Kana no Hoshi
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
I- It's cold^_^;
Good moring everyone!
I was home from school yesterday because I over worked myself and I got a headache. I was so tired I slept in really late.
But I'm better now! I just need to work a bit on my project and then I'm good!
I still haven't writen on Michi. I feel kinda bad about that^_<; I might write on it later today if I don't get distracted^^;;
My little sister got a new game^_^ It's Tales of Legendia! I watched her play last night and it looks fun so I might play today.
Ah, well, not much else to say. I'm going to try to get back to visiting your sites again!
Take care^_^=
Edit: I'm in the mood to change my layout since it's almost March. Anyone have any ideas?
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
I've missed you!
Sorry for the lateish update but I'm try to update more often. Soon I won't have as much homework so I'll be able to comment on your sites!
Here's how my week went: Tuseday I stayed at school til 6 practicing for the talent show, and then had to go to all city choir and get home at 8 with still some homework to do. Yesterday I had the practice for the talent show durning show, do the show for the whole school then go home and at 6 do a show for the parents till 9 then go to dinner and get home a 9:30 and go to sleep at 11: 30. I'm so tired!@_@ And I still have a project due March that I haven't even worked on yet! So, that's why I can get on often^_<'
Also, in the talent show one of the microphones didn't work!>_<
I'm sorry if there are a lot of maistakes! I'm in a hurry! I really miss you guys though!
I've got to go now!
Please take care when I'm gone^_^
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Gomen nasai!!
I feel really bad! I'm very sorry minna-san! I haven't been visiting your sites or updating! I'm really sorry that I haven't even been on here for the past coulpe of days!
I've been just being lazy I guess....I only went to Barnes and Nobles and that's all I did this weekend....I should really enjoy myself sence I don't have school today but....I don't know....It's kinda cloud that doesn't help much.
Well, Take care^_<;

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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Hello Minna-san!!^^
I'm in a pretty good mood today! And thank you for the comments!
It's getting really cold...And the wind is blowing really hard and the tempature is getting into the one digits. So I think we'll get snow soon^^
Ah, I'm really sorry that I didn't get to your sites yesterday^_<; I couldn't even log into MyO and when I could log in the comments weren't working. But I think they're working today^^
I went out grocery shoping with my Mama today and I got to stop into Waldenbooks and get the 2nd Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, 8th Reservoir Chronicle Tsubasa and a Furuba journal^.^ I think I need some good manga to read.
I don't have much homework tonight so I'll try to write some on Michi and then...I'll come back and see if anyone updated^_^
Have a good day!
Take care^_^=
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Day Minna-san! XD
Happy Valnetiens day!
I hope everyone has a good day! Even if they don't like this holiday^^
Ah, I can't visit your sites right now but I will when I get home from all city choir! I'm feeling better from yesterday^^. And thank you for the comments^_^
Well, here's a small card before I go^_^= I know a probably messed up but it's the though that counts, right?^^;

Take care^_^~
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Hello everyone.
It's been a while sence I updated last, huh? Or maybe it just seems that way for me^_^;
I'm kinda stressed. A lot of things are going on and I have homework in almost every subject and it's all do tomorrow! I feel like I can't handle it! >_< I'm sure I'll do fine after a break though.
Aa, I havn't worked on my all yet but I will when I have a break! Not today because of work or tomorrow becuase of all city choir^^;;
Ah! That's right! It snowed today^^ None of it sticked though, but it's suppose to get cloder and snow more! It really has seemed like spring for a while but winter's coming back^_^
Take care~

It feels horrible when someone you love is hurt and there's nothing you can do.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Gomen nasai>_
I'm sorry for being in a bad mood yesterday minna-san. I'm better now though.
I made cookies yesterday though! That made me feel better. And they were really good too^.^
Eh, it all cloudy today. I wish the sun would come out. But that's okay, it looks like it might rain^^;
Well, I have homework so I better go and work on that!
Take care^_^;
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
Kinda stressed..
Hello minna-san^^;
I was kinda stressed a little while ago about all my make-up work and the test I have on Monday. I think I'm a bit better now though.
Ah, thank you for the comments!
I haven't started on my 3rd chapter of Michi yet, but I will later today after I feel better from being stressed.
Ah, and I'm really not that sick anymore. I'm not feeling my very best, I'm kinda weak still, but I'm better^^
Well, I'm going now!
Take care^^=
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Ah, yesterday night I rewatched the end of HagaRen. I cried and cried really hard. I always end up doing that;^^;
And then the HagaRen movie came in the mail that day, so we watched it as soon as I finsihed watching the end of HagaRen. The moive was good, but sad. It had subtitles eventhough it came strait from Japan.
I'm still sick>_^; I'm going to try to write more on my story. But most of the time I was sick I just layed in bed and played Harvest Moon: More friends of Mineral Town or read manga. Also two days ago, my Mama bought me a small cake to eat^^
Ah! It's snowing right now. It's only snowing lighty but it's snowing!^_^ I hope everyone gets some snow too! There hasn't been much snow so it's a pretty odd winter, eh?
Well, I better go now and do some of my make-up work. It's not the much though just a coulpe pages of notes, reading and working on a poster^^;
Take care;^^;

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Thursday, February 2, 2006
I really don't want to be up right now>_^;
Ohaiyo Minna-san?
Ahhh, I'm sick again. And I had to stay home from school hopefully I'll be able to make it tomorrow though. Being sick is no fun^^;;
I really don't have much to say other than that. Thank you for the comments but I'm really sorry. I probably won't be able to make it to your sites since I should stay in bed, laying down^^;; I'll get to them tomorrow though. Becuase I'm going to be better! Right?^^
Ehehe, Take care^_^=
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