Kana no Hoshi
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Why am I doing this...?
I have a really funny feeling...I feel like...I'm being choked? Kinda like that. It's hard to swallow...
Never mind that...
Today I'm going to go to Barnes & Nobles! (a book store with a cafe in it.) I'm going to write on my story and read manga!^^ I wish I had enough money to buy so manga though...I change my profile too!(The thing to the left side) And when we get home we can watch anime!!!^^ I can't wait for FullMetal Alchemist!

Maybe...I'm the one choking myself...
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Thanks you guys!
*hugs everyone who commented yesterday while crying from happiness* Thanks you guys! You really helped me alot. I feel a lot better now!
I have not that much to say...but it friday and tomorrow is satuday! Then I can watch anime!
I wish...

~...I wish I could protect every one of you guys!..forever and ever...~

^^ that was longer than I expected!
Well, I see you all tommorow!
Take care!

~I will...protect every one of you guys!...forever!~
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
What did I do?
Today I feel the exact opposite of yesterday...depressed...I don't have much to say...I guess I'll change my layout again...
It's sunny out but it really windy and the wind is cold...
Nothing else to say...I hope you like my new layout...

Sometime I wonder...maybe I'm the one that making myself depressed...
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Thanks to you guys I'm all better!^^ I'm really happy and to day was a good day! Thanks you guys I think you really helped! Also the weather is great! It's warm and sunny and it really windy also! But I don't mind because I like the wind!^^
Tonight were going out to dinner at this restraunt called Sukiyaki inn that severs really good nihongo(japanese) food!^^ And I don't have that much homework! I only have to write 2 paraghaph for this project of mine! It'll be easy!
The week's going fast which is good because I can't wait for saturday!

Sorry that I can't visit your guys sites today but I'll be sure to tomorrow!
I hope all of you have a great day like I am!
Take care!
Jaa ne!
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I'm home earily again. I was doing just fine all the way through school untill gym....All of a sudden I go this really bad headache...
I don't think I can miss anymore school! I always am getting sick! No one else in my family is getting sick! Why just me? ~_~
I have to make it to school tomorrow...
heh...heh...Don't worry about me. I'll get better soon...(hopfully)
We were going to go on a trip on Friday but if I miss anymore school I don't think I can....;_;
A couple of days ago I finsihed re-reading the whole series CardCaptor Sakura. Now I'm re-reading Tokyo Mew Mew (I'm alread on the forth book). And finally after that I'll re-read Pita-Ten.
Okay...That's all!
Take care!

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Monday, April 25, 2005
not again!
I'm home again! I went to school took the tests were doing and went home at lunch. The reason I'm home? I hurt my back really bad...-_- I think it was from when I was riding my bike on saturday...And with my back hurting I have a headache! And...The worst part started hurting before I could make cookies...I better never mind the cookies because it looks like I'm not going to have the time to make them...*sigh*
Enought about my back hurting...I don't want to worry you guys...
I'm thinking about changing my layout again...I think I will after I'm done writing this post. I'm in a layout changiong mood.^^
That's about all...I'll put some pictures on here! Okay?

That's all minna!
Take care!^^
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
....I forgot....
I forgot to bake cookies yesterday! How could I forget again! *sigh* I have to make them today...
Last night
I watch some anime!XD
I watched FullMetal Alchemist and Inuyasha! ...And some other anime...That came on eariler.
Today I'm going to a friend's house untill 1:00 (I'm going there at 10:00)...¬_¬...
And when I come back...I have to bake cookies! (I will not forget this time.)
Since I have nothing else to say I'll put some pictures on here.

Okay people that's all I have!
Okies su? (^^ It's fun to act like Misha^^)
Take care minna-san!
Jaa ne!
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
The full story...
Okay, yesterday...
Yesterday was really long and tiring. I got out of school earily and had to go on a long drive to this high school. That was where my little sisters program "Math is Cool" was taking place. So I sit and sit and sit. I had some paper pencil and a book. That's all. I took place from about 3:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.
It was so long and the last half was pointless.(That's what my mom and sisters told me. They were in the gym watching the pointless half and I was outside reading. (it's suprising how light it can be at 7:30 at night.) I'm really amazed with the adults at the "Math is Cool" thing. They were able to handle all those kids. For over 5 hours.
And for the past three days(I think) I haven't been able to bake cookies.~_~But I will today. Because today is Saturday. I get to watch anime on saturdays!XD
I wanted to thank all of you guys...for being my friends.

~Take care minna-san!
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Sorry I couldn't post eariler! my little sister had to go to this program and it lasted till 8:20......-_-...
Sorry but I can't visit everyone's site today...sorry...
Anyway, tomorrow's Saturday!^^ I get to watch anime!^^ I can't wait!
...this was really short...I'll put some pictures on here and then I have to go.

Jaa ne!
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
New layout
I made a new layout!^^ Do you guys like it?, was boring once again...except I made a new layout,^^ and I only have 10 problems for homework!
I never got around to making cookies yesterday...¬_¬...I'll try to make some right after I get off the computer...
...everyday takes so long! It feels as if it will take forever to get to the weekend!...I can't wait for saturday!XD I get to watch anime and my Onee-sama and I might get to go to Barnes and Nobles and read manga!!XD
I was sunny eailer it was really sunny but now...the sky is all grey and it's depessing...
Question: (for people who know about Tales of Symphonia) Who is your favorite charater on ToS?
Question#2:(I've asked this one before...~_~) What anime are you liking alot right now?
That's all!
Jaa ne!
~I like all of you...just the way you are...~
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