Kana no Hoshi
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Hey again~
Thanks for the comments everyone! And I'm sorry for not being around that much. I'll try to update as often as I can but I don't know how much I'll be visiting your sites. >_^;;;
Ohh, and about Tales of the Abyss, it's story is different than ToS's but the game play and the skits and everything are the same as ToS and maybe a little better. ^^ I love it a lot. It's a game you really should buy. Heh, now I'm sounding like an advertiser. xDD;;;
Well, I hope everything's going fine for you guys!
Take care! ^_^
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I can't believe it!
Heh, sorry for not being here for the longest time but I'm here again to tell you guys that... I'm being homeschool! ^_^ Starting today, my mom's going to homeschool me and my little sister! I'm so happy~ I think it's great! And I'll have so much more time to do things and everything. Ah~ I can't beileve it!
And we got Tales of the Abyss! It really cool and probably the closet Tales game I've seen to ToS. It's AWESOME. I can't wait to play it some more. :3
Oh! And before I forget....

Thank you! ^_^~
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
I'm sorry for not being on much. MyO just really seems like a chore to me. But I'll stay on for you guys. ^^;;; Uh, anyway, just came to say everything's fine. :) Nothing to worry about, and I'm sorry for not being on or getting to your sites, schools killing all my time. @_@;;
Umm, I do try to check my backrooom once a day so if you wanna ask me something, or just wanna say hi, feel free to drop me a message! xD
Okies, well gotta go work!
Take care^_^x
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Now I'm worse off them before...
[Mood | sick]
[Song | Nothing]
Hey Minna..
I'm sick now so that doesn't help on top of all my homework but I don't have that much homework tonight!
Gah, I better go, I feel like I'm gonna pass out. @_@;;; Sorry for the short post!
Take care^_^;;;
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Geh, so much work.
[Mood | busy]
[Song | Nothing]
Aiiiii@_@;;; I'm really sorry I haven't been around but I'm piled up with bunches of homework EACH NIGHT. It's really not fair to have so much that I'm up til midnight, every night.
So my mom and I are going to talk with the teachers and such and lets hope that things get better okay? ^_^ I really hope they do.
Well, I better get to work on my papers! TT_TT
Take care~
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
[Mood: Tired ]
[Song: These Things I'll Never Say | Avril Lavigne]
Okay, so I changed my layout and now it's Roxas from Kingdom Hearts II! ^_^ (If you haven't played KH yet you gotta play! Now! XD) So I hope everything thing works okay! (But the icon isn't showing up as Roxas yet.. :/)
Ah, so for my homework, I got one page on my project done so I should be able to finish up the first draft by Sunday night and start on the final draft. Ehhhh, nothing much after that. XD
Well, taalk to you guys lter, okay? I'll try to get your sites durning the days but I dunno. :|
Well, anyway, take care! :D
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Friday, September 8, 2006
Hey Minna! You're all doing okay right?
Ehh, I really don't feel like.. being on the internet. ._.;; I guess I mean, updating on places or visiting places. I don't know why but I just don't really feel like I can do it. Err, but school's better now. (except for the two projects I have) So no worries there.... Well, I hope everyone will do fine in my absents! (If you want to talk to me, for A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G then just send me an e-mail and Kana_no_Hoshi[at] state your name in the subject.) Or send me a PM but please try doing the e-mail first. As I said you can e-mail me for anything, even just for a quick hi, okay? ^^ It won't bother me.
Well, I'm going now!
Take care when I'm gone(but not really gone. XD) ^_^x
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Friday, September 1, 2006
3 more days....
Until summer vacation... is over.
Eheh, hello minna san.
Well, I have three more days til summer's over so I probably wont be on here, or the computer, at all. I wanna enjoy my few more days of freedom. ;.; But, I'll probably be back once school starts. So just think of me going on vacation, okay? XD
Uhhh, well, I'm probably gonna play KH II all day, so I'll probably beat it today. =D
Ah! And I also finished Princess Tutu! :D I liked that anime but I wish the end was a bit different. >.<;;;
Well, that's all!
Take care^_^=

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
August's at an end.
And summer was just in bloom...
Hello Minna-san!
Sorry about my post the other day, I was kinda rushed. ^^;; But thank you for the comments! ^_^
Today's a really cloudy day. T_T I think I'll just spend my day playing KH II probably. *sigh* and school's starting on the 5th. Once I get into school I'll still try to update regualarly but my commenting will probably go down. T_T Or I might just not get to everyone's sites. But if only I few people update a day then I'll be fine. ^.^
Now, I have a request..^^;; Does anyone have any nice/calming piano music they would like to share with me? XD I only have two piano songs and I'd really like more. ^^
Well, that's about it!
Take care^_^~

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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Ah, wow...
Not much to say about today but I just wanted to post to say thank you for the 100 guestbook signings! ^^
And I'm sorry but I'll try to update more but it'll be a while before I get into the swing of commenting again. (and sorry for the very short post!)
Thank you! ^^=

Take care^_^;
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