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Saturday, June 11, 2005
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Thanks you guys. I guess I should change this one...hmm should I do an other FMA one? or have I don't to many...I was thinking of something summery...but what...Now I know to change it but to what???
I guess I'll just have to look around... If you guys have any suggestions please tell me.
I guess I'll get to work because After I get off I have to clean the house...and then I'm going to Barnes & Nobles!^^
Sorry this is so short! I'll try to visit the people that didn't update yet later!
Will you let me free? Will you make me happy? When I look into your eyes all I see is kindness,I want to be like you...I want to be free...Will you set me free? When I'm with you I feel wonderful, Is this what I feels to be free?

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Thursday, June 9, 2005
I don't know what to do....Okay my question for today is....Should I change my layout?
*sigh* I feel jumbled again...-_- I'm really happy but sadish at the same time!.....Well, I'll try to be more happy than sad.
I'm really happy because...I'm out of school!^^ I'm so happy! I got to get out a week eailer than I was suppose to!^^ So soon...I'll be free...
I figured it out.....I just want to relax!! But I can't, I have stuff to do and the feeling of the house I'm in isn't that good ethier... >_<" I hope I can relax soon!
Well, I have to get to work! I have to call my friends and see if they can come over tomorrow for a sleep over/goodbye thingy.
So eveyone please answer this: What should I change my layout to??? And if I should change my layout what should I change it to??
I just want to be free...even if it's just for a little while, I just want to be free, I've been thought so much pain I feel if I can handle anything...just let me be free.
I wish I could be free, as free as you...But still, if I can't be free I will still be by your side because it is you that comes first, not me...I'll be there...for or not...

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Well, I'm not as happy as I was yesterday...>.<....I surtian someone made my moving situation worst.............Okay, My father (who i really don't think of as a father[whitch is really sad) just turned off my mom's and my older sisters cell phone. So we don't have them any you know what he said to my mom?!?! He said, "Just to tell you I'm turning of the cell phones." and my mom said, "When?" and he said, "Tommorrow."
I was so angry after hearing that! I can't belivie anyone could do something so mean! My mom gave a bunch of people her cell phone number like the movers and the carpeters! I'm not happy anymore...
There's one thing I forgot to tell you about what I did in the past coulpe days. Well, when we were at Motana I bought voulmue 6 and 7 of Fruits Basket! But They're at my home (the house in Montana)....*sigh* I think I done for today...I'll try to get back on later and check your guys sites...sorry if I can't....Jaa ne...

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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
I'm at home...XP In the middle of math class my stomach started hurting really bad I felt like crying! But now it feels better becasue my mom gave me some medecine. but I'm really sleepy now....
Well, I'm not feeling depressed today!XD I visited everyone that updated today!^^ I'm so, so, so, HAPPY!!!!! Maybe visiting all your guys sits again made me feel a lot better!^^ Yeah Yeah Yeah! XD Sorry for my crazy-ness.XP
I'm just so happy!^^ I don't know why!
I'm making a new a layout for after I move!^^ I can't wait to move! I'll be so happy! Happy Happy!XD Sorry once again for the hyperness.^^"
Well, right now I'm listening to "Rewrite" XD It's a FMA begging theme I'm pretty sure.
Well, I have to go and get my new layout ready (witch might take a while) and then I have to save some stuff that I have on the computer so I wont lose it all before we move.
I'lll see you all later!^-^

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Monday, June 6, 2005
I'm sor sorry that I haven't been able to get to your guys sites lately!>.< I feel really bad for not being able to! And thanks for what you said on my last post. It really made me feel better.
I guess I'll try to tell you What happened in the past coulpe days:
I watched another epesiod of FMA. It was ep.6. It was really funny when Huges wife was about abou to have her baby and Ed, Al, and Nina started freaking out.XD
Friday and Satuday-
I went to Montana again to get some things ready for when we move. (just to tell you last time we went my mom broke her foot.>.< And now that made some things worse...)
I watched epesoid 7 of FMA. It's was really happy to begin with but at the end it was really sad. I wish all that stuff didn't happen to Nina....I cryed for a while after watching that...I was so sad...;_;
...So that's all that happened thought the time I was gone....I'm sorry but I can make it to your guys sites today...(once again>_<)
But, Now I'm here at this house that I don't even want to call home because I don't feel comfortable in it. Now...I'm not as happy as I was when I was at Montana....

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Thursday, June 2, 2005
*falls down* Finally...It's raining...
Here, I’m trying a box thingy that Faroe told me how to put you posts in. Thank you Faroe!
Okay, Well…>.<…I’m so sorry that I wasn’t able to come on yesterday and I didn’t visit your sites!!! So sorry…
Lately I’ve been not feeling the happiest…When I’m not super busy and when I have time just to think…I feel kinda depressed…I don’t know why though…*sigh* My onee-sama is probably going to read this post and get upset at me…It’s just some things are easier to say when your not in person…
I’m probably boring you guys, Sorry.
I changed my song and my avatar yesterday…In the little time I had on here-_-
Also, I'm going to Montana again on Friday and Saturday...I hope I can make it on here on sunday....
Hmm…Well, I don’t have anything more to say….I probably wont be going to your guys sites today…I think I need just have some quiet time…Sorry…I feel so bad just not going to your sites…Am I…a bad friend?

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Mood: Sleepy....
Listening to: Nothing
Wow. It's not sunny right now! I hope it'll start to rain! But knowing how sunny it's been it'll just get sunnyer...~_~
Well, I think I'll finnaly have time to visit your guys sites today!^^ (I guess I should post in the morning more offen.)
Oh! I forgot to tell you about my trip to Montana! Okay here I go:
When we were there we were able to get alot of stuff for our kitchen! We even have a rice cooker!^^
Oh yeah. On our way to our new house we stopped at this gift shop place and I saw these cool looking swords and eariler my older sister said she wanted some(but she was just joking) and so we got three. A black one, red one, and a gold one. She was so superized! I like to look at them. (Not use them)
Also, About my sister:
She said that he is coming back here on MyOtaku! XD So if you could, please visit her site! Her user name is: kanarazu-kanau So please stop by!
Well, it's almost time to go to school so I'll see you guys later!
Take Care~
Comments (8) |
Monday, May 30, 2005
Gomen nasai!
Mood: Tired and a little stressed..
Listening to: Nothing
>_< I feel so bad for always being going on weekends and not being able to visit your site!>.< I so sorry! I've been so busy!....
Well, I don't have that much time right now because I just got home from our trip to Montana. I have to help with some stuff...(at least I think I do) So I'll try my best to reply to your guys Private messages and check your site tommorrow........
*sigh* I'm so tried...And I still have to get something for my friend....Well, I'll try to get some of it done right now...
...It's still as sunny as's so hot right now...I wish it would just rain...
*sigh* Well, It's time to get to work! I'll do my best to get to your guys sites tomorrow!
Take Care~
Comments (7) |
Friday, May 27, 2005
Mood: Not really happy, clam or angry...
Listening to: Kodoku
Okay, well I guess the box thingy didn't turn out to well...I canged it. But I guess I'll just not try to use those things untill I know how they're actually suppose to work...~_~
^^ I'm really gald! I got 7 comment yesterday! That's probably not a lot for some people but *sigh* That's a lot for me.
Ummm, well I'm not going to be here this weekend. My mom, sisters, and I are going to Montana again. (With more boxes) Last time we were there we pick out mine and my onee-sama's carpets! (or did I already tell you that?~_~)
I've be feeling kinda funny lately...(I'm not sick or anything).......@_@ I've been feeling so confused...I don't know why though....
*sigh* I guess it's time for me to go to school. I'm so sorry that I've not gotten to oyur guys sites lately...I feel so bad...~_~
Okay everyone! Take Care when I'm gone!

I don't want to see...the sun any longer...I just want to be, in the moonlight
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