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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
...she made one...
My liitle sister made a site. Her username is SakuraYume.'s really sunny and hot right now...(I really have nothing to say...¬_¬)
I never got around to baking cookies last night so I might try to do It today.
I can't wait for the weekend!XD but the days seem to go so, so, slow....
I'll put some more Symphonia qutoes on here...then some pictures...(I'm not the happiest right now...*sigh*...)
” Pow hammer!"
"Thy faithful servant asketh for thy blessing. Honor us with the splendor of
thy song. Holy song!"
"Oh Holy one, cast thy purifying light upon this corrupt soul. Light of
judgement, Judgement!"
"Holy wings, I beg of thee to reveal thy glory. Angel feathers!"
"Thy power floweth purely, ever unwavering. Accept my soul into thine embrace.
"Thy faithful servant asketh for thy blessing, honor us with the special...uh...whoops! I messed up, heh heh! ...Wha-?"
"This is gonna be cake."
"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!"
"You wanna tussle? Huh?"
"You guys stalking me or something?"
"Uh-oh, this might not be so good."
"You guys part of a gang or something?"
"Well, well, aren't WE a big boy?"
That's some pictures...

I'm thinking about making a new theme...(not right away but in a while.)What do you guys think?
Jaa ne!
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I have......nothing to say....
Today at school was, once again...schoolish...I have bearly any homework thought! ^^
It's really sunny outside which is really nice(I might go out there later).
Since there is nothing to say I'll put some random Symphonia(ToS/Tales of Symhonia) quotes on here! (and some pictures too^^
-to the people who comment, please tell me what kind of pictures to put on my next post...-)
-Notice I always will be using the charaters japanese names. (J=Japanese A=american)
___J___ ___A___
Collet is Colette
Genius is Genis
Refill is Raine
Shihna is Sheena
Refill: "What was that enemies' name?"
Collet: "I like Poochie."
Refill: "No dear, I meant the species."

“Come Get some! Air Blade!"
"Gentle winds gather before me and turn into waves of air. Cyclone!"
"Wanna charge? Thunder blade!"
"I call upon they in the land of the dead to unleash thou fury of thunder.
"Pancake time! Stalagmite!"
"Engulf this pathetic soul! Ground dasher!"
"Burn! Eruption!"
"Turn these evil souls to ashes. Explosion!"
"Drown! Aqua laser!"
"Drown! Spread!"
"Create a torrential vortex and engulf the evil spirits. Tidal wave! "
"Get him! Gravity well!"
"Cool off! Ice tornado!"
"May the merciless embrace of frost take thee. Absolute!"
"I call upon the power of the holy blades! Prism Sword!"
"Infinite Powers, grant me thy strength, Meteor Storm!"
"I'll show you your powerlessness... Indignation Judgement!" ~ Genius

...This post turend out to be longer that I thought^^
Jaa ne!
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Monday, April 18, 2005
This is going to be quick, okay?
I really don't have that much time right now...
This is what I did to day:
I went to school and after that I went to my friends house. We had alot of fun^^ The weather was great^^ We had iced tea and drank it outside. After a while we jumped on the trampoline (it was pretty fun but kinda scary..)
Also, we had cookies...X3 they were so yummy! (I might bake cookies sometime soon...)
...And that's all...pretty boring huh?
Anyway I post some pictures you guys told me too!

Okay it was only one....but that's because I don't have that much time...
Sorry but I can't visit your guys sites today...I'll try to visit some, but if I don't I'll visit them tomorrow.
That's all!
Wait! Also, I played ToS(Tales of Symphonia) today!!!XD I haven't played it in so long!!
*hands out cookies* Thanks for reading minna-san!
Jaa ne!
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
Yesterday, I stayed up really late and watched anime...(I watched Fullmetal Alchamist and InuYasha again.) And now...I'm really tried...
Don't worry I'll be more awake in a little bit...
So...Yesterday I went to Barnes and Nobles(a book store that you can get coffee and other food at.) and had Coffee and read books #2 and 3 of D.N.Angel.(I wish I had money to buy them...)
Okay, somebody tell me what kind of pictures to put on here or else I'll be stuck on Tales of Symphonia forever! (it's not like I don't like it or something I just need a change...)
Well I'll see you guys later! (I might not be able to check out your guys sites later today, Gomen nasai....)
(We got Pocky yesterday! ^^)
*hands out pocky to everyone*
Jaa ne!^^

~When I'm with you guys...I feel at home...~
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Mitos: "My sister means everything to me. I won't let anyone stand in my way.
I'll revert this world back into nothingness."
Lloyd: "You'd betray the world just for your sister?!"
Mitos: "No one understands how I feel."
Lloyd: "You're the one who doesn't understand!"
~ a Quote form Mitos and Lloyd at the end of Tales of Symphonia

~The Collet version
Mitos: "My sister means everything to me...I won't let anyone stand in my way.
I'll revert this world back into nothingness."
Collet: "Mitos! Stop making your sister suffer!"
Lloyd: "That's right! You know the truth, Mitos!"
Mitos: "None of you understand how I feel..."
Collet: "No! That's not true!"

"I want a world...just for my sister and me..."

That's all I could think of today...Some quotes from Mitos.
That's all.
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Friday, April 15, 2005
.....maybe I should...
I was thinking, Maybe I shouold update in the mornings...I don't know...
Today at school was...schoolish...
I have nothing else to say...(Why do my posts always have to be so short?)Sorry...
Does anyone have any Ideas of why anime pictures I should put on here??? Just tell me and I'll try to find that series...
Here are some random Tales of Symphonia pictures.
That's all!
Jaa ne!
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
I'm no longer sick! Yeah!!!!
Today at school was okay. I saw my friends. (I have two friends.) They were really happy to see me.
I just got done checking everyone's sites! and...That's all...
! I'm going to put some pictures of cats on here! I love kitties^^

This looks like my other cat named Sanzo^^

That's all! Jaa ne! ^.^
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Here I am at home again...being sick...I have nothing to do...Now my cat wants atention...(when she's lonely she grabs a little red bear in her mouth and starts meowing...) cats name is Chika...She's really cute.
I'm going to put some more Tales of Symphonia pictures on here. I anyone has any more suggestion of what series I should put on here just tell me. I'll find the pictures some how...
I'm adding more quizzes to my quiz section! Well here's some pictures!
-Refill and Genius
-Kratos and Lloyd
-Presea and Shihna
Sorry my posts are so small and....not interesting! >_< I hope some thing interseting will happen soon! (probably not because I'm not an interseting person..)
Jaa ne!...
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I'm here at home and I'm...sick! In March, I was sick for two weeks! And now I'm sick again...
Umm........Thanks to the people that commented yesterday! Now I need to find what pictures to put on here....(any suggestion?)
I have nothing to talk about because nothing happen to day...I have no anime to talk about ethier...
I'll go look for pictures and take some quizzes to put in my quiz section...I'll be back on here later today so I might update.
Jaa ne! (for now!)
I got some pictures! Thanks Shizuka! They are all from tales of Symphonia!

-Martel and Mitos
Jaa ne!
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Monday, April 11, 2005
I'm really sorry that I didn't visit your guys sites yesterday! I really didn't have the time!
Nothing really happened today...I had to go back to school...and I get out of school about 3:00 p.m. (Pacific time)
I have a question for you guys...(it's kinda weird) What series are you likeing the most right now?
Well I'll go visit your guys sites right now!
Jaa ne!
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