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Saturday, March 25, 2006
I don't wanna be sick!
I'm getting sicker and sicker! Ah, it's not fun at all....
I'm planning on taking a nap and when I wake up write some^_^ I think today will be a good writing day. (And Shizuka-chan? Did you get my PM?)
The new kittens are getting used to their new home quickly! I'm really happy^^ Once they get really setteled(in about a week) I'll take pictures^_^
Take care^_^=
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Friday, March 24, 2006
It seems like it's been forever! I haven't been on. I've been really busy and exsaued. Now I'm sick with a sore throat^_<;; I feel really bad for not being her the past two weeks.
Has anyone had there Spring Break yet? Or is there Spring Break starting? I hope every had and haves a good break. ^^
I've done no writing at all but I'll do some on break! Help remind me! ^_<;;;
I'm going to have to do cleaning and writing on this break but I'll still be on here!
And we got kittens today!! Two new kittens!! They're so cute! I'll give everyone pictues once they get setteled down in their new home.
I'll be on tomorrow okay? Sorry for being gone so long!
Take care^_^=
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
I'm sorry, very sorry...
I can't get to you're sites today. I have to go somewhere. I feel bad for missing them again because I have for the last couple of days^_<;;
And I haven't been writing either. Ah...I feel like I really can't do much..I will try to just relax for this weekend and maybe by spring break I can get something done. It has gotten much warmer lately^^
Well, Before I go I'll leave a song. ^_^
There were times when I didn't belive you where there.
How I wish, Oh~ wish I did..
You were right there the whole time.
There were times when I wish I knew you could speak
How I wish, Oh~ wish, I knew
You tried so hard to speak those words of comfort I once heard.
I wonder, wonder how many nights you tried to cry
For me~ For yourself~ For the world.
I wonder, wonder how many times you looked to the stars.
Prayed for me~ For yourself~ For the world.
I know times are hard.
Time goes on..things go by~
Feelings blow like the wind, smile appear and fade.
Please..don't fly away!
As I wait, watching the moon.
I see you...again..
Never to leave, please~
My angel~
Take care^_^~

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
As time goes on
New light shines
I feel really bad for the really long time I was gone. The last couple of days have been kinda weird..I really don't know why though^_<;
I just wanted to say that I am very sorry.
So, ah, nothing else has happened. It was sunny a while ago but now it's gotten all cloudy. I hope it will at least rain..I feel like I've been more thoughtful than not, lately...^^;
I think after some singing might make me feel better.
I'll try to visit your sites right now and I'll finish when I get home from all city choir!
Also, Happy White Day! =^_^=
Take care^_^~

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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Just a quick song I wanted to share with everyone. I haven't done any in a while so..^_^
But before I share that I wanted to thank everyone for the comments!^^ And the guestbook signings too!
I changed my layout. I might be playing around with it. I don't know^_<;; But most likely this will be my layout until April.
Now here's my song~
I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see.
I kept on running, blindly.
Something in my heart told me I could see~
When I saw what I was running from I started to fall...
Please save me~
Oh my angel, save me!
My heart was broken, my trust gone.
You pulled my back up. Please don't say that's a lie.
Come back! Please save me!
I always leaned on you. Not walking on my~ own to feet.
The was tough, I was hurt.
I just couldn't pull enough strengh.
You told me, gather my strengh.
If I belived, I could be as strong as anyone else.
Now when I'm in dispaear.
Where are you?
I thought you said you'd always be here!
Please save me~
Oh my angel, save me!
My heart was broken, my trust gone.
You pulled my back up. Please don't say that's a lie.
Come back! Please save me!
Please save me...
Just a little pull is what I need to be on my feet again.
Little angel.....
Save me~
Take care^_^

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Monday, March 6, 2006
Thank you!!
Hello Minna-san! I will be able to write this weekend because I have Thursday and Friday off. Tomorrow in choir we will get the ribbons on how well we did. I hope I did good. X3
Yesterday, I went to the mall with my Nee-san and got HagaRen peppermints and energy drinks! (Thanks to Kawaii Presea^^) I also got the 3rd Kamichama Karin! X3 I love that manga!
And thank you to everyone that has signed my guestbook!

Take care^_^=
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
It's snowing^.^
Almost all of the ground is covered now. The weather sure can be a bit strange here^_^;
Ah, I don't have much time because I have a bunch of homework but I'm just came to say hi^_^
I still want to change my layout but I have no time...*sigh* I can always try later. v.v=;
Yesterday, I sung my solo in front of a judge and in front of the girls in my choir class. We went to a church I sing. I though it sounded cool^^ At first I was nervous but after I started I wasn't^_^
I'm going to write today no matter what~ I'm determined now. XD
Take care^_^=
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
I'm doing a quick update right now because I'm doing homework!^^;;
Ah, tomorrow's solo day in choir! I'm kinda nervous but my teacher said that I'm really good at singing and I'll do fine =^_^= I have a lot of make-up work but good thing tomorrow's the weekend!>_< I have some regualar school work, a project and a test to study for... I hope I can get it all done!
I want to make a new layout! I love this one so much but I want a new one for March. Ah, Shizuka-san could you help me make a wallpaper again? I'm good at avatars but...^_<;
I can't visit your sites right now but I will later tonight!! Gomen! v.v;
I have to go now!
Please take care^_^
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
I'm feeling better!
My stomach still hurts a little but I'm feeling better! I'll be able to go to school tomorrow!
I've been having a lot of fun making avatars lately^_^ I don't have anything special so I'm using the free program called 'GIMP'. It's works good though^^
Tales of Legendia is fun^.^ Not as fun a ToS but it's still good. I'm on chapter four or something now. Does anyone else have it?
Well, Take care^_^

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Monday, February 27, 2006
Life~ Life is such a wonderful, beautiful thing. It's amazing along with the love that binds it~
I really, really apreciate that I am alive, with my family and my friends. Everyone and thing that I love. When I think about it, it makes going to school and doing those everyday things we complaine about, easy.
Ah, the reason I'm saying cat Sanzo....We let him outside and he didn't come back. For a long time, hours. I prayed and prayed he would come back safely and he did. Ah~ That feel made me feel like I could do anything. Anything at all.
*gives everyone a big tight hug* I love all of you guys and thank you for being there and being alive.
I'm sorry this is so late.
Take care ~^_^~
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