I think it messed up......
Mood: -Calm but somewhat confused
Listening to: Tobira no Mukou He(2nd FMA begging theme)
*paincs* Uh oh! I tryed going to your guys sites but it wont let me comment! I don't know what wrong with my computer! *sigh* The day I get the time to visit your sites I can't comment! (I've visited your sites though) I'm so so sorry!
I really...don't have anything to say...T_T I shouldn't be posting if I have nothing to say...
Well, It's pretty sunny where I am but it's really windy too...I wish it would rain really hard soon...
Umm...well...I found some really cool pictures of FullMetal Alchemist and Tales of Symphonia.
Okay I have two questions for you guys:
Who's your favorite character on Tales of Symphonia?
Who's your Favorite character on FullMetal Alchemist?
*smiles* I'm feeling happier now!^^ (I don't know why though...)
I hope why computer will stop acting up by tomorrow.
I'll see you guys tomorrow! I hope you have a really good Tuesday!^_^
Hey, Hey!
Umm...well I wantes to say...thank you! *hugs everyone* You guys always make me feel better!^^
Well, now I'll reply to some comments! (O.o I never do this..maybe it's because I have nothing else to say. XD)
Thanks^^ And I think so too, someday...well both be just fine. Thanks for caring so much.
*hugs back*
Nothing that you said offended me. I think he being somewhat selfish too.
Oh! Thanks for the Edo plushie *hugs Edo plushie*
^^ Thanks for listening. I know, no one sould waist a whole day by just being depessed.
lilsangofan, Joshualover and arsh2882-
*hugs* Thanks for being thee and listening. You guys really help me.
...That's about it...
I might get out of school a week eariler so we can go back and forth with boxes. (for moving)
...Wow this was short. I have a ton of homework so I can't go to everyone's sites. I'm so sorry!>_<
Arigato...but...there's somethimg else....
Thanks you guys what you said made me feel a lot better......I have something else to say, I told myself I'd be more open.
Well, you see lately I've been feeling pretty depressed, Not all of the time. ...ehh...you see the way I feel about my father...well, I feel sorry for him... I feel sorry that he had to miss out on so much...but at the same time I'm kinda upset at him...because my mom's trying to talk to him about all the divorce thing but he just wont answer...I don't know why but...umm...@_@...he does meaningless stuff just to make things worse...like not showing my mom the phone bill, and when she asks him a question he wont answer...so many times I've tried to think of how he feels but...If I was in a situation like this I'd try to make it as easy as possible for everyone, not make it worse...@_@...just got to hang in there, just got to...but what is there to hang on to?
*sigh* I'm really, really, mixed up...I...I...don't know...;_; I'm hanging in there but just bearly...but I don't know what to hang on to! I feel like 12 years of my life was just wasted! (not counting school and stuff.) I never felt comfortable on my own home! ...I don't even like calling it my home...because your suppose to be comfortable in your home...at least most of the time right?
Okay...I just got to take it one day at a time, Don't look back to the past, that already done..and do look at the future...I'm not there yet, I'll just live in the present.
...There’s something shizuka said once and I like this saying a lot...It make me feel better:
Tomorrow can worry about it's self
When I think this to myself it makes me feel better. Yep. Yep.
*sigh* Sorry, I ranted ...-_- I've never done that before...I guess I didn't want to worry you guys but... as shizuka said: I always tell you not to worry, but if I don't tell you what's bothering me, then you will worry!
Well, The reason that I wasn't here the last two days is because we went and took some more boxes to Montana. Sorry I didn't tell you before I went! ...ah, I got a cool pendent thingy!^^ It has pink and clear crystals on it.^_^
Well, That about all, I'm really sorry but I haven't been going to your guys site's lately, I'll try to go to them but I might not make it everyday...>_< Gomen nasai!
^^ I want all of you guys to have a wonderful day!
Oh! And...Thanks for listening to me, just having someone listen makes me feel a lot better.
Okay, I guess eveyone wants to know why I'm sad, I have nothing else to post so here it is:
Well my mom and father are getting divorced but the weird this is...I'm happy. You see, since I was little my father never was around that much because of work. But There was still enough time for him to be with my sisters and me. But never spent any time with us. My mom told him to try to spend more time with us but he never did. He was a complete stranger to my sisters and me. Finally I told him how I felt. He acted childish when I told him though...that made me upset... Out of frustration I yelled at him and ran up stairs...a minute later he came up yelling at me. He was yelling about how much money he spent on me. My mom said, "Money's not every thing!" But he said it was...The next day He was all happy a humming and stuff. That really scared me that anyone could smile after that. I was really afraid what was going on in his head.
Then we got into the divorce stuff, which I don’t know how to explain. But he tried and is still trying to make it as hard as possible for us to move. (And have at least some money to start out with.)
We get to move right after school ends. We're moving to Montana. I'm leaving all my friends but...I'm happy to not have to live with my father. It's all over with him and me. He had 12 years to be there. But he decided not to be there...
*sigh* that's about it.... I actually can't wait to move....
I really don't feel comfortable around my father so I only go on the computer when he's not home.
I'm so happy!^^ Guess what my mom and my onee-sama found at the store and bought for me? FullMetal Alchemist Figurens!^^ I got an Ed and Al!^^ (I'm letting my onee-sama have the Al because i think Al's her favorite) ^^ I'm really happy!^^
This post is going to be short because I have to get off soon. (sorry I can't visit your sites>_<)
And here's a poll:
I'll try to get back on the computer later this evening and change my layout to a new FMA!^^
I'm sorry you guys but I don't think I can make it to your sites today...I just feel so jumbled up...because...*sigh* oh never mind you guys wouldn't care that much anyway...Why?...Why does my life have to be like this...
*trys to smile* Never mind me.
I guess I'll quickly talk about FMA. I've watch the 1, 2, and 3 episodes so far. The thrid one is sad though...
Oh! I finally found the FMA midi I was looking for but it wont play on my site!;_;
About the poll: Wow, eveyone like Ed and Al!
I have a question for you guys:
Opps...If you want you wanted Tales of Symphonia just tell me in you post.