian, just to let everyone know~
But it looks as if I won't have anytime to go to those lovely ToS picture sites everyone gave me today :/ Hopeflly I'll get to it by tomorrow with someother things I wanted to do. Ah, I wont go on and on with all the thing that I want to do though. Don't want to bore you too badly^^;
*sighs*My Nee-san isn't back home yet. I hope she be home before I go to sleep. She had this group thing she had to do in Japanese class and she went to her friends house to finish it and then went somewhere to eat I think. THen, they might go to a movie if they have time...@_@ I could do all that after school...But she's tough and she's make it!
Well, enought of my boring post. I don't want to keep you guys here to long~
Oyasumi nasai!^_^=
EDIT: Ah, and does the song work? It's 'Rewrite' the 4th HagaRen begnning.
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Monday, October 3, 2005
Today is Oct. 3...
For all who don't know today is the day when Edo and Aru burned there house down and left~
~Prosti menya, mladshiy brat!
Ya tak pred toboy vinovat.
Pyitatsya vernut' nyelzya
Togo, chto vzyala zyemlya.
Kto znayet zakon Byitiya,
Pomog byi mne nayti otvet.
Zhestoko oshibsya ya;
Ot smerti lekarstva nyet.
Milaya mama! Nyezhnaya!
Myi tak lyubili tebya.
No vse nashi silyi
Potrachenyi byili zrya.
Tebya soblaznil ya
Prekrasnoy nadezhdoy
Vernut' nash semeynyiy ochag.
Moy brat, ya vo vsem vinovat.
Nye plach', nye pechal'sya, starshiy brat!
Nye tyi odin vinovat.
Doroga u nas odna,
Iskupim vinu do dna.
Mnye nye v chem tebya upreknut'.
I ya nye obihen nichut'.
Tyazhek, nash gryekh
Khotet' byit' silneye vsekh.
Milaya mama! Nyezhnaya!
Myi tak lyubili tebya.
No vse nashi silyi
Potrachenyi byili zrya.
Ya sam soblaznilsya
Prekprasnoy nadezhdoy
Vernut' nash semeinyiy ochag.
Ya sam vo vsem vinovat.
No chto zhe nam delat', kak byit'
Kak vse ispravit', zyabyit'
Pyitat'sya vernut' nyel'zhya,
Togo, chto vzyala zyemlya.~
But that doesn't mean everyone else has to be sad^_^
I just wanted everone to know~
Well, I have work so I must go. Sorry for the boring post^_^;
Take care~
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
I'm back~
Hello minna-san^_^
Well, I came on just to say that I'm back and I'm fine^_^
I really don't have much to say and I have to get off soon so this I'll be quick.
I was wondering if anyone know good ToS picture sites. I think that I might start a new game or something so I thought it would be fun to collect pictures too^^
I have to go and do homework and clean now! And just to tell everyone, I visited everyone who updated yesterday^_^
Take care=^^=
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Friday, September 30, 2005
You treat me like you don't care...
Why do you have to act like that?
Hello minnaaaaaaa~
I'm in a bit of a hurry. We're going some where for the weekend I have to get ready. Well, Just came to say that I won't be able to visit your sites or update over this weekend~
Ah, and also, I'm all better now so no one has to worry~^_^~
Please take care minna-san! And I'm sorry for the short update!
Jaa ne!
Take care^^;
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
An ever so quick update~
Hello minna-san^_^=
I'm very happy today~ I don't know why though. But I'm going to be working since my mom's going to come home with all my work I missed T_T I was, and still am a bit sick. I think I had the stomach flu...not fun...
Ah, but what is fun is when I am sick and I get to be on the computer all day long and it's funny because everyone that usually updates, updates at the same time! XD It's fun to watch.
I changed my song! I don't know if it's only for today or what but I love this song so much! It's maks me happy~
Well, time to go!
Take care^_^
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Don't worry about what behind you or ahead...
Or you'll never get to enjoy the present~
Hello Minna-san^_^
Today is a lovely sunny day :) Perfect for sitting outside and reading a book~
I might go and do that soon.
How was everyone's day today? Mine was boring~ Not much happened.
Ah, minna-san? Kanau says she misses all of you very much!!
Well, I'll go now and sit outside~
All the leaves are changing colors! Fall's almost here~ Yay!=^_^=
And too Kanau, Mew-san, who are sick-

Jaa ne and take care^_^x
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Monday, September 26, 2005
And it's all sunny again....
Why do you care so much for me?
Hello minna-san^^=
As you can see I changed my layout but only thanks to Shizuka-chan! Thank you so much for making this layout for me~
Ah yes, And if anyone is wondering the song (if you can hear it, if not PM me and I'll give you the URL) is from the 3rd HagaRen game a belivie~
Hmm, not much homework tonight! Which is a good think because I've got some cleaning to do since Kanau 'Nee-san' is sick. I was hoping to go to the univerisity today with Nee-san but she's sick and I don't know the way there so I couldn't walk there myself :/ Not much of a problem though. I just want her to get better!
Well, I should get to your sites now~ And how was everyone else's day?
Take care^_^
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