Kana no Hoshi
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
If I could fly...
Hello Minna-san!XD
I am strangly happy for some reason! But that still good!^^
Maybe becuase it's very cloudy weather? Maybe it will rain?
Yesterday, I when for another walk. I think I should do this every day!XD
I walked all the way down one street until ended right at the mountain!! It was fun!
Well, I think that today I will....stay on the computer? I don't know! I might read this really good Tales of Symphonia fanfiction I found! It's like a countuation(sp?) of the game!
Well, That all Minna-san! (Schools almost here for me!>_< I'm kinda scared!)
Where are you? In the deep blue sky~
I can�t find you~
I look and look, I can�t find you~
I can�t fly~
Where are you? Up so, so high?
I want to find you, I can�t find you~
Why can�t I fly with these wings?~
What is so different about me from every one else?
Why can I fly?
All I want to do is find you, and fly with you~
But if I can�t find you what am I supposed to do?
Where can I fly?
This sky isn�t mine~
I wish just fly~ In the sky~
Just for a moment, can I please fly~
Please let me fly~
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Is it okay....?
Hello Minna-san!^^
Well, yesterday I when for a walk in the rain! Well, actually we went to a river, Not a fast moving one though I walked in the water a bit even though it wasn't the warmest outside the water was cold but it was still fun!X3 It started to storm with lighting and thunder so we all got into the car and just sat there. It stated raining and a little bit after it was raining we left and we road all the way home with or windows down!X3 So then when we got home me and my Nee-san took a walk in the rain a it was pouring down so hard!X3
Well, that all minna-san!^^
Thank you everyone for the comments!
Take Care!^_^
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Monday, August 22, 2005
And I am no longer alone~
Ohayo minna-san!^^
I just stopped by to thank everyone for commenting on my last post! (and the one before and before that...)
Ah, Yesterday I went for a short walk, I wish it could have been raining but at least it was cool enough to go outside!^_^
Hmm...not much is probably happening today. It will most likely be another day where it's to hot to go outside.>_^;
But at least I bought some paint supplies! Yesterday me and my mom ran down to the store and bought some panit and paint brushes. So now I can paint!^^ I never knew painting could be so fun!
Well, I will try to visit your site today but I'm very sorry if I can't make it! (and for my site if anyone has any fanfiction please send it to me. Make sure to give me the title, summary, rating, the series/game it's from and your e-mail or website. Thank you to anyone who does!)
Take Care~
P.S. For all the people reading my story I'm very sorry but I'm having a writers block. I will try to type the next chapter soon but it might be pretty short.
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
I think that fell...
But thanks to you...
I'm standing again~ And this time, on my own two feet.
Going to face everything when it comes and not worry about what's not here~
I'm sorry, I'm late minna-san,
And I'm also sorry for not updating for the past couple of days. But now I'm back.
Umm...well, for my sister's birthday's I got 2 HagaRen song files. Edo-kun's and Winrii-chan's songfiles. I am now very happy^_^ (Sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging)
We also got bunch of DVDs (for my sister's birthday) we got; Kodocha, Spiral, Furuba, and Saiyuki Reload.
And�today is SakuraYume's birthday! (my little sister) Happy birthday SakuraYume~!
Well, Take Care minna-san!
Thank you~ For being there~
You always cheer me up and pick me up when I fall down~
You are like an angel~
You are my friends~
EDIT: I made a site! It is my webpage!^^
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Don't you see....
What I mean?
You always cheer me up!
Ohayo Minna-san!
Today I'm much happier! Thanks to you guys!
It started rainng a bit today but it only sprinkled a bit. I hope that it will rain tomorrow.
Also, I'm happy becasue we when to Barens and Nobles and I saw Tokyo Mew Mew ala Mode! I haven't read it let. I can't wait to read it.^^
So now I'm really contenent and I'm not sad anymore. So I can't write the next (probably short)chapter of my story! And play the HagaRen game!
And...Today is...Nee-san's Birthday! Happy birthday Nee-san! (My Nee-san is Kanau!^_^)
Because I'm with you I'm happy.
I want to be just like you~
Take Care Minna-san!^_^
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
If you are nothing...
Than I am nothing as well~
I can't do anything right
Hi Minna-san.
Today I didn't do much. I woke up pretty late. (which was 9:30)
I probably won't have time to work on the next chapter of my story today and when I do it will probably be another short one.^^;
It's really cloudy right now...quite depressing actually. It doesn't even look like it's going to rain...Ah, I fell sad. Don't know why though. I'm probably just hungry or tired. Don't worry about me though.^^
Why can't you see that you aren't nothing? I feel like crying. Your aren't nothing you're at least my friend~
If you choose to be nothing~
~Then I will choose to be nothing as well
Take Care minna-san!^_^
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Ohayo minna-san!
I can't believe that school is going to start soon! Ah, I wish I could to college so then I wouldn't have to do busy work a bunch o the time. I hope my new school is better than my last one. My last school was okay it's just that the building wasn't to lively or something around those lines.
But I guess I'm fine with school as long as it becomes fall soon!^^ I can wait for fall and winter!
The only thing I don't like about school is that it's kind of hard for me to make friends because I'm really shy in public...
Hmm..Well yesterday we got A tales game for PS1 I forgot what it was called...Oh yes! Tales of Desiny2. (sorry if it seems like I'm bragging...I'm not trying to sound like that...I just want to tell you guys what I get and stuff...^^; Oh and I don't want it to seem like were rich or something. were getting all this new stuff because we just moved in. )
Well, that about all!^^ I have to go start typing on my story. Wahh! This post is getting long! I don't want you guys to get bored reading it!
Take Care minna-san! *hugs*
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Monday, August 15, 2005
I think that...
We have to look on...and deal with this as they come...
Ohayo minna~!
Well, I really didn't have anything to say to you today but I came anyway to tell you guys I'm okay.^_^
Hmmm...Yesterday, I got 3 manga. Chrono Crusade volume 6, D.N.Angel volume 6 and Yotsuba& volume 2(Yotsuba& is really, really funny!XD).
I might look around on the computer and maybe but a CD today...I need some new music soon.
Ah, well, it really cloudy outside right now I don't know if it's going to rain or not but I hope it rains!^^
*yawn* Nn...It's 7:00 right now...and I'm feeling sick....I hope it feel better soon...Maybe I feel sick because it so cold?
Well, I might going to go visit your guys sites now okay? (which oddly enough is only Nee-san for the time being.)
Well, I hope everyone has a really good day, okay? And if anyone's feeling bad just tell me and I can talk to you.^^
Take Care!^_^
EDIT: I'm feeling worse and worse!I hope I don't get any worse! I'm all stuff and ligt headed...@_@
And It was so cold inside our house that the heater(or whatever it's called) turned on.
Heh, he, That's all!^^;
~I love you
More than anyone else~

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Saturday, August 13, 2005
It's just...
*hugs really, really tight* Thank you guys so much! Ah, you make me feel so much better! Right now I'm so happy I can barely stand it!>< Thank you so much! I love you like a family~
Well, today I went to Barnes and Nobles again^^; I read Chrono Crusade.(1-5) And well, now I don't have anything left that I want to read there. :3 So I have to just wait until they get more in. Oh! I also bought Fullmoon wo Sagashite. X3 I love it!
I'm feeling happy again but my mind still can't handle that much right now.
Well, I kind of had to give up on my freewebs site...Almost every time I went on freewebs my computer froze so I'm doing a geocities site now. (Hmm...HTML...)
Well, I'm going to go now and work on my new site. Hmm...I should stop having coffee. (It's 2:26 right now)
Take Care! *hugs*
Your truly an angel
You always there for me.
Thank you~

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Friday, August 12, 2005
This is.....
I'm sorry. I am very truly sorry.
I have not feeling the greatest lately. It's not like I feel sick it just...I don't know how to explain it. I was going to take an absence from MyOtaku until I feel like myself again but I could bear to be away from you guys. I will try to update almost every day but I probably won't make it to your sites. Or at least comment on them. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys did the same with me. >_^;
It's might be the thing with father....I can't handle it right now...I'm just...can't
For those who don't know: My parents are divorce and I'm living with my mom. I never had a relationship with my father and now he think we should build one up. We are not going back to the house in which we move out of. That place is hell. He is coming here instead and we will just talk with each other for a couple of hours like once or twice a month.
I want to be alone...but I feel lonely.
Ah, I'm really sorry. I typed up the first chapter of my story. (I could not put that much detail in it because of how I'm feeling.) I just need and break...I need to think.
The things I've been doing lately...
I changed my layout!^_^ I changed it again,(Sorry) because this layout has a peaceful feeling to it.
For three days in a row I've been going to Barnes and Nobles and reading manga and drinking coffee.
Also, I am staying up very late. I just am not able to go to sleep at night. I hope I get really tired soon.
I- I'm sorry. I'm probably acting really strange.
Well, I'm going now. Please...Take Care~
For you~ I�m doing this for you, you know.
If you weren�t here than I wouldn�t be this far~
So will you please stay by my side? No matter what I do?
When I first saw you I knew~
You were the little angel watching me all this time~
And taking care of me. Making sure that I didn�t die~
Thank you, Thank you. My angel~

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