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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Forgot to tell you!
Just to tell everyone today is the last day of my spring break! Starting tomorrow I will have to go back to school! That means I wont be able to come on as earily as I am right now! (I'll come on in the afternoon.)
Jaa ne!
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...Nothing really...
I basicly did nothing yesterday...
Toward the night my sisters and I did kareoke! It was pretty fun to hear each other sing! (We sang anime songs!) Once It got later we turned on the T.V. and whach some random anime that was on. After that we watch FullMetal Alchemist, and then InuYasha...Then...we all fell right to sleep...
That was my day yester day pretty boaring huh?
Well I put some ramdom pictures on here.. (If anyone has any ideas of what pictres I should put next please tell me.)
Shihna from Tales of Symphonia
Daisuke and Dark from D.N.Angel
Yen and Jin from Lagoon Engine
Jaa ne!
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
I'm Back!
I'm back from my trip in Montana! It was really fun! We went and saw the house we will be living in! (well, we saw the down stairs which my onee-sama and I will be living in.) We went to go get icecream but the shop was closed! So we got chiken instead...(I really wanted that icecream...) Oh yeah! We went to the book store and bought some manga! I would of bought D.N.Angel but they had books 2, 5 and 6... Ah! We also got these cool CLAMP (manga-ka/author) box things! In the boxes there is 3 chess pieces! (You collecet all the boxes to get a full set.) Also it comes with a cool bookelt!
On the wal home we saw this beautiful sunset!
Well I really have nothing more to say so I'll put some D.N.Angel pictures on here! Enjoy!

Well that's all!
Jaa ne!
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Gone for awhile!
Just to tell eveyone I'm going to be gone tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! I'm going on a short trip to Montana! (I'm going to move there after school ends!) So I'll tell you what happened today. Okay my little sister was playing The legend of Zelda, four swords adventure and my older sister (the one with the site.) was watching. This is how the converstion went:
Older sister: Get those force gems!
Younger sister: Horse gems!?!
Older sister: I said force gems! Not horse gems! You're a horse!
heh...heh... my sisters are a little weird...but I still love them!
Well today wasn't that good. I kept hurting myslef! And it wasn't that good on myotaku ethier!
Later in the evening I was out side with my sisters and my mom. I was really nice out! There was a bunch of buds and even some flowers! And then my onee-sama said there was a bug by me! (I'm deatly afraid of bugs and dogs. I'm a fraid of bugs because when I was little a HUGE bug got on me and a HUGE dog bit me! I didn't do anything to it!) So I freaked out and when my mom came over to kill it she found out it was only a piece of moss! I stayed out there a little longer. I couldn't believe it was spring already!
Anyway, I'll see you guys in two days! Jaa ne!
~forgive yesterday, enjoy now, love tomorrow~

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Today's not to good...
Today I woke up with a stuffy nose! I better not be getting sick again! I was sick for TWO weeks in March! Uh-Oh... NOW A ACIDENTLY DELETED LAST DAY'S POST!! Great...just great... Mabye I should get of and not come back on for today...*sigh* Well there's nothing I can do now... I guess I can tell you how much I liked D.N.Angel...
I liked D.N.Angel alot! I might of bought it if I had money...
Hee...hee... I canged my onee-sama's (older sister) avatar! she'll know who did it! Ahahaha...
I hope tomarrow is a better day...I'm really sorry that I deleted yestrdays post...
I said something like this,
"This morning I tryed some viniger and It was sooo bitter! Now I feel stupid for trying some... I feel kinda lonely...I really don't know how to make that many friends...I'm in the libray right now And helping my onee-sama make a site...After that I'm going to the book store and I'm going to read D.N.Angel."
That's all I can remember from yesterdays post...*sigh*I need to be more carful from now on...On my way to the computer fell down...I'm sooo culmsy...(like Collet from Tales of Symphonia.)
I guess I'll leave now before anything else bad happens today...and I'm sorry to those people that commeted on yesterdays post...sorry...
Jaa ne!....
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Monday, April 4, 2005
I made the site but now what?
Monday, April 4, 2005
Yes! I have no school today becase it's spring break! Anyway I finally found how to make a backroud color but nothing else. If anyone knows how to put pictures on this please tell me about that too. It's early in the mornig so I have nothing to say about to day. I might come back later and talk (well it's actully typing) about anime.
Well I'm back again! BUt nothing really happened... I when on the internet and found some really cool Lagoon Engine pictures! If anyone here knows about Lagoon Engine tell me!
Sorry I'm not that intreseting... Sorry... Well I'll try to write tomarrow. (Maybe something intersenting will happen tomarrow.) Well, bye!
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