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Friday, July 29, 2005
Hello Minna!
Umm...ummm....well, actually...I don't have that much to say^^;
Yesterday, I made some things on the computer. There not the good. >_<
Cilck Here
A tree
and a waterfall
They're not that good...
Oh!And tell me which one you like the best, okay?
Umm...Um... Does anyone know where to get good Tales of Symphonia pictures? I don't mean like the one's in the art book but I mean like fanart ones.
That's it for today I didn't do much yesterday but play my new game and draw things on the computer. I think I'm going to draw more things today. Do you guys have any suggestions of what I should draw?
Today's question is:
What's you favorite color?(You can pick up to 2 colors)
For me I really don't have a favortie color..I like pastel colors though^^ Like light purple, light blue, light green, and
light pink^^(wait that's not two...^^;)
Well, Take Care!^_^
Comments (7) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Hello Minna-san!^^
Yesterday I got Havest Moon: More friends of Mineral Town!^^ It's so fun!
ALso, Since the birthdays are going to be different this year, we decied that we weren't really looking superly forward to our birthdays so we just bought a bunch of stuff at the mall!XD
(instead f getting presenst but I'm still getting a few thing off the internet, Nee-san has some drawing supplies that should be coming soon and my little sister resereved a game.) (This is the first time I ever cam home with a bag full of stuff from the mall! Becuase I usually don't like going to the mall.)
We bought a bunch of HagaRen shirts! And Nee-san and I got a HagaRen sweat shirt!^^ They're so cool! (On my older sisters birthday there's some court something or other so we weren't looking that forward to birthday time.) So, on my sisters birthday (there one day a part so we usually celabrate it on the 19.) We are just going out to eat or something like that!^^
Other that all the shirts we bought I got the 11th book of Friuts Basket!^^
Umm...did that post make any since? Ah...just tell me if I counfused you guys.
Well, I'm going to go visit your sites!^^ Have a good day Minna-san!
Take Care^_^
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Thank you everyone for all the commets!^^ Some of them were really long!XD
Well, to answer some of your questions, Crysatl Chronicals is a really cool game but you have to train a lot.
My HagaRen bookbag is black and it has Edo and Aru on!^^
and I agree with Shizuka, the girl does look like Collet!
Hmm...right now I'm just basicly waiting to go get to Havest Moon: More friends of Mineral Town!XD But it's going to seem like a long time before we can go get it becuase I woke up at 6:00 today!XD
Yesterday(I think) I found I Tales of Symphonia song (like starry Heavens) for PS2!XD It's pretty cool!
Hmm...I'm thinking of a new theme...what do you guys think? Or do you like the one I have now?
Yesterday afternoon I spent all day picking out B-day presents! My sisters birthdays are Aug, 18 and Aug. 20. (on someone's birthday in our family we all get presents!XD) So I picked out what I wanted becuase this birthday is kinda different becuase we just moved and everthing. I picked out Edo, Aru, and Winrii's song files!(the songs where they sing) But I
also picked out some other stuff.
Umm...ummm...I'm running out of things to say! Well, Thanks again to the people that commented!^^
Question: What pets do you have and what are there name and what do they look like?
For me, I have 2 cats. Sanzo is the yongest and he's a orange tabby.(I think he's fullgrown butr he's really tiny still, --he's one year old.)
My cat is named Chika, she's a full grown cat (she's 2 years old)and she's part Siamese and part Maine Coon. (And I bunch of other different kinds)
Well, Take Care, minna!^^
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Another moring, Another night...
Ohayo minna!^^
First of all I'm really, really sorry I didn't make it to your sites yesterday!>_< And I'm really sorry for not updating lately! I'll try not to beat myself up about it...unless you want me to...
Anyway, tomorrow I'm getting Havest Moon: More Friends of Minreal Town!^^ (for GameBoy Advance)

Ahhh! I've been waiting so long for this to come out!^^ I can't wait to play it!^^
I actually don't have enough money to buy it so my Mom is paying for the rest! She the best!^^ The reason I have bearly any money is because I spent it all on Manga and a really, reallly cool HagaRen bookbag!XD
Ah! Yesterday It finally rained!^^ It didn't rain that long but at least it rained!^^ And now it's nice and sunny again.
Also, I've been playing Crystal Chronicals.(I've never played anyother FF game but I'm hoping I will be able to some time in the near future.) I made a new file becuase I beat the game on my other one. Just to tell you people you can not save after you finsh the game. I hate it when games do that. Sorry if someone didn't want to know that>.>
Anyway, back to my new file.
I decied to be a Selkie(sp) This time.Last time I was a Clavat girl with short hair named Katana. This time I'm a Selkie girl (Owl head) named Silk.
Ah! If anyone else plays Crystal Chronicals please tell me what your charaters are like!^^
Well, I think this is getting kind of long...(I just feel like typing on the computer all day long...and type about....nothing.XD)And I don't want keep everyone here forever reading my boring post^^;
So, I'm might as well get off. I promise I'll get to everyone's site by the end of today!
Well, I'll see you later!^^ And hopefully have something worth talking about tomorrow!^^;
I hope you have a day filled with rain and sun!^^
Take Care~
Comments (5) |
Friday, July 22, 2005
Hey Everyone....
I just stopped by to tell you guys how am doing. Nothing's happeding lately so I have nothing to tell you!^^;
I'm really sorry for not being here more.
Ah, I mostly updated to tell the people who commented^^ Umm....I bearly stared and I don't have anything left to say...heh, heh^^;
Maybe today I should watch more of my HagaRen DvD? Ah, just to tell you....HagaRen- is the abbreviated verion of Hagane no Renkinjutsushi. (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi is how you say FullMetal
Alchemist in japanese.) you guys have any idea of what to do? *sigh* It's really cloudy today hope it will rain....
Well, i go and visit your sites Minna-san! Sorry for such a short post and I'm sorry I didn't have much to say!>_<
Take Care^_^
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Ohayo minna!
Yesterday, we when to the the mall. I bought the 5th D.N.Angel and another new one that I forgot it's name already...We also got icecream!^-^
I wanted to thank all of you guys that posted! *hugs* When I read them it made me laugh! *hugs everyone again* So I just wanted to say thank you to all of the people that comment. (To people that never got to do that you can go to the post below this one.)
I forgot to tell this to you guys yesterday but I changed my song. It's a DNAngel ending theme.
Ah, well, the weather here is very sunny. It's been this way for a long time...*sigh* To long it think, I wish It would rain soon.
Sorry but I don't think I will be able to visit some of your site today. I'll try to get to all of them. Sorry! >_<

Take Care Minna-san! I hope you have a good day!
Comments (8) |
Monday, July 18, 2005
I'm sorry for not being around lately.(Well, I have been visiting your sites but...)^^So, I'm Sorry for not updating lately It's just that nothings been happening lately soo...
Ah, well, I finished Maramlde Boy(8 books in all) Next I'm going to re-read Pita-ten(Pita-ten has 8 books in all also)
Hmm....ah! I added some quizz results.(One, which are under this post.)
Also, I put up all my buttons they silde arcoss the screen at the top. (Thanks for telling me how to make then silde Joshualover!)
Ah! Here a thing where you fill in the blanks!^^ I got it from ShadowLight. So everyone when you comment please copy this and fill in the blanks! It's would make me very, very happy!^^
Just replace the _____ with something to complete the sentence ^-^
I _______ Kana!
Kana thinks a lot about ________ .
When I think of Kana I think of _______ .
If I were alone in a room with Kana I would _____.
I think Kana should ______ Kana needs _______:
If I could describe Kana in a word ______.
Kana will never _______ -
Kana can ______ my _____ -
I hope Kana never _______ .
I _____ Kana because_______.
Kana ______ rabbits
Kana eats _______ for breakfast
Kana has no _______.
Kana likes to dance the _______-
Kana can't stop buying________.
I would ________ in Kana's face________ .
I would lure Kana into a trap with _______ .
I would feed Kana to _______ .
I think Kana's closest relative in the animal world is the______.
Once again thank you to all who do this!^_^
Well, I'm going to go visit all of your sites now!
Take Care minna!^_^
Comments (6) |
Friday, July 15, 2005
Hello Everyone!^^
Hmm...What I did yesterday...
I read manga. Lots and lots of manga. I read Angelic Layer(2, 3, 4 and 5) and Marmalade Boy(1 2 and 3) Ummm...And That' about all.
*sigh* I'm haveing less and less to talk about each and every day...I'm sorry that my posts are so boring minna-san....
Ah, Well, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for commenting and reading my post!^^
....and thank you for always being there for me....^_^ I don't feel as sad any more. *yawn* just a little tired.
Hmm...I don't know what my problem is but I am really tired most of the time and I'm getting plenty of sleep. I wonder what my problem is?......?
I also got a...umm...ah! Button from Shizuka!^^
Ah, well I better go to your sites now!^^
Take Care^^~
Comments (7) |
Thursday, July 14, 2005
*yawn* hello Minna-san. I'm really tired this morning. Hmm...I really don't have much to say...sorry!>_< And I'm sorry for not updating yesterday it just I really didn't have much to say...
Do you like my new layout? It's this good thanks to Shizuka!^^ She gave me that background!^^Thank you Shizuka!
Ah well thank about it... pretty short post huh?
Ah..wait I've been feeling kind of funny lately...I mean I've been feeling sadish but I'm not really sad! >_< I'm confused! I don't really know what I'm feel like right now...*sigh* Ah...but don't worry about me...
Well, I'm going to go now minna-san! I hope you have good day!^^

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
It's really late at night right now!^^ I just decied to post right now becuase... I felt like it. Then I can take my time visiting your guys site tomorrow.
Ah well, Today(I guess It would count yesterday huh?) Anyway, Today/Yesterday we went to a river!^^ It's wasn't moving fast and It's wasn't that deep. It's was a a lot of fun walking around in the water!^^ (especilly since it was hot out.)
Ah! We might go swimming tomorrow/muuuuuch later today!^^ I can't wait!
Hmm...Lately I can find what to do. (When I'm not no MyO) Do you guys have any sugestions? Should I draw something? If I should draw something who should it be of?
Have I be saying "ah" to much?
Wait I'm confused is today tomorrow or yesterday? Huh?

If you were to let go of my hand...I would fall forever...
Have a good night/tomorrow/today -minna-san!^^
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