Ah...i'm tired. I stayed up late again with my onee-san changing her layout. *yawn*
Ah! I changed my song!^^ It's Edo's song!^^ I hope you can hear it. I like it a lot!^^ Umm not much else to tell you!^^
Ah, well my Onee-san found Hagaren (the abreveation of Hagane no Renkinjutsushi -in english FullMetal Alchemist-) movie she woke me up really earily to see them... Ah but then again...I've only seen up to ep. 10. *sigh* Yes I know sad, but I have also see some epsoids around 23-27 on Adlut Swim. Ah...I feel sad....I probably now nothing....>_<
Well I don't have anything else to say so I should start checking your site!^^
*Yawn* I just woke up...I stayed up so late last night with my Onee-chan! She decided to look at gretting he on MyOtaku so we picked the catogry "For fun" thinking we could fond some funny one so we started. Some of them where funny...we kept on going. Ah......I got so tired I wanted to go to sleep but my sister wanted to keep on going (if she starts she not going to stop.) It kinda when on like this: Just 200 and something pages left to go....(1 and a half an hour later.) 100 and something pages left to go.....(1 hour later) 50 and something pages left to go... ha, we were so board we were up til midnight.
Well...That's about all I did... Oh yeah! Here a thing my sister is thinking of making! Copy this and paste it on you next post:
I am Kanau and I have an idea, but I need your help to make it work. I want to make buttons (about the size of the ones used for fanlistings) that tell other people that you are a minion of an anime character. ( I know it's strange but I also think that would be cool...) The button would have a picture of an anime character and then say: "I am a _______ minon." What do you think? If you like the idea, please private message me (my username is "kanarazu-kanau")- all you have to say in your message is, "I like the idea" - just something simple, it doesn't have to be a long answer, just tell me if you like the idea. Once I get enough responses, I'll start making them (with help), but it's up to you to make it happen. I need to know that I have support. So, if you like the idea (even just a little) private message me, please. And one last thing. If you like the idea please copy this message and put it on your next post. That way, more people will read it, and that means, more responses. Thank you for your help!^^
So please support her idea!^^
Oh yeah! Both my sisters have an myotaku accout! So if you could please vist Kanarazu-Kanau(I know some of you already did) and also visit SakuraYume. There both on my friends list. If you would go on and comment and stuff that would mean a lot to them (and thank you to the people who do.)
Ah well that's about it! I'm off to visit your sites!
Now I see...that your the one that lead me to this freedom
Another day, A new life My heart is much more storonger now...
I've missed you guys so so so much! *hugs everyone really tight*
Ahh..........I'm finally at peace at my new home!^^ I have my own room and I never have to worry about when HE (My supposed "father") gets home. I never will have that feeling of my stomache twisting arouong when HE comes in to the house. I know life will have it's ups and downs still but I will be able to handle them much more easiler. But most of all...I'm back here with you guys!*Hugs* You don't know how much I've missed you! *huggles* It might be cloudy with a little bit of sunny but it could be storming and that wouldn't get my hopes down
Eheheheh...Well, I hope you guys like my new layout!^^ I'll go visit your sites now!
I missed you! *hugs*
Now I realized that the light I saw this whole time was you
And now, with you helping me, I am able to step up and sit right next to you~
Hi! I'm on a library computer right now and I don't have that much time left but I'm just updating to tell you guys everything is okay!^^ We're still un-packing and we don't have a computer yet but I will have one soon!^^
So I hoping all of you are doing okay! I hope I can get to a computer again soon!^^
I'm not the worst and I'm not the best, I'm just me!
^^*hugs everyone* I'll miss you guys a bunch! But don't worry, I'll be back once we get a computer! *sigh* I'll miss you guys so much though!
Yesterday it was bright and sunny! Then I started to rain really hard out of nowhere but the rain stopped really quickly...kinda strange weather, huh?
^-^ I can wait till me move! Just one more day! I'll be working extra hard for you guys because the fast we get the place set up the fast I get to go to a computer! Heh...I'm excited. *hugs everyone again* You guys are my best friends.....As you can see I'm running out of things to say....Well when I'm gone I hope you guys had a wonderful June with bright and sunny and rainy weather! (It's beautiful when It's rains when it sunny!)
*hugs everyone one last hug* I’ll miss you! But remember...Take Care~
Today is my second to last day on Myotaku!>.< I can't beleve it! *sigh* I'm going to miss you guys so much for the time I'm gone!...
*sigh* Yesterday I had to print out a bunch of my stuff today before we move...*sigh* It's all coming so fast!
Hmm...nothing else to say...
*hugs everyone* I'll miss you guys!
I'll see you tomorrow!
_____________________________________________ But at the same time...Coping can be annoying...
Oh man am I going to be busy today! I have a bunch of stuff to save on the computer! Hmm...and I've got to clean out my room after that. I'm a bit tired but I'll make it okay.^^
Yesterday My sisters and I when to Barnes and Nobles!^^ I read one manga but nothing else. We went out side right before my mom came and it was wonderful weather! It was really cloudy but it was really warm!^^ There was a light breeze that wasn't to cold. It was wonderful!^_^
*yawn* hmm.....~_~ I really don't have that much more to say...sorry for updating some late but...I know...It is my site after all....
I'll be trying to visit you guys. Sorry if I can make it to all of your sites...Ah! On the 20th the moving van is comingand taking the furiture!^^(Well, basicly only the beds.) So....the 19th is my last day on MyOtaku for a while! I'll miss you guys so much! (But I'll be back as soon as I can get to a computer!)
_____________________________________________ ~Copying is the greatest form of flattery~
I'm sorry that I wasn't on in the last coulpe of days! We went to Montana again and I only found out after I finished posting! I'm so sorry!>_<
*sigh* And I'm sorry again! I think my older sister took the book with witch number are you to Montana and I think she left it there!>_< She's not home right now so I can't ask her if she did or not...>_< I'm so sorry! Well I can try to tell you about the number as most as I can!>_<
Dark anime kitty- You are a one. One's love to help people out and love being complmented after working. If someone asks them to do something they will but if they are not complmented afterward they might reble. (That's all that I remember. It's might not be exactlly as the book says.)
....>_< I feel horrible for not having the book with me! I'm sorry!
Well, That's about all...*sigh* just four more days counting today...I can't wait to move...Hmm...The carpet people messed up on mine and my onee-sama's carpet...-_- they didn't put any pad underneath the carpet and we don't have woood under the carpet...it's cement...-_-
My sisters, my mom and I all got cell phone when we were there. I got one (along with my little sis) because I'll be walking to school so if some thing happens I can call my mom......It's sounds like my little sister just broke some thing....The yo-yo string just feel off her finger and hit the wall...*sigh* I better get to visiting your guys sites...
Okay^^ I just woke up so I'm a bit tired....
Sorry if I confused some of you people on the number thing..(I think I did...>.>) Well, for those who don't understand just tell me the day you were born and the month. Okay, I'll start telling people what number they are.
PandaYoshi- You are a five. The five attitude is playful and fun. They need to go and look at this world. They can't wait to experience other parts of this planet. It's all about adventure and excitement. They love to flirt and they're usually the life of the party.
Shizuka- You are a four. The 4 attitude is a list keeper. They can be very quiet; you don't know what they're thinking. They're keeping track of all that's happening. You might find them surrounded by nature, or doing any form of repair, or constuction. The four Attitude teaches us all. They become a expert their skill and teach us how to do it.
RKluverX- You are also a four. The 4 attitude is a list keeper. They can be very quiet; you don't know what they're thinking. They're keeping track of all that's happening. You might find them surrounded by nature, or doing any form of repair, or constuction. The four Attitude teaches us all. They become a expert their skill and teach us how to do it.
Just to tell you minna-sama, I got these out of a book. I didn't make them up.
Oh yes! Yesterday my sister graduated!XD It was really long but still she graduated!^^
That's abou it! I'll try to get back on later today and check your guys sites! Oh! And 7 more day left before I move! But, when we move we wont have an computer rigth away so it might be 2 weeks or more before I can get on MyOtaku again!>_<
_____________________________________________ All I can say is thank you...for being there
I don't have that much to say to day...But I'll happy!XD (I don't know why though.)
Well, This post is going to be super short!
My mom has this cool book that tell you which number you are. You tell by your birth date and it's really amazing how close it get to your personality!(At least for me.) There are different type of number you can be.
So if you want me to find your Attitude Number just tell me the month and the day you were born. And then on my next post I'll tell you what number you are a long with a description of the number.
Did that make any sense? I hope it did. If it didn’t just tell me and I'll try to explain it better.
Well, that's all! Take Care Minna-san!
All I can say is thank you, I wish there was some thing I could do to show you how happy I am, but nothing can express my feelings of how happy I am. I wish there was something I could do to make it up to you but there is nothing I can do. All I can say is thank you.